Witty Profiles

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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. totallynotacat* totallynotacat*
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2012 8:31pm UTC
    *Mom hands me phone to answer*
    Me: Hello?
    Telemarketer: Hello, is your mother home?
    Me: I have no mother.
    Her: Well can I speak to your father?
    Me: Yeah, which one?
    Her: Which one is home?
    Me: Well they're both home..but I don't think you want to talk to Carlos. He just went through a breakup with his boyfriend, Antonio.
    Her: Oh, so your fathers' names are Carlos and Antonio?
    Me: No, no! My fathers' names are Carlos and Mark.
    Her: So who's Antonio?
    Me: I just told you, Carlos's ex.
    Her: So Carlos was cheating?
    Me: Yes, but that's only because Mark was cheating with Edith, our neighbor.
    Her: So Carlos cheated only because Mark cheated?
    Me: No, he THOUGHT Mark was cheating.
    Her: So Mark wasn't cheating?
    Me: I never said that.
    Her: Yes, yes you did!
    Me: No I didn't.
    Her: Y-yes! You did!
    Me: Did what?
    Her: Y-you-Nevermind have a nice day, goodbye.
    My mom's reaction=priceless.

  3. mlsunny mlsunny
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2012 6:11pm UTC
    36 Reasons Why It's Good To Be A Girl:
    1. We can wear guy clothes. If they wear ours, they get funny looks.
    2. Our friends don't say hello to us by punching us on the arm.
    3. Yea- PMS sucks. But at least we have a good excuse to chow down on chocolate for a week.
    4. If we're on a really big ship that happens to hit an iceberg, we'll probably get first dibs on a lifeboat.
    5. Girl talk. You know, how we just understand each other without having to explain stuff.
    6. We never have to stand at a urinal and have other girls stare at us.
    7. Dark circles under the eyes? We can just cover them up with a little concealer.
    8. We don’t have to shave our faces.
    9. We can jump around a lot and shake our hair and it looks like we know how to dance.
    10. We get yummy chocolates and flowers from guys.
    11. We don’t have to dowse our food in Tabasco sauce just to look tough
    12. When we get married we get to keep our own name or choose one that we like even better.
    13. At least one girl always survives in horror flicks.
    14. We can take stuffed animals to bed no matter how old we are.
    15. We don’t have to wear tuxedos to the prom.
    16. Nose hair, ear hair, back hair- so not a problem for us.
    17. SLUMBER PARTIES! Guys just don't know how much fun those are.
    18. We don’t have to worry about getting hurt, um, down there.
    19. That special bond we have with our moms-someday
    20.We don’t feel the need to slap our teammates butt when she makes a good play.
    21. Pick up lines. They're not something we need to practice.
    22. We can get away with wearing platform shoes without looking goofy.
    23. We give really good advice
    24.On TV shows we're always the ones that have coolest supernatural powers.
    25. We can put cotton balls between our toes, paint our nails, and not feel the least bit silly.
    26. The coolest, sweetest songs and poems have been written about us.
    27. We don’t have to sit on our wallets.
    28. And our wallets have a place for change.
    29. Our lives do not revolve around ESPN Sports Center
    30.We can wear dresses without getting really weird looks from people
    31. We are called tomboys, Boys are called girlie.
    32. We have nicer handwriting than guys. Well it’s true.
    33. Our magazines have Horoscopes.
    34. We don’t have to stuff boxers in our jeans.
    35. Female pro athletes aren’t overpaid egomaniacs.
    36. Girls with guy first names (like Alex) sound cool, but it doesn’t work the other way around.

  4. LeA_HeRe LeA_HeRe
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2012 3:34pm UTC
    i wonder if a boy
    ever looks at me and thinks "wow, she's beautiful"

  5. KariDeen KariDeen
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2011 7:06pm UTC
    Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing. It's okay not to be okay. Sometimes it's hard, to follow your heart. Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising. Just be true to who you are! ♥

  6. Shortyyyyy14 Shortyyyyy14
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2011 5:49pm UTC
    I'm suing
    for false advertisement.
    I found a "W" in the bag.

  7. coolgirl coolgirl
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2011 5:39pm UTC
    That akward moment,
    when you wake up on Sunday May 22, and find out that you're alive!

  8. Bbycakebeebz Bbycakebeebz
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2011 7:54pm UTC
    Summer is almost here.!
    is anyone else counting the days?

  9. Emmaxoxo493 Emmaxoxo493
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2011 8:08pm UTC
    Why is everybody so serious?

  10. Andrew212 Andrew212
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2011 8:14pm UTC

    She was a young pre-teen
    Obessed with magazines
    Always watched model scene
    On the television screen
    Look ed up in the mirror and the
    Only t h ing she saw was a
    Fat an d ugly body
    Never thought she was a queen
    Youre a l l beau t i fu l don t ever t h i n k
    anyt h i ng d i f f e r e n t

  11. wittygirl2010 wittygirl2010
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2011 8:52pm UTC
    Sometimes I think ;
    music is only the thing that keeps me alive .

  12. ipromise ipromise
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2011 8:55pm UTC
    If you're reading this . . .

  13. rawrzxxluvv rawrzxxluvv
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2011 8:58pm UTC
    i hate it when people say to me;
    because you know what? i have changed. i'm not eight any more. i've been through elementary school and slimly survived middle school and i'm about to be shipped off to high school. i know a lot more things than i used to. i've learned from my mistakes and others and ive learned more things in school. i take on more responsibilities than i used to. i've experienced more things. i've lost friends. friends i'd never thought i'd lose in a life time just faded away from me in a heart beat. finding out what a real crush is like and what its like to have that person not love you back. i've tried to find out who the real me is by trying hobbies, styles, sports, and even friends to find just a tidbit of what i already knew in the back of my mind. and i've done this over and over again and still cant find the true me inside all these insecurities. i've found out what its like to completely hate yourself .
    i never changed.
    I GREW UP.

  14. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  15. jackieBOWLERevans jackieBOWLERevans
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2011 6:10pm UTC
    Those quotes that you make your
    On facebook
    dn NMFNMNMnergnjwre

  16. DinosaurEatYou DinosaurEatYou
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2011 5:40pm UTC
    a man was walking
    along the beach alone, when he heard the voice of God. The mans life flashed across the sky. He saw all of the times he was happy and laughing, and having fun. At these times, he saw two pairs of footsteps. One, were his, and one was Gods. But then it came to the sad parts of the mans life, where he was hurting. He looked down and saw only one pair of footsteps. He asked God, "Why did you abandon me, at the times where I was most upset in my life?" God smiled and replied "I did not abandon you. At the times that you were finding hard, I carried you."
    this was read at my Granny's funeral, and I just had to put it on here. (:

  17. Ourwittyadvice Ourwittyadvice
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2011 5:46pm UTC
    Your amazing
    j u s t t h e w a y y o u a r e ♥

  18. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  19. LivyLuvz LivyLuvz
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2011 5:49pm UTC
    I'm a hater.
    I'm a lover.
    Just like you!
    But are we alike?
    No, because I'm no fake.

  20. emiily13 emiily13
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2011 5:50pm UTC
    Let's favorite this one
    for us girls..
    who have cancer,
    who are depressed,
    who have parents who are in the military,
    who have siblings who have died,
    who have best friends they have lost,
    who have an incurable disease,
    who have given up on life,
    who cut themselves,
    who think they aren't skinny enough,
    who think they can't go without makeup,
    who have cried themselves to sleep,
    who think no one cares about them,
    who don't do anything on Friday nights,
    who have ex's that they still care about,
    who lost have lost parents,
    who have lost dear pets,
    who don't have friends,
    who eat too much,
    who say the wrong things,
    who wish they were prettier,
    who straighten their hair,
    who have had things stolen,
    who have thought about suicide,
    who hate the b●tch that stole your first love,
    who feel they aren't good at anything,
    who have sat alone at lunch,
    who feel sad.
    Fav. this if one of these applies to you
    + comment which one
    because we know what you're going through
    and there is always hope!


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