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  1. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2013 11:43am UTC
    Guess who has a boyfriend?

  2. CatsAreFab CatsAreFab
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2012 7:57pm UTC
    Chapter Nine
    Soon, we arrived at a quiet empty park. This was my favorite place, as it looked beautiful
    at night. It had a small pong in the middle, which glisened beautifly. We walked over to
    a bench and sat down.
    "This place is amazing" Ryan said
    "I know"
    "You come here often?"
    "Yea, a lot."
    "Mind if I come here too?"
    "Sure, it'd be nice having company" I said as I laid my back onto the bench and looked at the
    stars. There was a long silenc ebetween me and Ryan as we both looked up and admired
    the beautiful night sky. Times like this just felt perfect when I was around Ryan. I just felt like
    I had to tell him something that noone knew, to let it all out.
    "Ryan, can I tell you something?" I asked.
    "Sure, anything"
    "Do I look like a happy girl? Like I have a perfect life? Like theres nothing I need?"
    "Yea, you do."
    "Well, its all fake." I said. Ryan looked a but surprised and confused at the same time.
    I walked over to the pong and put a little water on my hand. Then, I splashed
    the water over my left arm. It hurt, but it took the blush away, and revealed my cuts and
    scars. I showed Ryan.
    He looked at me in disbelief, then he pulled up his sleeve, revealing his.
    "We're in this together" he said.
    See? I told you I'd keep posting! ;D
    This is also one of my favorite chapters so I had to post it, even though its a little short. c:
    Comment for a reminderrr!!

  3. CatsAreFab CatsAreFab
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2012 1:55am UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. YourAmazingBelieveIt YourAmazingBelieveIt
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2013 10:41am UTC
    My Story!
    Once upon a time, a mummy and daddy had a little girl, they loved her very much, one day, when the little girl was 4 she heard screams coming from the kitchen, the little girl walked in and saw her mother being hit by her dad, the dad stopped and said, 'go away overwise I'll hurt you' the mother told the girl to go into her room, she did as she was told.
    Later on the dad said to the little girl 'come on, were going out', they went out and the father locked the door. When they came back an hour later they saw blood trickled down the stairs, the dad and little girl ran upstairs, there in the bath was her dead mother.....
    The dad called an ambulance and they took her away, he didn't cry, he just stood there, the little girl however, cried and cried 'stop crying' the dad spat, but she couldn't stop, the dad smaked her 'I told u not to cry' that night, the little girl was in bed when the door creaked open, it was her father, as he climbed into the bed and lifted up her night dress she could smell the alcohol, herapedher, but she didn't cry, this went on every night intil she was 10 years old, she got scared of getting pregant, and told the dad, the dad smacked her and said 'do you think I care' that night herapedher, it was the most painfull thing she ever felt. two years later, while the father was drunk cold, she ran away to her cousins.. the girl still has nightmares, and scares now, but she is safe.
    that girl, was me

  5. YourAmazingBelieveIt YourAmazingBelieveIt
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2013 9:40am UTC
    Cinderella walked on broken glass
    Aurora let a whole lifetime pass
    Belle fell in love with a hidious beast
    Jasmine married a common theif
    Arieal walk on land for love and life
    Snow White barely escaped a knife
    Rapunzel had to find a new dream
    Tiana kissed her prince and turned green
    Mulan left to be a man
    Pochohaunts stayed to save her land
    It's all about the smiles and tears
    cause love is about facing your biggest

  6. YourAmazingBelieveIt YourAmazingBelieveIt
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2013 5:12am UTC
    Never say good bye
    because saying good bye means leaving
    and leaving means forgetting
    - Peter Pan

  7. YourAmazingBelieveIt YourAmazingBelieveIt
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2013 5:16am UTC
    Some people care to much....
    I think it's called LOVE
    - Winnie the Pooh

  8. YourAmazingBelieveIt YourAmazingBelieveIt
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2013 5:41am UTC
    Who says we have to
    grow up?
    -Walt Disney

  9. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2013 1:33pm UTC
    That one song
    » that make your ears lose their virginity.

  10. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 7:04pm UTC
    ********* please do not remove the credit, this format was made by petrichor :-) ALSO DO NOT REMOVE THIS PART EITHER BECAUSE THIS IS THE CREDIT TOO OKAY
    Ugly People Problems
    hey can you make out with me it's for a schoool project.
    ********* please do not remove the credit, this format was made by petrichor :-) ALSO DO NOT REMOVE THIS PART EITHER BECAUSE THIS IS THE CREDIT TOO OKAY
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    format credit to petrichor

  11. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 11:02pm UTC
    my science teacher: so poisonous. gas is produced- -
    guy: oh wow that's pretty badas.s
    my science teacher: can you not use thug language in my classroom, this is not "chemistry in da hood"

  12. sarahmarlowXxx sarahmarlowXxx
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 6:54pm UTC
    i hate him so much
    no you don't
    you wish you did, but you don't

  13. ChocoTaco ChocoTaco
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 5:55pm UTC
    Does anyone know
    where you can buy friends?
    Like are they sold at Walmart?

  14. kristabff kristabff
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 7:48pm UTC
    Doctor: Are you se.x.ually active?
    Me: ~transforms into a potato~
    Me: ~rolls off into the sunset~

  15. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 6:53pm UTC
    Gay marriage is wrong?
    Let me tell you something
    about gay marriage.
    So someone put a quote up saying "Fave if you support gay marriage" and someone commented that it's wrong to be gay and it's a choice. So I told them how it is not a choice like how I didn't choose to be bisexual. This is how she replied:
    "lmfao being bisexual is even more ridiculous. u cant like both u gotta pick one or the other and it deffinately is a choice so dnt u dare give me tht this is how i wuz born bullsh*t cuz u deffinately were not born gay"
    I would just like to say that there is SO MUCH that is wrong with what they said. SO MUCH.
    1) It's true that you probably aren't born gay/bisexual. But it's something that you discover as you grow up and is influenced by society. You've all learned to judge people by who they are rather than what they look like, right? Well that's what I think. And to me, looks include gender.
    2) Bisexual is not ridiculous. As I said, I don't judge by looks. But it's not like I chose to like both genders. It's what naturally seems right to me.
    Let me compare it to something. Sorry if it makes no sense, it makes very little sense to me, too.
    Every likes music, right?
    Well group one here likes pop music like Rhianna, Justin Bieber, One Direction, and Katy Perry.
    And group two likes rock/punk music like My Chemical Romance, Nirvanna, Green Day, and the Rolling Stones.
    Let's just say that it was normal for girls to only like pop music (just an example, not my opinion).
    And let's say that it was normal for guys to only like rock/punk music.
    But there's the minority of girls that decide to like rock/punk,
    and the minority of guys that decide to like pop.
    Is that a crime? No.
    What if you really like Katy Perry but also really like MCR? Well you can't listen to both, can you?
    They're different music genres.
    It would be absurd......
    It's fine to like Katy Perry and MCR. Just because you like pop doesn't mean you can't like punk.
    They may be different from eachother, but you still like them both.
    Just like how bisexuals feel.
    My little senario may seem irrelevant to you, but that's honestly one of the few things I can get everyone to relate to.
    Because I doubt that no one on this website only likes one music genre.
    There's R&B
    hip hop
    the list can go on.
    I hope you see my point.
    Being gay is not wrong.
    Wanna see more about it?
    Person I was talking to: http://www.wittyprofiles.com/author/hayhayy915
    Quote: http://www.wittyprofiles.com/q/6700167

  16. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2013 6:07pm UTC
    Jack was going to be married to Jill, so his father sat him down for a little fireside chat.
    "Jack, let me tell you something. On my wedding night in our honeymoon suite, I took off my pants and handed them to your mother, and said, "Here, try these on."
    So, she did and said: "These are too big, I can't wear them.'"
    So I replied: "Exactly. I wear the pants in this family and always will." Ever since that night we have never had any problems."
    Jack thought that might be a good thing to try. So on his honeymoon he took off his pants and said to Jill: "Here try these on."
    She did and said: "These are too large, they don't fit me."
    So Jack said: "Exactly. I wear the pants in this family and I always will, and I don't want you to ever forget that."
    Then Jill removed her pants, handed them to Jack and said: "Here, you try on mine."
    He tried and said: "I can't get into your pants."
    So she said: "Exactly. And if you don't change your attitude, you never will."

  17. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2013 6:14pm UTC
    Me: *whispering* If you're stupid say "what".
    Friend: What?
    Me: OH MAN.
    Me: OH

  18. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2013 6:09pm UTC

  19. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2013 7:09pm UTC
    Friend: Facebook isn't cool anymore.
    Me: Oh yeah...
    Me: Totally...
    Me: Seriously who even uses facebook?
    Me: *runs home*
    Me: *deletes facebook*
    Me: *tries to learn about websites other than witty*

  20. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 7:06pm UTC
    I hope that one day, fighting for gay marriage will seem as old as fighting for no slavery :)


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