Witty Profiles

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  1. elysey elysey
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 12:03pm UTC
    Just A Kiss
    Chapter 11, Part 1& 2
    Victoria's P.O.V.
    After Ash was taken home a few hours later, I went back to Hunters house. His head peered out from behind his staircase. He looked at me, hurt, and came to open the door.
    "I know how you kissed some guy, were you even going to tell me, did you even like me?"
    "I was about to tell you but Ash was in the hospital and it was nothing, I don't like the guy and we are never going to see each other again! It was just a kiss, no feelings, nothing."
    "Goodbye," Hunter said and slammed the door, my heart shattered.
    I kept texting Hunter that I was sorry, I tried calling him, he never answered.
    Sophie's P.O.V.
    My bed was hot, I was twisting and squirming, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't help but feel guilty about telling Hunter. Victoria didn't know I loved him. It wasn't her fault. I got up, deciding to go to her house. I needed to talk to her, she needed to forgive me. Victoria's P.O.V.
    Late at night I heard my doorbell ring. I hoped it was Hunter, my expectations were high, but it wasn't. It was Sophie.
    "Victoria I'm so sorry. I... I loved Hunter and I should've told you but when you started going out... I don't know I just got angry."
    "We were best friends, and you should've told me, you shouldn't of told Hunter."
    "I'm sorry," she whispered out, looking at her toes.
    "It doesn't matter, you can't take back what you did, it's not my fault he didn't like you more than a friend. Don't blame me. Oh and I just want you to know, we are never going to be more than friends again, ever."
    Sophie's P.O.V.
    I couldn't lose my best friend. I was ignoring her and I didn't want to be friends with her but that was anger, that wasn't me. I had to make things right between her and Hunter, I couldn't live with the guilt. I broke up my best friend with the guy we both loved.
    part 2
    Hunter's P.O.V.
    It hurt me to push her away, I still loved her. I picked up a book and through it at the ground, "I'm such an idiot," I yelled at myself.
    "Ding, ding, ding," I got a text, it was from Sophie.
    "I shouldn't of told you what I did... I'm sorry," she said.
    I ignored it but she texted me again saying, "I loved you, I thought I wouldn't be as hurt if you weren't with her anymore. But I am... please go back to her. I was there when she kissed him, it was a stupid mistake."
    "You love me?" I replied.
    "I did, past tense, lovED," she replied lying.
    "I'm not forgiving Victoria," I said, she broke my heart, if she wanted me, she wouldn't have cheated. I didn't bother to look at what she replied. I couldn't.
    AUTHORS NOTE: Ahhh only one more chapter!! It will be up later today :)) I will post my next story, Dream Catcher, on July 5! Comment if you would like to be notified for that story and the summary is on my website butterflyescape.weebly.com. Thank you for the amazing feedback!!
    format credit: wordsoirl

  2. TellitTotheFrogs* TellitTotheFrogs*
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 12:00am UTC
    Chapter 16
    If you had seen the look on the entire school's face. It was priceless.
    Obviously, everyone had expected Wilson to hook up with some bimbo, instead of a loner like myself.
    I could feel my cheeks heat with embarassment. Wilson must have seen, and he gave my hand a squeeze. I looked up at him and he gave a reassuring smile.
    He dropped my hand when we approached our lockers. We both shuffled through them silent, and very awkward.
    I could feel eyes boring into us. I didn't like people staring.
    Wilson finished before me and watched as I carefully prepared myself for school. He was to zoned into what I was doing, he didn't even notice everyone staring.
    I looked up at him. Giving him a nervous glance.
    "What?" He asked, as if nothing was wrong.
    Really? He didn't notice. Then I spoke "Everyone is staring."
    "Why wouldn't they?" He spoke sweetly "Your beautiful."
    I blushed, feeling butterflies swarming throughout my belly. Why did he have to be so darn sweet?
    "I have to go." He muttered, planting a soft kiss on the top of my head.
    I gave a half harted smile as he passed through a crowd of people gawking at him kissing me.
    My gaze shot to the floor when I saw all who stared.
    I made my way through the crowd to home room. Suddenly I crashed into someone. All of my supplies falling to the floor.
    Immiediatly, I dropped to the floor to pick up my things.
    I kept muttering "I'm sorry." as the bell rang.
    Then I looked up to see who it was. It was duisguisting, nassal voiced, Nevel. His eyes were filled with dissapointment, and yet, a smile crept upon his face.
    "What do you think your doing?" His teeth were clenched.
    What do I say? "I'm think I'm picking up my stuff." Sarcasim sprinkled in my tone.
    "Very funny." He stomped down on my hand.
    I let out a yelp, but no one could help, everyone was in class.
    He crouched down to my level. Grasped my chin so I would face him, rather than my crippled hand I now craddled. He spoke through gritted teeth "Your in big trouble now. And don't think your getting to see him again without doing me some...Favors."
    I cringed at the word favors. I knew exactly what he ment when he said that.
    He hadn't let go of my chin "Got it!" His nasal voice spoke.
    I nodded, pain filling my chest. Tears welding my eyes. A cry yearning to break through my stiffled breathing.
    "Good girl." He spoke as if I were a dog.
    Then he back handed me as hard as he could. Sending me flailing a good six feet away.
    A scream escaped my chest as I watched him walk away.
    Because I gave in, they were turning violent.

  3. LandonIsWitty LandonIsWitty
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 12:53am UTC
    First World Problems #4
    I'm kind of hungry, but my mom has guests over, and if i leave my room i'll have to introduce myself.
    20+ for me to continue (:

  4. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2012 10:36pm UTC
    imagine if we're all still on witty in 70 years...
    "just got another new cat..... YOLO."
    "bought adele's new album, 91 today..."
    "can i please have 84 faves for my 84th birthday? (:"

  5. elysey elysey
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 11:33am UTC
    Just A Kiss
    Chapter 8, Part 1& 2
    Victoria's P.O.V.
    I got up lazily at around 11. Our lunch lunch was at 12 and it was 15 minutes away so I had to get ready. I pulled on the ugliest thing I brought, which of course wasn't ugly at all, but somehow, I had to get Michael uninterested in me, it would be much easier that way.
    "I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be there in a minute," I told my family as we headed into the restaurant. When I got back to the table, all the seats were taken except the one next to Michael. He looked up at me, smiled, and told me to sit. I kept a straight face showing no emotion at all.
    I felt my phone vibrate and I looked down. "Sure thing, girly," Ash said. I texted her in the bathroom to find out why Sophie hated me.
    Sophie's P.O.V.
    "Hey girl!!" I picked up my phone and saw a text from Ashley. I hadn't talked to her in forever.
    "Hey Ashley!"
    "Sooo do you have a boyfriend yet?" I wondered why Ash would text me something like that, but whatever, I thought, "No, my crush is taken by a backstabbing b//tch." "Awww! Who is he?" Ash texted back.
    "Hunter," I typed in slowly, "I love him"
    part 2
    Victoria's P.O.V.
    I got through lunch with saying a maximum of 10 words. My parents must have hated me because right then and there they decided how great it would be to talk a walk on the beach.
    Everybody was talking, apparently we had all become amazing friends, except for me.
    Michael slowed down until he was next to me. I was walking behind everybody else.
    "Could you please tell me what's wrong," he said to me and grabbed my hand. I pulled it away ferociously, "Stop! I have a boyfriend, I love him, don't touch me again. The kiss was a mistake, I already told you."
    "I didn't know you had a boyfriend... I'm sorry," he said and I felt a little guilt inside my heart, I was being to mean and he didn't know, he was trying to find answers.
    "It's fine... sorry I yelled at you and everything, it's just my best friend, well she was my best friend, is going to tell him. I can't lose him." I opened up to him.
    "I'm really sorry," he said.
    "Whatever, forget about it," I mumbled, tears swelling up in my eyes.
    "Sophie. Loves. Hunter." I read to myself as I looked down at my phone. My eyes widened and Michael noticed. He stared at me confusedly as I slowed to a stop. "She loves him," I said staring off into the distance. That was why she hated me.
    AUTHORS NOTE: Thanks for reading, I hope you liked this chapter! Feedback?? :)) And sorry the chapters are so short!
    format credit: wordsofagirl

  6. summerl0vinn summerl0vinn
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2012 7:46pm UTC
    One Of The Guys
    Chapter 19.
    We pulled up to a mid-sized suburban Spanish-looking house.
    “Welcome to mi casa,” he said in a fake Spanish accent.
    “But… Marcozzi is Italian, not Spanish…” I said smiling.
    “Just go with it.” He got out of the car and ran over to open my door.
    “Ma lady,” he said, pointing to the door.
    "Why thank you," I said smiling.
    I walked into his house, which was open and spacious inside.
    I saw a 40-something-year-old woman sitting at the kitchen table.
    She had mid-length hair that was so dark it looked jet black.
    She was tan, just like Nate, and had the same eyes as he did.
    She clicked away on her Blackberry Bold and didn't look up once.
    "Mom?" He screamed, not seeing her in the kitchen.
    "Oh, you're right here," he said stopping in his tracks.
    "Oh, hi honey." She didn't look up from her phone still.
    "This is Hali Goodman, the girl I was telling you about." He said putting his arm around me.
    She looked up briefly at me, and then a smile grew on her face.
    "Hali! I've heard so much about you! My name is Sadie." Her face lit up and she stood up to give me a hug.
    "I like her, Nathan, good job," she nodded in approval before sitting back down.
    He winked at me and took me upstairs.
    "She's so nice!" I said when he shut his bedroom door.
    "She's not always like that, she must really like you. I didn't even think she could look in any other direction than her Blackberry."
    I smiled in satisfaction that his mother approved of me.
    We talked for a while and he gave me a tour of his house.
    He drove me home but before I left, I thought of a great idea.
    "I have someone I want you to meet, too." I said.
    "Tomorrow? We don't have soccer so that would work." He said.
    "Okay, come to my house at 11, deal?"
    "Okay. Who is it you want me to meet?"
    "It's a surprise," I winked and got out of the car for the night.
    *another chapter tonight if this reaches 25-30+ faves (:
    *oh, and i've gained like, 90+some followers from this story, you're all amazing, and i love my 200+ followers sososo much. xoxoo
    *i'm sorry, but i am no longer notifying. there is a follow button for a reason. sorry to be a b*tch, but i don't have the time to notify, i'm getting ready for a month long trip, again, sorry.

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  8. JustWaiting JustWaiting
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 6:12pm UTC
    Hey, Arnold! Do you remember 90's tv shows? They're Kim Possible to forget. Let's take The Magic School Bus to Dexter's Laboratory and listen to All That stuff As Told By Ginger while sitting on The Big Comfy Couch. Then we can take a Recess and tell Dragon Tales while Arthur and Madeline put the Rugrats to sleep. Ed, Edd, 'n' Eddy are Rolie Polie (Olie) while sleeping, but Courage the Cowardly Dog can watch them. Then we can take a walk in Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. However, we might get Goosebumps because there are a lot of Little Bears. Luckily, we can always count on Clarissa to Explain It All, and The Power Puff Girls to save the day.

  9. summerl0vinn summerl0vinn
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2012 2:13pm UTC
    One Of The Guys
    Chapter 17.
    “You guys have got to help me get ready! I have a fancy dinner tonight with Nate!” I said to Sydney and Cassidy as I got in the car.
    “I can’t! I have my grandma’s birthday dinner!” Cassidy said.
    “I’ll drive you home, then, but Syd you need to help me!”
    “I’m all yours, tonight!”
    “We have 2 hours,” I stepped on the pedal and hurried to my house after ditching Cassidy at hers.
    “Wear this!” She said, shoving a black dress in my face.
    “But it’s boring,” I said, making a face.
    She rummaged through my drawers, pulling out a cheetah belt.
    I slipped into the dress and put the belt on, matching my accessories with it.
    I sat patiently while she curled my hair and made it nice.
    I put on makeup and added the finishing touches to my outfit.
    I tied my shoes and Sydney licked her finger and cleaned up my lip-gloss.
    The doorbell rang and we ran downstairs.
    Before opening the door, I fluffed my long curly hair.
    I opened the door to see Nate looking adorable as ever with 12 red roses.
    “Awww, thank you!” I said, smiling from ear to ear.
    “Have her home at a reasonable time, you both have soccer tomorrow. I’ll put these in a vase while you guys are gone,” Sydney said.
    “Crystal vases are in the dining room, thanks, mom. Sleeping over tonight?” I asked her.
    “You got it, girl. Have fun lovers,” she winked and pushed me out the door.
    We got in the car, and he still hadn’t said a word.
    “Well, aren’t you gonna talk? What’s a matter, cat got your tounge?” I joked.
    “I-I’m speechless. You look beautiful… so freaking gorgeous Hali, it’s not even funny.” I blushed, and now it was my turn to be speechless.
    *another chapter today if this reaches 25-30+ faves (:
    *oh, and i've gained like, 90+some followers from this story, you're all amazing, and i love my 211 followers sososo much. xoxoo
    *i'm sorry, but i am no longer notifying. there is a follow button for a reason. sorry to be a b*tch, but i don't have the time to notify, i'm getting ready for a month long trip, again, sorry.

  10. elysey elysey
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 9:49pm UTC
    Just A Kiss
    Chapter 6
    Victoria's P.O.V.
    I pugged my phone into the charger right after setting my suitcase down. It finally turned on after a couple minutes. I didn't think Sophie told Hunter yet, but I had no way of making sure.
    The night was sleepless as I kept thinking about Sophie, the kiss with Michael, everything. I had just gotten Hunter, I couldn't lose him.
    I finally fell asleep at 4 in the morning, just to be woken up again at 7.
    Sophie's P.O.V.
    I didn't tell Hunter yet. I wanted to wait until I was home, I would keep the suspense with Victoria and have a party when we got back. I would tell him there, in front of everyone.
    Victoria's P.O.V.
    I texted Ash everything that happened. She would help me. Two hours later, I heard my phone buzz. It was Ash, thank god. "You have to tell Hunter, if he hears it from Sophie first, it'll be a million times worse. Oh and don't text him, you have to tell him in person."
    "What if Sophie tells him today though?" I replied.
    "She won't, trust me," I read.
    I just hoped Ash was right. This wasn't scrabble, I would lose more than a game.
    AUTHORS NOTE: Thank you for everything! Did you guys like chapter 6?? :) Check out my website butterflyescape.weebly.com! Thank you all again and feedback would be awesome!! You are beautiful, oh and chapter 7 will be up tomorrow morning and sorry the chapter is so short! :)))
    format credit: wordsofagirl

  11. summerl0vinn summerl0vinn
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 9:57pm UTC
    One Of The Guys
    Chapter 15.
    “You almost hit that little bunny!” I said.
    “That’s not a bunny in Florida, idiot. That’s a plastic bag, you almost gave me a heart attack.”
    “Sorry,” I said, giggling.
    “Yeah, we’re here anyway.” I got out of the car and followed him into the little diner.
    Ten minutes later, the waitress came out with my chocolate chip cookie dough pancakes, two scrambled eggs, toast, and a side of bacon.
    “This is an athlete’s diet, you eat like an eight year old girl,” I said scanning his bagel with cream cheese.
    “Very funny, I have to watch my weight for wrestling after soccer, though.”
    “Ooh, intense,” I mocked his seriousness.
    She also brought over a bag of half a dozen bagels for the rest of them at the house.
    “So, pumped for you full week of boys soccer to start on Monday?” I swallowed my food and got ready to answer.
    “Yeah, it’s so much more fun than girls soccer.”
    “I know, right?” We talked for a little and finished eating.
    He left money on the table for the waitress and we left.
    “Ever seen a sunrise before?”
    “In a movie once,” I said.
    “Well there’s a first time for everything.” He drove to the beach and we sat on the wood “fence”.
    “It’s so beautiful,” I said, taking in all of the gorgeous colors.
    “Just like you,” he said, I brushed it off.
    “So, what else do you feel like doing today?”
    “Soccer,” I said.
    “I have a ball in the car, wanna play on the beach for a little?” I nodded like a little kid in a candy store.
    *another chapter tonight if this reaches 25-30+ faves (:
    *oh, and i've gained like, 80+some followers from this story, you're all amazing, and i love my 200 followers sososo much. xoxoo
    *i'm sorry, but i am no longer notifying. there is a follow button for a reason. sorry to be a b*tch, but i don't have the time to notify, i'm getting ready for a month long trip, again, sorry.

  12. summerl0vinn summerl0vinn
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2012 7:49am UTC
    One Of The Guys
    Chapter 16.
    The next day at practice, it was less awkward.
    I was friends with these guys now, I liked it.
    “Hey, Goodman, so I know I gave you that deadline of the first day of school, but, you’re already better than the guys, and it’s only your third day. So, I had your jersey and team gear made already. Welcome to the tornadoes.” Slack said, smiling at me.
    “Really!? That’s great, thank you so much!” I said jumping up and down.
    “Hey, ladies! Say hello to your mini tornado!” Slack screamed to the guys sprawled out on the field.
    They all clapped and I blushed a rosy pink.
    “Celebration dinner tonight!” They yelled.
    “Deal!” I said.
    Throughout the practice, I did even better than usual.
    I thought it was weird that I was doing better since all I thought about was Nate.
    I just wanted to impress him, which ultimately made me try even harder… if that’s even possible.
    Every ten minutes, we’d catch each other’s glances, and I blushed each time.
    “Goodman, come collect your tornado gear before you leave,” Slack instructed me.
    I grabbed my duffle and water bottle and walked over to him.
    He handed me a box with sweatpants, hoodies, tanks, t-shirts, and a varsity jacket.
    “Oh, and by the way, you’re starting for varsity,” he said.
    My eyes got wide and so did my smile – this was the best day of my life.
    I started walking to my car with the biggest smile on my face.
    I held the box as closely to my chest as possible.
    “Goodman!” Nate said, chasing me down the hill.
    “What time should I pick you up for that celebration dinner?” He did that adorable little half smile that made me melt.
    “Uh… 2 hours? It’s only 5 now, right?”
    “Right, see you then,” he said.
    “Fancy? Are all the guys going?” I asked.
    “Yes and no, just us,” he said winking, “my treat, Hal.” I smiled and walked to my car.
    *another chapter today if this reaches 25-30+ faves (:
    *oh, and i've gained like, 90+some followers from this story, you're all amazing, and i love my 211 followers sososo much. xoxoo
    *i'm sorry, but i am no longer notifying. there is a follow button for a reason. sorry to be a b*tch, but i don't have the time to notify, i'm getting ready for a month long trip, again, sorry.

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  14. TellitTotheFrogs* TellitTotheFrogs*
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 5:44pm UTC
    Chapter 15
    A loud banging on my door awoke me.
    "Go to school!" My nasty foster mother screamed through my closed door. "And there is some guy here to pick you up!"
    Immidietly, I scrambled out of bed. I had already knew who it was. I ran and bursted through the front door and saw Wilson standing there leaning up against his truck. His dark thick rimmed glasses on.
    A smile crept upon my lips, and he smiled back. He actually one. And I let him. Did I actually mind? Over the weekend Wilson and I reached an agreement. We had decided we would officially be a 'Couple'.
    Yes. I know. Completely against my policy. But I deserved to live a little. Right? I only had a little more than a year left with my crappy foster family. Just behave Jaqculene. Just do as they say and you won't get shipped off to another foster home.
    I held up a hand, signaling for him to give me a minute to get ready.
    He nodded.
    Quickly I sprinted back to my room. Brushing through my blonde hair. Slipping into my normal boreing attire. Brushing my teeth and running back to the door.
    I crashed right into Wilson's arms, engulfing me in a tight hug.
    "Are you okay?" He whispered in my ear. he was clearly, very worried.
    "I'm fine." I pulled back, putting on a reassuring smile "Nothing to horrible.
    "I can't help but worry." he whispered before planting a kiss on my cheek.
    I had a very strange sensation. I felt my cheeks get hot. A tingle going through my spine. My knees got shaky. I still was not used to Wilson being my boyfriend.
    He pulled back, he must have sensed me tense up "What's the matter?"
    I kissed him lightly on the lips. And simply replied "Absolutely nothing, in fact, everything is absolutely perfect." I leaned in and kissed him again.
    He grinned and stared down into my eyes. Finally he pulled away, opening the car door.
    I politely smiled, this time lightly planting a kiss on his cheek.
    I didn't know about Wilson but I felt very awkward.
    I mean don't get me wrong! I was. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm getting attached.
    Yes, I know I'm saying this very soon.
    But there is just something about him.

  15. TellitTotheFrogs* TellitTotheFrogs*
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2012 11:16am UTC
    Chapter 13
    "Drive! Drive!" I squealed beating on Wilsons arm. Man was that a close call.
    "Were on the main road! I don't think he'll see us!" He said clutching his arm with a spare hand.
    I sat back, somewhat releaved. But wait, I still had to deal with Wilson.I had to give him an explanation.
    I closed my eyes. Think Jacquelene! Think! But I had absolutely nothing.
    Wilson cleared his throat and spoke "So what was all that about?"
    I sat back remaining silent. Yeah, like he would forget something like that. Because I came to know Wilson was not an idiot. Rather clever really.
    He cleared his throat again, trying to bring my attenetion back to the subject.
    What was I supposed to say? I just said "Can we go somewhere? Quiet? I promise to tell you while we finish our sandwitches."
    He nodded.
    There was absolutely no way I could weasel my way out of this one.
    Well maybe? Oh no! No way! But just think Jaqulene think!
    Why couldn't I lie? Why!?!?! It was Wilsons fault. Wilson was different. He was like no one I ever met. Was he my friend? Did I actually begin to like Wilson?
    I'd never thought I'd ask myself that.
    Wilson pulled off onto the side of the highway.
    "Where are we going?" I asked curiously.
    He got out of the car and made his way to my side. He opened the door all gentleman like and spoke "Just follow me." He held out his hand.
    I grasped it with a free hand, the other holding the sandwitch.
    He pulled me off to a almost invisible trail that forked off from the road.
    It was beautiful. All the bright green vegitation, moss everywhere. I didn't think that nature could have ever been this beautiful, I've always lived in apartments, cities, and trailor parks.
    After what seemed like forever walking through the woods, we came to a small clearing, with a cliff with a magnificent view.
    He sat down, still holding my hand, as I sat directly across from him.
    My hand began sweating, and felt a bit clammy so I pulled away. Pretending to be busy unwrapping my sandwitch.
    I remained silent, my eyes closed as I tried to think.
    "Jacks?" he spoke softly.
    I let out a deep breath before I spoke "Promise you won't get involved."
    He nodded "Promise."
    I began my story with "It all started when I witnessed my parents get murdered.
    After a few minutes of talking, I felt my eyes weld up with tears. My tearducts threating to spill. I looked down. And continued my story.
    Oh No! I let a tear slip. I quickly swiped it away. But I couldn't stop them, one after another they kept falling.
    Wilson pulled up his hand, and gently wiped all the tears from my face.
    I finished my story, my eyes in my lap. I looked up, and was trapped in his gaze. His gorgeous green eyes, filled with pity. Pity for me.
    My eyes studied his face. My eyes trailing from his eyes, to his hair, to his nose, then his lips.
    His gorgeous, soft, pink lips. They were absolutely irrasistable.
    Stop Jacqulene! Stop!
    Before I could even think about stopping, I leaned in, planting my lips onto his.
    I kissed him! I actually kissed him, and he kissed me back!
    And from that moment on, I knew it was meant to be.

  16. TellitTotheFrogs* TellitTotheFrogs*
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2012 11:28pm UTC
    Chapter 8
    I opened the door into Maine's crisp cool air. Then I saw it.
    Wilson stood leaning against his truck, fifteen feet in front of my house. Just waiting for me.
    I walked up to him, trying to see through his thick black sunglasses and spoke "Leave me alone."
    His face was confused as he looked down at me. Then he spoke "What's wrong Jacks? I was just coming to pick you up. Besides, you dithched me last night."
    I put my finger up to his hard chest "You know exactly why I'm upset."
    And I walked away. I had to walk to school today, Nevel and Carl ditched me.
    He ran up to me "You need a ride, you'll be late." He teased, then he lifted up his sunglassess to reveal shocked green eyes. He spoke again "What happened to your eye? i th-thought it was a shadow."
    "That's my buisness!" I snapped "You were supposed to stay with me!"
    "Who did this to you?" He traced his finger along the bruise on the side of my face, as he spoke, very very conserned.
    "That does not matter to me anymore!"
    He pulled his hand back and slid his sunglassess back on. He spoke again "I'll make it up. I promise. Just let me give you a ride."
    "No!" I brushed him off, making my way out of the trailer park.
    "Jacks wait-"
    Then I snapped "NO! Don't you dare call me that. You don't get to call me that! We aren't friends, we never were, and we never will be!"
    Thats when I felt awful. His face flushed, I could tell his heart had sank.
    No! Don't give into that face.
    "I-I just don't understand." He spoke softly.
    I sighed "Think to after you got me a drink, and that bimbo you were with."
    "You weren't supposed to see that."
    "Of course I wasn't!"
    Then he lifted his gaze, and he puffed out his chest "We aren't even dating! And your getting mad at me!...Wait you li-"
    "No I don't!" I knew where he was going with this.
    A grin spread all the way across his face "Yes you do." He nodded.
    I stomped up to face him. He pulled his sunglassess back off. I opened my mouth to speak when his lips covered mine.
    I was frozen, I didn't know what to do. Finally I pulled away.
    I looked him in his green eyes and he looked back in my blue ones.
    "That wasn't supposed to happen." I said softly.
    "Or was it?" He asked.
    "That wasn't supposed to happen." I said again.
    Then I put my finger up in his face and said through gritted teeth "I'll take that ride...If you never speak of what happened here ever again."
    He nodded.
    That wasn't supposed to happen.

  17. TellitTotheFrogs* TellitTotheFrogs*
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2012 3:50pm UTC
    Chapter 7
    Once I finally got myself to stop crying I walked out of the room with my head held high.
    I wasn't going to even ask Wilson for a ride home, I walked straight to the front door.
    I avoided all eye contact, keeping my eyes on the floor. Suddenly I felt two hands grab my shoulders.
    "Aree yoou oookaay?" Ethan breathed his intoxicating breath in my face.
    "I'm fine." I shugged him off, speaking through gritted teeth.
    I bypassed him, not wanting to start another conversation with anyone. That's when I felt a hand across my butt.
    Seeing Ethan's drunken grin, I stormed up and slapped him in the face. He had a confused look across his drunken face, then his cheeks turned bright red.
    "How dare you." He spoke through clenched teeth.
    I stared him in the eye, in silence. Finally I turned on my heel and made my way to the door.
    It wasn't even dark yet. Only sunset, great all of my family will be home. I'd rather face them than Wilson right now.
    I walked through the cold crisp air towards the trailer park I live in. I guess I could be classified as white trash, mainly because of the neighbors, disguisting.
    I faced our trailers door. I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. Before I even reached for the door handle the door swung open. There I faced my angry foster mother.
    "I-I-" I began.
    Before I could even finish my sentence she grabbed a handful of my blonde hair, jerking me inside.
    "Ouch!" I cried.
    She slammed me into kitchen counter. I stumbled over my feet, my side throbbing.
    "You little B*tch!" She cried "When my boy wants some lovin' you give it to him! And your late! And you smell like beer!"
    "But I didn't do anything!" I screamed.
    She punched me square in the face, with my nose gushing out blood.
    "Thats not what I heard!" She screamed "Carl! Nevel! Get in here!"
    I was crying now, wiping blood onto my hand. Carl and Nevel came into the kitchen, smug grins on their faces.
    "Tell her what you told me!" She kept her evil gaze on me.
    Carl spoke "She offered to kiss me, and instead she hit, kicked, and bit me."
    "That's a lie!" I screamed "He held me do-"
    "I don't care!" She slapped me "If he wants for ou to kiss him, you kiss him!"
    I wiped tears out of my eyes.
    "Understand!?!?" She screeched.
    I nodded.
    "Good." She said softer "Now mop up your blood, do the dishes, and then clean yourself up for Carl."
    My jaw dropped, before I could even say anything she slapped me again. I nodded she knew what I was about to say and I knew what she was about to say.
    Her and Nevel left the room. Leaving me sniffling over the incident. And Carl just chuckling.
    "I'll be in my room...Waiting." He said with a smug grin on his face.
    I locked my hardest, meanest gaze ever on him. Finally he just walked out of the room.
    I did as told and I headed to Carl's room. Or my nightmare.
    Maybe confronting Wilson was a better option.

  18. summerl0vinn summerl0vinn
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 1:13pm UTC
    One Of The Guys
    Chapter 13.
    They put towels on my nose until it stopped bleeding.
    “I’m gonna go wash my face off, let’s stay out of the pool now.”
    I went up to my room to wash the dry blood off of my face.
    After I wiped my face dry, Nate appeared in my bathroom.
    “I’m seriously so sorry!”
    “Don’t worry, I can take it, I’m just like one of the guys.”
    I smiled to let him know I was being serious about it being okay.
    “Okay, good, I just feel bad.”
    “Don’t, it wasn’t your fault.”
    He looked around my humungous room.
    I started walking out of my bathroom when I slipped.
    I guess I got water on the floor?
    I almost came crashing down on my a** but Nate turned around and caught me.
    “Thanks,” I blushed when I realized he was still holding me.
    “Well you are just one clumsy mess.” He said.
    “I guess so!” I laughed, standing up.
    “Oh by the way, the guys are sleeping over!” Sydney said, popping her head into my room.
    “Well would you look at that, we’re sleeping over!” Nate said.
    “Not in my bed you’re not.” I raised my eyebrows and crossed my chest.
    “On your couch?” He said like a little kid.
    “Deal, I’ll get you a blanket.”
    I had a main control in my room for every light in the house.
    I shut them all off and locked the doors through the same control.
    I turned on some CSI: Miami’s that I have recorded on DVR.
    “I love this show!” He said.
    “Same! It’s my favorite!” I said, turning it up a few notches to mask his voice.
    I grabbed the food and brought it into my lap.
    “There’s food too!? It’s like Narnia in here!” He said, crawling onto my bed.
    “Actually, Narnia’s through that closet over there,” I joked.
    He sat next to me, sticking his hands in the bowl every two seconds.
    “Here, just take the freaking bowl!”
    “Shhhhh! They’re about to solve the murder.”
    We talked about the episode and how interesting it was.
    Somehow, I ended up falling asleep with one hand on his chest and another in the bowl of chips.
    *sorry this is boring, meh. another chapter today if this reaches 25-30+ faves (:
    *oh, and i've gained like, 60+some followers from this story, you're all amazing, and i love each follower. xoxoo
    *i'm sorry, but i am no longer notifying. there is a follow button for a reason. sorry to be a b*tch, but i don't have the time to notify, i'm getting ready for a month long trip, again, sorry.

  19. summerl0vinn summerl0vinn
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 10:08am UTC
    One Of The Guys
    Chapter 12.
    I walked downstairs, ready to beat the sh*t of whoever was in my house.
    I turned a corner and ran into Nate.
    “Jesus, Nate! What the h*ll are you doing!?”
    “You said no one’s home! So just the three of us came over.”
    He looked down at my outfit.
    It was then that I realized I wasn’t wearing a shirt.
    “Well this is awkward.”
    “Not really,” he smiled and I pushed him.
    “Night swimming?” He asked, creeping his eyebrows up.
    “I have an indoor pool, so I guess so, let me get changed.”
    “No need!”
    He threw me over his shoulder and ran throughout my house until he found the pool.
    Once he finally found it he jumped in the pool with me in his arm wearing his shorts and t-shirt.
    He took off his shirt once he got in the pool.
    “You’re crazy!” I said, wiping my eyes.
    Cassidy, Sydney, Tyler, and Brad found their way into the pool area.
    “Sorry to interrupt!”
    “You’re not interrupting anything,” I quickly said.
    “Let’s play chicken!” Sydney said.
    They all jumped in the pool in underwear and sports bras.
    I got on Nate’s shoulders, Syd on Brad’s and Cass on Tyler’s.
    “Who am I going against first?” I asked.
    “I’ll take you, but let’s move away from the shallow end so no one gets hurt.”
    Within two seconds I knocked her into the water, and the same with Cassidy.
    “I’ll take you Goodman,” Nate said from my crotch.
    He flipped me off of his shoulders and I crashed into the water.
    He got on Brad’s shoulders and I got on Tyler’s.
    We went for a long time, the girls were cheering me on and the boys cheering Nate on.
    He pushed me forcefully and Tyler lost his balance.
    His knees buckled and he dropped into the water.
    I felt my face slam onto the tiles that lined the pool.
    The next thing I knew I was watching blood gush down from my face.
    *sorry this is boring, meh. another chapter today if this reaches 25-30+ faves (:
    *oh, and i've gained like, 60+some followers from this story, you're all amazing, and i love each follower. xoxoo
    *i'm sorry, but i am no longer notifying. there is a follow button for a reason. sorry to be a b*tch, but i don't have the time to notify, i'm getting ready for a month long trip, again, sorry.

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    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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