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Status: Im the author of my own life, but because I'm writing in pen I can't erase the mistakes I have made and will make.

Member Since: 9 Jan 2013 08:08pm

Last Seen: 2 Dec 2016 05:47pm

Birthday: December 16

Location: I dont know fam

Gender: F

user id: 345755

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Don't you ever stop whining?

Stop throwing yourself a pity party and build new bridges.
My name's Savannah and I can only deal with so much negativity. I swear I'm pretty nice and I
talk in caps way more than i should.
My other accounts:
Wattpad - illgiveyouablackeye
Quotev- illgiveyouablackeye
Fanfic.net - Illgiveyouablackeye

Layout Credit
  1. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2016 7:16pm UTC
    I look back on all my old quotes and cringe.

  2. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2015 11:08pm UTC
    Instead of waiting for people to compliment me, I compliment myself.
    Instead of waiting for someone to ask if I'm okay, I recognize my problems and start fixing them.
    Instead of waiting for somebody to comfort me, I tell myself that things are going to be okay.
    Instead of waiting to be rescued, I start looking for an escape.
    You cant rely on others for everything.
    Stop acting helpless AND RECOGNIZE HOW POWERFUL YOU ARE.
    You are powerful. You are strong. You can do whatever you put your mind to.
    Relying on others is not bad.
    But when that's all you know how to do, it makes a pretty sucky life.

  3. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2015 10:51pm UTC
    People be wanting to play this Charlie Charlie game and I'm just sitting over here like nah, brah. I don't want no demon child haunting my butt. Not today sir.

  4. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2014 7:54am UTC
    The truth is:
    I contradict myself.
    All. The. Time.
    And I confuse myself on what I think and what I feel and
    somedays I just get so frustrated
    because I dont understand
    who I am
    what my personality is like.
    then I remember:
    that's what makes me,
    I wouldn't have it
    any other way.

  5. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2014 11:24pm UTC
    Do you ever feel like a cheap knockoff?
    Because sometimes I do.
    I'll just see a really beautiful girl and then I'll get a glimpse of
    myself in a mirror or my reflection in the window and
    Realization hits that I look like a poorly made bootleg.
    They'll be Sailor Moon and I'll be the knock off called 'Planet Girl'

  6. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2014 11:13pm UTC
    I can only wait for so long for you before my heart is unrepairable.
    Don't worry though.
    It still belongs to you.
    Even if it's in hundreds of fragments.

  7. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2014 10:40pm UTC
    Do you know the worst thing about growing up?
    It's that as you grow, your friends grow too.
    And as your friends grow up, them seem to
    out grow your friendship.
    And the thing is
    You try to keep holding on,
    maybe by walking a bit faster in the hallways
    to catch up
    maybe by sitting by them and attempting to
    start a conversation
    they just ignore the attempts.
    Time continues on and
    later you'll pass them in the hall,
    not even a smile or a nod given.
    And it just hurts.
    It hurts really bad.

  8. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2014 9:35am UTC
    My brother just told his friend
    "You aren't the brightest cookie in the box."
    and I'm just sitting over here,
    with a stunned look on my face,
    trying to decide whether to:
    A.) laugh at the irony
    B.) facepalm at the stupidity

  9. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2014 1:29pm UTC
    I dont know about you guys, but I have this thing where
    I always wonder what it must look like for people to watch a show originally created in English but switched over to their language.
    Like Frozen.
    It's in english and you can actually see the characters mimic the words with their mouths.
    Now if it was in Spanish then wouldn't it look kinda weird?
    Thats always the first thing that pops up in my head when I see one.

  10. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2014 8:12am UTC
    WHY the FACK is being a human so hard?
    Like next time,
    just make me a facking cloud
    That way I can look down on everybody else's
    suffering and laugh.

  11. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2014 6:56pm UTC
    So my moms upstairs fixing something in my grandmas bathroom and she shots to us
    "Okay! I need one more screw!"
    and my grandma goes
    "So do I."
    Excuse me while I go bang my head against a highly poisonous creature.

  12. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2014 12:55pm UTC
    I spent a whole freaking 5 minutes trying to unhighlight a quote I found.
    The whole 5 minutes was full of quiet cursings and glaring.
    Turns out, the quote was automatically highlighted.
    I'm so freaking special.

  13. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2014 4:18pm UTC
    I just noticed that I'm really
    posessive of my friends.
    Like if some other person starts talking to them
    and I see them I'm just like
    on the inside.
    But on the outside I'm just like
    "Oh... Hey. Um, I'm gonna go over there. Sorry.."

  14. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2014 9:16am UTC
    You don't know what problems are
    until you've finished your hot chocolate
    and find a bunch of chocolatey lumps
    on the bottom and you can't decide
    whether you want to eat it or not.

  15. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2014 1:23pm UTC
    When my friends ask what I'm afraid of
    I always answer
    "The dark"
    But what I'm really afraid of is something silly.
    What I'm afraid of is

  16. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2014 1:35am UTC
    Do you ever just want to strangle those kids at school?
    Because I do.
    I let you BORROW that pen or pencil.
    (Yeah, I put borrow in bold, italics, and underlined it. Sh/t just got real.)
    Now, I don't know about you but my definition of borrow is use with my permission for a period of time and then give back.
    You don't keep it you fraking kleptomaniac!

  17. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2014 1:26am UTC
    Do you guys remember
    when we were kids and the
    absolute worst thing
    some could do to us is say
    "Ooooh.... I'm telling!"

  18. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2014 12:27am UTC
    Oh my god
    there are so many
    freaking awesome artists
    in my art club and I'm like "Oh
    fruck. Well there goes my self-esteem."
    Because most of the kids in my art class are
    horrible at drawing and I'm just like "HA HA Mother
    Fruckers! I'm better than you guys and I'm not even trying!
    Suckers!!! Ha!" And oh my gosh there's is so much professionalism...
    Some one kill me right now. I don't feel like being mocked inside of there
    freaking head. Yeah, I know they're mocking me with my un-experienced-ness.
    Well you know what, it's not my fault so maybe I'll just go cocoon in my room or go
    look at other peoples drawings and make myself feel better by comparing theres to
    mine and wow I sound conceited but whatever. Don't act like it doesn't make you
    feel better that someone does somthing horrible that you're awesome at. You
    just get this awesome feeling of pride and wanna rub it in their face but
    you're nice and just pretend to be modest while brushing off their
    compliments but on the inside your ego is practically 'bout to
    pop and you caught me. I'm just trying to even this out into
    a pyramid. Oops well there's you explanations for why
    this is long. Just a few more lines. I'd be really
    surprised if you were still reading this
    but congratulations if you are.
    I don't know why but
    And done.

  19. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2014 12:16am UTC
    Oh, dont mind me.
    I'm just using comic sans.
    Don't worry.
    I'm using them ironically.

  20. illgiveyouablackeye* illgiveyouablackeye*
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2014 12:11am UTC
    Oh you think I spend way to much time on the computer?
    Guurlllll, stfu or gtfo cuz I'm totes off the computer most of my life like IDEK why you thought that. You totes sh- oh BRB, Ricky just tweeted something. What do you mean I don't have any friends and I'm not social enough? I beg to differ. I can have Kittalia, Melon Lord, and Inkquill332, and the rest of my followers vouch for me.


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