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  1. whenever_you_smile whenever_you_smile
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2011 10:03pm UTC
    who knows where this is from?

  2. kaykayLOVE kaykayLOVE
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2011 9:15pm UTC
    I like when he smiles
    But, i love when im the reason

  3. DamnnTaylerx DamnnTaylerx
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2011 9:57pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. xOstephh27 xOstephh27
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2011 2:39pm UTC
    I used to like you, a lot.
    Used to? What changed...?
    You did..

  5. softball143 softball143
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2011 5:17pm UTC
    The girl who seemed unbreakable;
    The girl who seemed so strong;
    The girl who always laughed it off;
    & The girl who would never stop trying;
    Gave Up


  6. Macy Macy
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2011 3:26pm UTC
    Those days when
    you are on you period,
    and you never know if you want to
    laugh, cry or scream.

  7. tylerr tylerr
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2011 3:36pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. BabyLove123 BabyLove123
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2011 3:27pm UTC
    It's scary how highschool changes everyone,
    That girl you used to label your best friend, becomes that girl you can't stand. The innocent girl, becomes not so innocent. That perfect guy, becomes the perfect player, That straight A student, becomes that straight D student. The water turns into vodka. Soda turns into beer. Lollipops turn into ciggerates. And the birthday parties turn into the illegal loud parties. Highschool changes anyone and everyone, no matter what you believe, it's changed you too. Maybe not for the worst, but it might not be the best either.

  9. SMACK_55 SMACK_55
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2011 5:00pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. nebraska99 nebraska99
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2011 11:23am UTC
    "How do I look?"
    Friend You look fine.
    Good Friend You look really pretty.
    Best Friend Damn girl, you look like a sexy beast!

  11. WoahApples WoahApples
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2011 4:03pm UTC
    everyone is fake in some way.
    whether it's their hair color,
    their personality,
    or their smile.♥

  12. idance idance
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2011 5:40pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. BeOriginal BeOriginal
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2011 11:21am UTC
    Boy: Girl:
    I saw her today. I saw him today.
    It seems like it's been forever. I wonder if he still cares.
    She looks better than before. I couldn't stop staring at him.
    I asked how things are going. I asked about his new girlfriend.
    I'd pick her over any girl I'm with. He's probably really happy now.
    I can't even look at her w/o crying. He couldn't even look at me.
    I told her I miss her. He didn't mean it.
    I love her. He loves his new girlfriend.
    I held her for the last time. He gave me a friendly hug.
    Then I went home and cried. Then I went home and cried.
    I lost her. I love him.

  14. woahhitzjordan woahhitzjordan
    posted a quote
    October 16, 2011 3:09pm UTC
    You and I walk a fragile line. I have known it
    all this time, but I never thought I would
    live to see it break.
    - taylor swift
    not my format*

  15. Katiiiiiie Katiiiiiie
    posted a quote
    October 16, 2011 5:21pm UTC
    movies are a lot scarier
    »»»with the lights off

  16. Chellsey Chellsey
    posted a quote
    October 16, 2011 9:36pm UTC
    You'll always be
    that one person. «
    » that will always have a special
    spot in my heart. «

  17. Chellsey Chellsey
    posted a quote
    October 16, 2011 7:07pm UTC
    *** Sometimes ***
    You just have to pretend you're
    H A P P Y J U S T T O S T O P E V E R Y O N E
    from asking you what the hell happened.

    posted a quote
    October 16, 2011 7:16pm UTC
    Just because it didn't last forever
    doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth your time .

  19. Sonny84 Sonny84
    posted a quote
    October 16, 2011 3:18pm UTC
    If you'd rather eat
    the cookie dough than the

  20. An'* An'*
    posted a quote
    October 16, 2011 7:56pm UTC
    it's sort of crazy
    how much you, just one person, can make me smile. ♥


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