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Best Someonehadtosayit Quotes Today

  1. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2013 6:44pm UTC
    i really hate to be the one to say this, but the "quotes" about suicide, eating disorders and cutting need to stop. if you can post an actual intelligent quote about that, go ahead.
    but if all you do is post "i feel fat" "i'm going to cut again" "i'm done" and other things like that and then argue with people in the comments who try to make you feel better (and because of this the quote actually gets into top quotes), that needs to stop. witty is not for that.
    the actual creator of this site thinks that those "quotes" are part of the reason why witty is going hella downhill hella fast. if you want an online diary, that's cool, but witty profiles is a website for quotes and poems and stories.

  2. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2013 1:17pm UTC
    I think that people need to learn that;
    Getting nervous about public speaking is not social anxiety
    Feeling upset because your boyfriend cheated on you is not depression
    Not eating dessert is not having anorexia
    Vomitting because of a bad reaction to food is not bulimia
    Feeling angry because your friend lied to you is not having anger issues
    Feeling nervous about a test does not mean you have stress issues
    Having mild mood swings is not bipolar disorder
    These are serious disorders that people suffer from everyday. People need to stop treating it like an accessory, something that would go pretty with their personality, and open their eyes because the people who do suffer from these, and many more, would rather be in your place than their own.

  3. hyperion* hyperion*
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2013 7:40pm UTC
    a word of advice: 1st edition, volume 2, chapter 666;
    how to keep da peace:
    Don't shove the Bible [or any other belief/disbelief] up people's butts, and maybe then they won't try to s/h/it it back out.


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