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  1. pluvsmonkeys pluvsmonkeys
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2013 3:21pm UTC
    A week ago I weighed myself, 105.7.
    Today I weighed myself, 93.4.
    Something is wrong.. maybe it's the scale...

  2. beautifulsmiles beautifulsmiles
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2013 3:38pm UTC
    Maybe we're not meant to be.

  3. Igaf Igaf
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2013 10:06pm UTC
    A few weeks ago at school, this happened to me:
    Guy: Are you gonna eat your burrito?
    Guy: Can i have it?
    Me: Sure.
    *Gives him the burrito*
    Girl named Fabiola: Dude, you never eat.
    Me:.. *Stays quiet*
    Her:*talking to 2 guys*
    Her:*looks at me*
    Her: Shes probably anorexic and sh//t
    *dodges me*
    people around the table hear and just keep staring at me, worst feeling ever. I hate it when people tell me that at school if i'm anorexic, like i'm not even that skinny at all, and that's why i have no confidence in myself anymore.

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. SoftballMyLife22 SoftballMyLife22
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2013 2:59pm UTC
    I want this too. I want all of it. I want the pointless bickering, the long walks, the late night phone cals, the goodmorning texts. I want cute pictures with you, to hold your hand, to make food for you, to call you baby. The joking, the wrestling, the fights, the long how I feel text messages after we makeup. I want to be one of those inseperable bestfriend couples that people are like "you still together?" thats what I want. With you.

  6. AwkwardTouchTuesday AwkwardTouchTuesday
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2013 3:58pm UTC
    A Student: I don't have my homework.
    My Teacher: Where is it?
    Student: Narnia

  7. SwagForLoveBaby SwagForLoveBaby
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 5:42pm UTC
    I lke guys who are taller than me, smell good, and give the best hugs.

  8. lilyk11 lilyk11
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2013 1:45pm UTC
    when. i. read. stuff. like. this. the. voice. in. my. head. takes. pauses.

  9. Heartless17* Heartless17*
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 6:08pm UTC
    Hey are you still mad at me?
    Twinkle twinkle little star
    How I wonder what you are?
    Wish I could hit you with my car.
    Ok your still mad...

  10. Heartless17* Heartless17*
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 10:05pm UTC
    "be strong"
    I whisper too myself all the time...
    Commented by SoftballMyLife22
    I commented
    her response:
    And f*ck you
    Well then...
    Sorry vocab. queen that i didnt use the right to

  11. IEatPieAllDayandNight IEatPieAllDayandNight
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2013 9:02pm UTC

  12. cujo* cujo*
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 3:10am UTC
    I have a lot of trouble watching sad movies and reading sad books. But I do it anyway. (Irrelevant: this computer didn't recognize the word 'movies', wtf?! Firefox fails!) I love sad movies and books, they are just so... beautifully made. But I absolutely hate them too. Especially when they are romantic stories where one half ends up dying. I mean, that's the plot for most sad stories, it's overused to nothingness - but it always gets to me. Always. Do they create such stories to give us heartaches? Well, well done. This is the life of a sentimental fool.
    On another note, I realized how easy as f--- driving is.

  13. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 3:29am UTC
    "I love you so much," he whispered.
    "No, you don't," I said, "Maybe you never did."

  14. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 3:56pm UTC
    just because there are plenty of
    fish in the sea, doesn't mean that any of them will like you.

  15. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 4:10pm UTC
    you just feel empty, lonely, insignificant.
    And it doesn’t matter what you do,
    no it doesn’t matter how many laps you run,
    musicals you join, classes you skip
    or how many pairs of shoes you buy
    you still feel like hell.
    Sometimes I just feel like taking off,
    selling everything I own
    and running away to somewhere so distant,
    running away into the unknown.

  16. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 4:16pm UTC
    Think back to yesterday.
    You probably don't remember what your classmates were wearing or how their hair was.
    People remember the content of other people's words, the actions they make.
    Not what they look like.
    This is a secret that not many people have figured out yet.

  17. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 4:18pm UTC
    does anyone ever see things in their dreams
    and then later in life see the exact same thing and freak out for a couple of seconds?

  18. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 4:21pm UTC
    Is anyone else
    completely terrified
    by the concept that
    you could, someday, meet someone
    who actually genuinely wants to spend
    the rest of their life in love
    with you?

  19. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 4:24pm UTC
    "Today after a 72 hour shift
    at the fire station, a woman
    ran up to me at the grocery store
    and gave me a hug. When I tensed
    up, she realized I didn't
    recognize her. She let go with
    tears of jot in her eyes
    and the most sincere smile and
    said, "On 9-11-01, you carried me
    out of the World Trade Center."

  20. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 4:40pm UTC
    going to walmart always reminds me
    that i hit the genetic lottery.


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