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Missouri Quotes

  1. SarahLee3494 SarahLee3494
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 12:22pm UTC
    Has Missouri ever done a tourism ad with the slogan 'Missouri Loves Company?' If not, what is even the point of Missouri?

  2. SarahLee3494 SarahLee3494
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 12:22pm UTC
    Has Missouri ever done a tourism ad with the slogan 'Missouri Loves Company?' If not, what is even the point of Missouri?

  3. NarryandMe* NarryandMe*
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2013 11:44am UTC
    Are there any Wittians from Missouri out there??

  4. Vailkri Vailkri
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2013 12:31am UTC
    I am a hypocrite. Why?
    Because I judge people when they make bad decisions,
    and soon after I think as deep as I can about doing the exact same thing.

  5. AllieSmith7 AllieSmith7
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2013 1:47pm UTC
    Right now I REAAAALLLY hate football. It cancelled our show choir competition... Our first one of the season... I'm gonna cry..........

  6. NickiJacen NickiJacen
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2013 3:15pm UTC
    Any Wittians from Missouri?
    Just wondering ...Be nice to meet some of you!!

    Format By JustADream_Layouts.

  7. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2013 6:47pm UTC
    50 state stereotypes:
    Alabama: Our state bird is the NASCAR.
    Alaska: I can see seasonal depression from here.
    Arizona: Keeping indians in and mexicans out.
    Arkansas: Great scenery and brilliant people.. haha I'm sorry, we got Walmart?
    California: Gay, mexican, boob-job, computer hippies who really want to direct.
    Colorado: Snow!.. I mean cocaine, but we're also known for skiing.
    Connecticut: Great schools... because there's nothing else to do.
    Delaware: Come, we got low incorporation fees.. No, seriously, please come.
    Florida: The more north you go, the more south it gets.
    Georgia: Atlanta! We're kinda ashamed of the rest of it though...
    Hawaii: If you lived here, you'd be lazy, too.
    Idaho: Potatoes and Napoleon Dynamite. Go we're cool.
    Illinois: Look! A non-corrupt politician for once.. so far.
    Indiana: You have to drive through us to get somewhere better.
    Iowa: 56,000 square miles of dull.
    Kansas: White breds making wheat bread.
    Kentucky: Farming from the furure, text books from 1925.
    Louisiana: Thanks BP, like we didn't have enough problems.
    Maine: A wicked lotta moose aye?
    Maryland: Have Jeevs bring the lobster boat around.
    Massachusetts: Our chief export is obnoxious Pats fans.
    Michigan: Cereal makers, serial killers.
    Minnesota: Too nice not to elect a douchey governer.
    Mississippi: I'm gonna need a bigger bible belt.
    Missouri: Number one! In.. meth.
    Montana: Speed limits don't matter when you're drunk.
    Nebraska: Footballs, drawls, and overalls.
    Nevada: No laws no problem.. Cept all the murders...
    New Hampshire: Half hippie, half french, all upper-class.
    New Jersey: Guidos. Turnpikes. Leeching off New York.
    New Mexico: Like regular Mexico, but with more UFO's.
    New York: World's 14th biggest city, first biggest ego.
    North Carolina: First in flight, and lung cancer.
    North Dakota: Somehow even worse than South Dakota.
    Ohio: People care about us at election time.
    Oklahoma: 10 days tornado free!
    Oregon: Dreadlocks on caucasians.
    Pennsylvania: Even our Amish will fight you.
    Rhode Island: No seriously, we're a state.
    South Carolina: Still accepting confederate dollars.
    South Dakota: ... At least we're not North Dakota...
    Tennessee: Where white-people music comes from.
    Texas: Everything is bigger... Even our morons.
    Utah: Multiple lonely wives.
    Vermont: Gay marriages on maple syrup farms.
    Virginia: From center of civilization to hicksville in 20 minutes flat.
    Washington: Richer hippies than Oregon.
    West Virginia: Inbred love child of Virginia and DC.
    Wisconsin: It's too cold to be sober.
    Wyoming: We don't have any gay cowboys, alright?!... Okay maybe a few gay cowboys.
    (my state is Pennsylvania, and it's dead-on.)


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