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  1. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 9:41pm UTC
    when you have 1241582 more followers,
    do you suddenly feel more important? because you aren't...

  2. OneDirectionQuotes OneDirectionQuotes
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2012 10:46am UTC
    "If you were a hobo,
    What would your sign say?"
    Zayn: "I don't have a bed,
    Can I sleep in yours?"

  3. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2012 12:21am UTC
    Mom: Those strangers on the internet could be 50 year old rapist men.
    Me: They're not strangers.Me: They're friends from school that moved away.

  4. LandonIsWitty LandonIsWitty
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2012 2:01pm UTC
    So it turns out snooki's due date is December 21, 2012.
    Well played, Mayans.
    Well played.

  5. jane :-)* jane :-)*
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 8:50pm UTC
    "What happened to us?"
    "We grew up."

  6. xlivelaughlove524x xlivelaughlove524x
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2012 12:19pm UTC
    The other day, I was at Taco Bell with my friends.
    A man saw that I didn't have enough money to get a drink, so he bought me one.
    He was homeless.
    Selfless people like him give me hope. ♥

  7. mjozie mjozie
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 9:18pm UTC
    Isn't having a smoking section in a restaurant like a pool having a pee section?

  8. xHello xHello
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2012 12:11am UTC
    1 month ago = People who like One Direction VS People who don't like One Direction
    Now = People who like Nutella VS People who don't like Nutella.

  9. J3S5E J3S5E
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2012 12:03pm UTC
    Barney turned into JerseyShore
    GameBoy turned into Facebook
    PictnoChat turned into Texting
    Coloring turned into LoveLetters
    HelloKitty turned into Ke$ha
    Nightlights turned into iPod-brightness
    AmericanGirl turned into SeventeenMagazine
    TheChildrensPlace turned into VictroriaSecret
    Skechers turned into Sperrys
    EarRings turned into BellyButtonRings
    Cooties turned into Kisses
    Playdates turned into Hangouts
    Cinderella turned into MeanGirls
    JuicyJuice turned into Monster
    RainCoats turned into TubeTops
    SweatPants turned into Yogas
    StudEarings turned into HugeHoops
    Webkinz turned into Tumblr
    Braids turned into Straighteners
    FullHouse turned into Degrassi
    CampRock turned into OneDirection
    Jokes turned into Bullying
    BedTimes turned into Curfues
    Like turned into Love
    But worst of all,
    Drake&Josh turned into Bucket&Skinner
    Where has our childhood gone?
    -90's kids♥

  10. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 10:21pm UTC
    "I'm ridin' solo, I'm ridin solo!!!"
    Nana, please, not at grandpa's funeral.

  11. AustinH AustinH
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 10:01pm UTC
    Tom and Jerry;
    The original "1000 Ways to Die"

  12. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 10:31pm UTC
    whenever I turn my pillow over,
    I feel like I am recharging the cold side.

  13. KrIsTeN_LoVeS_1D KrIsTeN_LoVeS_1D
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 8:32pm UTC
    ^^^what I think everytime I see I have a notification on FB and it ends up being one of those stupid game thingys. Is it just me or??

  14. Jojo380457 Jojo380457
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2012 11:03pm UTC
    Life's not short
    It's the longest thing you do

  15. Jojo380457 Jojo380457
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2012 10:51pm UTC
    I like him a lot
    but he's got his own little fairytale
    and it's with her
    not me

  16. softballxwin27 softballxwin27
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 4:18pm UTC
    Kids in math problems have way too much time on their hands..
    like, seriously Avi? You're going to calculate the angle at which
    you need to ride your bike to get to Market Street?
    Get a girlfriend or something.

  17. shortyac1357 shortyac1357
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 4:18pm UTC
    I don't need to flirt
    I will seduce you with my awkwardness
    Format: twilightgirl995

  18. oursong oursong
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 4:50pm UTC
    that awkward moment: when you look inside your pocket,
    and it's not full of sunshine.

  19. yuzermali yuzermali
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 6:09pm UTC
    Today I was hanging out with my
    crush and I was saying something.
    Then , out of the blue, in the middle of my
    sentence -
    he kissed me!
    I was so stunned I stepped back and said:
    "Omg, you just kissed me!"
    And he looked into my eyes for a moment and
    winked, and then replied:
    "I'm glad you noticed"
    LOL JK!
    I walked around making eye contact with hot guys while eating bananas

  20. KrIsTeN_LoVeS_1D KrIsTeN_LoVeS_1D
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 4:05pm UTC
    Which member of One Direction are you most like?
    Harry Styles:
    [] you have curly hair
    [X] you're cheeky and flirty
    [] you have dimples
    [] you have a British accent
    [] you talk slowly
    [] you're the youngest of your friends
    [X] you love white Converse
    [X] your favorite food is tacos
    [] you have green eyes
    [X] you're under 6ft
    [] you love wearing blazers
    [X] you have a great voice
    Louis Tomlinson:
    [X]you have straight hair
    [X]ou love to wear stripes
    [] you love pants that end above the ankle
    [] you own at least 1 pair of Toms
    [X]you have blue eyes
    [] you have a British accent
    [] you're the oldest of your friends
    [X]you're sassy, outgoing and crazy
    [X]you love to sing
    [] you love people who eat carrots
    Zayn Malik:
    [] you have amazing eyelashes
    [] you have black or dark brown hair
    [] you can be very quiet
    [] you're mysterious and the 'badboy/badgirl' of your group
    [X]you have piercings
    [X]you're the 'devil' of your friends
    [] you love varsity jackets
    [X]you have great fashion senses
    [] you have a catch phrase
    [] you hate dancing
    [] you're vain
    [] you use hair products
    [] you like to rap
    [X]you like to sing solos
    Liam Payne:
    [] you change your hairstyle constantly
    [X]you've had your hair straight and curly before
    [] you're sweet as can be
    [X]you work hard to make people happy
    [] you love to be on Twitter and do twitcams
    [X]you love wearing plaid
    [] you can pull off a closed or open-mouthed smile
    [X]ou have a signature dance move
    [X]you love Disney films
    [] you love singing
    [] you have a British accent
    [] you're like the 'father/mother' of your friends
    [X]you take care of the people you love
    Niall Horan:
    [X]you have amazing hair
    [] you have an Irish accent
    [] you bleach or dye your hair
    [] you're a hat person
    [X]you have rosy red cheeks
    [X]you love sneakers
    [X]you LOVE to eat food
    [X]you like guitars
    [X]you're funny/like funny people
    [X]you have blue eyes
    [X]you have/have had braces
    [X]you like to eat sweets for breakfast
    [] you hate Disney films
    [] you can do an Irish jig
    [X]you love Liam
    [X]you love to sing
    Most like Niall


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