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Letter Quotes

  1. help_me_im_drowning help_me_im_drowning
    posted a quote
    December 1, 2013 4:28pm UTC
    Dear best friend,
    Sadly it has come to the time where we now pass eachother as strangers. I could only wish I could of stopped it sooner. They day you left, had broken my heart. Normal best friends would have slowly let eachother go, but you had told me that day you never wanted to see me again. Maybe it was the fact that I never accepted the part where you thought I was beautiful. Maybe I complained to much, or just didn't listen. Maybe my thoughts got too carried away wtih the fact I'd finally lose you. You said you'd hurt me one way or another, but at that time I'd disagree. I look back every second of the day to figure out what I did wrong. Maybe it was something I said. Or maybe it was the constant fighting we had done. I wish I could of only taken the words I never ment when I was angry back. I had know that one day we would drift apart, but I never thought it would be so sudden. I knew that in that time when it would happen that I would lose all sanity. Times are different and you seem happy. Sadly, I am not. I am awaken with the constant grief and loss of someone I'd do anything for. A simple smile that had made my day worth living for, is now smiling for someone else. I really only wish they appreciate it as much as I had. I still pay attention to all the little things, like how you hated waking up each day knowing you had to go to work. Or that you loved to read on that one bench in the park. I know all your favorite colors, and the small things you hate about yourself. I will always find you quite lovely although you'd beg to differ. Maybe as times go by I will slowly forget the fact you use to sing me to sleep every night, even if you found it creepy, it made me feel safe. I use to love talking to you until 5 in the morning, just to make sure you wouldn't pick up a blade, or swallow too many pills. The times we were so tired, we'd laugh at just about anything and everything. Or how you somehow knew every piece of clothing in my closet, and told me what to wear. Although no one understood how I could be affected and cling to someone so close. No one understood that the pain I'd felt everyday was taken away by a best friend, the person that made me feel alive for once in my life. You had helped me and I tried my best to offer you the same back. But sadly words are never enough, and I was never enough. Knowing that these words will just be shrugged off like every other time I had something to prove, I just wanted you to be happy. Hopefully the people you are surrounded by now are enough, hopefully they are able to help you more than I ever could. I now understand again how it feels to wake up everyday having to put on a jacket. I was far too young before, and many people shrugged it off as scrapes. Knowing that the person that kept me alive had told me a mouth full of lies, makes my chest hurt. It feels as if there are a thousand pounds crushing my heart, only squeezing every inch of blood out of my system. Words cannot discribe how horrible it feels. Words do not help. I understand now. Its not been easy. It's never been easy. And forgetting you is the hardest thing I could ever imagine. I am sorry for never figuring it out sooner. It is such a selfish thing to do. I understand why you left, I'd leave me too.
    Just never forget that I cared and loved you more then anyone that you left me for ever would have.
    Yours truly,

  2. celestialerror* celestialerror*
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2013 9:00pm UTC
    To whom this may concern,
    I must apologize,
    I do not mean to
    disappoint you;
    but I must inform you
    that I am not a project,
    I am not something
    that you can just “fix.”
    I am a person;
    and I’m not broken.

  3. celestialerror* celestialerror*
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2013 6:25pm UTC
    Dear December,
    please be kind.

  4. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2013 7:00pm UTC
    Write bravosierra a letter!
    Dear _______________,
    I ______ you. You have a nice ______. You make me _______. You should _______. Someday I will ______. You + me = ________. If I saw you now I’d __________. I want to ________ you. I would build a _______ just for you. If I could sing you any song it would be _________. We could __________ under the stars.
    (P.S. ______________.)

  5. Breathe* Breathe*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2013 11:30pm UTC
    Dear Mom,
    One Morning when you come in my room to wake me up for school .. I won't be in my bed sleeping . I will be somewhere else . Trying to get away from all of the monsters that ruin my self esteme .
    Those times that you asked if I was okay , and all I said was "Yeah I'm perfectly fine ." I was lying . And after that lie I told every single day . I went up in my room to numb my pain . To watch my wrist bleed , to cry my eyes out , to scream but nobody heard me .
    Don't worry about me when I'm gone . Don't send search teams out for me . I will be fine . Even if I get lost , it will be better than going through all of the pain those people make me go through . Just trust me I will stay in touch with you guys .
    Make sure Kelsie stays herself for me . Don't let her cry . Make her laugh when it looks like she wants to cry . Sing her my "Don't cry" song . It makes her laugh . I can't worry about her enough .
    Like I said don't worry about me . Just be happy that I'm finally happy .
    I Love You .

  6. mariah_love1369 mariah_love1369
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2013 7:14pm UTC
    I'm not the easiest person to handle. I can get angry easily and i have a tendincy to take that anger out on others. I'm very opinionated and I only like things my way. I can be very guarded with my emotions and not express how i feel about someone i care about deeply. I have anxiety, i always stress and i wan't things to be done right. Needless to say i never thought i would find someone who could stand me for more than a month, But then i did. Stephen is a wonderful boyfriend and i can't say it enough. He calms me down when i'm over reaccting and he makes me smile when i'm sad. He spoils me rotten and he looks at me the way Noah looked at Ali. He's that boy I've been dreaming about, my Prince charming i always read about. He loves me unconditionally and isn't afraid to tell me what i don't want to hear. It's been four months with this magical man and I can't wait for many more.
    I love you Stephen

  7. celestialerror* celestialerror*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2013 11:43am UTC
    Dear you,
    I promise you I can be better. Just don’t give up on me, give me a little more time—please. I can’t do this without you. I’ll be better, I swear! Just don’t leave me alone with my thoughts, I beg of you.

  8. calimarie calimarie
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2013 3:31pm UTC
    Writing your suicide letter >>>

  9. Hamida* Hamida*
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2013 8:06am UTC
    Thirty Day Challenge!
    Day 1 - Your Best Friend.
    Day 2 - Your Crush
    Day 3 - Your Parent
    Day 4 - Your Sibling. (Or Closest Relative.)
    Day 5 - Your Dreams.
    Day 6 - A Stranger.
    Day 7 - Your Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Love/Crush
    Day 8 - Your Favorite Internet Friend.
    Day 9 - Someone You Wish You Could Meet.
    Day 10 - Someone You Don't Talk Too As Much As You'd Like Too
    Day 11 - A Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk Too.
    Day 12 - The Person You Hate Most/Cause You Alot Of Pain.
    Day 13 - Someone You Wish Could Forgive You.
    Day 14 - Someone You've Drifted Away From.
    Day 15 - The Person You Miss The Most.
    Day 16 - Someone That's Not In Your State/Country.
    Day 17 - Someone From Your Childhood.
    Day 18 - The Person That You Wish You Could Be.
    Day 19 - Someone That Pesters Your Mind. (Good Or Bad.)
    Day 20 - The One That Broke Your Heart The Hardest.
    Day 21 - Someone You Judged By Their First Impression.
    Day 22 - Someone You Want Too Give A Second Chance Too.
    Day 23 - The Last Person You Kissed.
    Day 24 - The Person That Gave You Your Favorite Memory.
    Day 25 - The Person You Know That Is Going Through The Worst Of Times.
    Day 26 - The Last Person You Made A Pinky Promise Too.
    Day 27 - The Friendliest Person You Knew For Only One Day.
    Day 28 - Someone That Changed Your Life.
    Day 29 - The Person That You Want Too Tell Everything Too, But Too Afraid Too.
    Day 30 - Your Reflection In The Mirror
    Dear Hope
    You're the most wonderful person I've ever met. I love you because you are so nice, and you never ever lie to me. I just have to say, I'm with the best friend I could ever have.

  10. of_mice_and_lucifer* of_mice_and_lucifer*
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2013 10:03pm UTC
    I I I
    I I I
    make a letter.
    you know what to do.

  11. The Sleeping Wallflower* The Sleeping Wallflower*
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2013 12:38pm UTC
    Dear Witty,
    I know i havent been on in a really long time. I have reasons.
    -my phone was taken away because i have really bad grades
    Here are my scores for the first Marking Period
    LA -- 63 (I was in a advanced class, i was the only F)
    SS -- 66 (if i hate the teacher i hate the class)
    Science -- 89 (pretty decent)
    Alg. -- 72 (not bad but i am not a alg. person)
    Music --61 (hard teacher and quizzes)
    Gym -- 94 (IDK...)
    please dont cooment rude things-- i already had lectures from my parents...
    I hate 8th grade it is not fun!!
    So.... those are really bad excuses.... but they are still reasons. I am empty still, the same person that i was when summer ended.
    To my followers-- i miss all of you i feel like you are my only friends, of course i have friends at school, but you guys give me inspiration that no one can give me but you....
    To everyone-- Keep Up The Inspiring Quotes
    (BTW i am on the school computer, i have a nice LA teacher that gave us extra time with the computers)

  12. westoodtogether westoodtogether
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2013 8:35pm UTC
    I need to get this out. This is a letter to the boy I love. I'll protect his name on the internet. You don't have to read it, but if you do, and you have similar feelings as me about a boy you know, write your own letter in the comments.
    To begin, everything about you is just perfect. Your hazel eyes, your brown hair, adorable smile. The three necklaces you wear everyday, the two rings and your little silver earring. Every time I see you, I just want to wrap my arms around me. You warm me up when i'm cold, you make me feel special. You hug me from behind, and play with my fingers. You hugged me in front of your family, and introduced them to me. You gave me a rose and asked me for my number. I can't tell you how much all of that means to me. You make my life interesting; I never know what's going to happen next because of you. The days don't blur together anymore, and whenever i'm away from you, all I can do is think about you and look foreward to seeing you again. You give me butterflies. You scare me because I love you so much. You comfort me, look out for me, you never fail to make my day. You make me laugh, and you blow my mind.
    I love you, and one day, I want to marry you. I know that it won't be easy, and I know about all of our opposing forces, I know that those girls will never stop trying to bring us apart. But I'm willing to love you more than I hate them, because you mean that much to me. I NEVER want to lose you. I'm willing to do anything, work very hard, and go out of my way because to me, it'd be worth it. It will always be worth it. I promise you. I'd never leave you. Ever. I love you. I want the whole world to know, that I love you. I love you for making me feel beautiful, for making me feel happy, making me feel wanted. I'll never meet anyone like you. Ever. I'll always put you first. You made my heart full. You filled me up with love. And I'll never let that love go, because to me, our love is infinite.

  13. celestialerror* celestialerror*
    posted a quote
    October 28, 2013 6:03pm UTC
    To whom it may concern,
    i. don't forget to eat today,
    your body needs it;
    you deserve to be healthy.
    ii. Lay in bed if you need to,
    taking a break from it all is okay.
    iii. Don't worry about everyone else,
    put yourself first;
    you deserve it.
    iv. Love your body;
    because it loves you,
    and it protects you everyday.
    v. Cry if you need to,
    don't bottle everything up,
    let yourself feel the pain.
    vi. It's okay to get lost in
    the darkness sometimes,
    just don't forget to come from us.
    vii. You don't owe anything to anyone.
    viii. Watch your favorite movie,
    read your favorite book,
    listen to your favorite song;
    do what makes you happy.
    ix. Eat that piece of cake,
    and don't you dare
    go near that scale.
    To whom it may concern,
    x. don't forget to love yourself,
    don't forget to find your happiness.

  14. WantingTheEnd WantingTheEnd
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2013 8:52am UTC
    Dear Music,
    Thank you for saving my life on numerous occasions.
    Sincerely, A grateful human being.

  15. dumb_blonde1998 dumb_blonde1998
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2013 12:03pm UTC
    Dear someone close to my heart,
    I'm sorry.
    Writing my last words in my head and wishing I could put pen to paper, ink flowing with the feelings I wish everyone to know.
    not my format:credit to aellyniq

  16. Antigoddess* Antigoddess*
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2013 4:23pm UTC
    Dear *****,
    It’s been three months now.
    The 20th of each month is always the hardest for me. I remember it as if it was yesterday. You told me that you were going into surgery and there was a 85-90% chance that you would die. I didn’t realise the absurdity of those figures till it was too late. My best friend at the time got a message after last period saying you weren’t going to make it. In an instant, I broke down, tears streaming down my cheeks, my hand over my mouth muffling my screams. I found out you lied to me later that day. I learnt that you were alive and that it was all an act, a desperate attempt for attention. The surgery you didn’t make up but there was never any chance of death. I tried to commit that night. I couldn’t understand why the person I trusted the most would do that to me. I had told you everything. You knew how fragile and broken I was. You had talked me out of committing before and had even offered to forge me a note to get out of swimming because of my scars. I was stupid. I blamed myself and the first time you weren’t there to stop me I nearly died. I passed out to the thoughts of “I hope he’s happy now.” I didn’t die though. I woke up the next morning hating myself more than ever. I had to go to school the next day and tell your two best friends that you had lied to them. The three of us went to see the counsellor who I saw regularly for two months afterward.
    Now I have to go to school every day just to see you there smiling and laughing and living. It hurts. It’s like I’m being stabbed repeatedly in the heart. I have to smile and bear it. Pretend it’s all okay because everyone else forgot about months ago. I told you that I had forgiven you but in all honesty I hate you. I hate you for what you did to me. I hate how you get to be happy after you pushed me into this sea of depression.
    So fck you *****, fck you

  17. help_me_im_drowning help_me_im_drowning
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2013 10:14pm UTC
    Dear best friend,
    There are no pretty colors to this, nor pretty formats. These words, that I have typed with my pale boney hands come from my broken but still working heart. Though you tell me all the time words no longer help you; these words should be the things that would rather come out of my mouth than rather a pix-led screen. I have numerous times told you what you have meant to me, but I never really think you take it seriously. Because when you read this letter it doesn't say "Dear father," or "Dear neighbor"..
    though remember the person that use to stay up until 5am with you just to make sure that you were going to sleep soundly, and safely. Sadly it has came to the time where you'd sleep just to run away from everything. Your body is sluggish when you wake in the morning and you dread to take even an inch of a step. You look into the mirror. You see a horrible person but I'd see only a sleepy face. You'd carry on your day wishing it would only end, but I wish I could spend a day with my best friend. The person that I look up to. The person I would of never known if they hadn't text me while standing in the middle of my kitchen. The person that I never get tired of talking to. The person that saves my life over a million times a day. The person I am terrified to lose... You are not the only one that wakes in the morning shaking. As if it is almost as painful to get dressed in the morning as it is to fall asleep at night. As the day goes by the sadness overcomes. The trances we live in are a thing we call hell. Our mind is the killer and we are the victim. The things you block out are the most important things you need to listen to. Please listen to me when I say you are amazing. There is no other person in this world that has done the things you have, for me. There is no other person that has calmed me down from crying when I am sad. There is no other person that has made me feel the slightest bit of beautiful. Do not tell me you are not amazing, because in my eyes you are far from horrible. You are perfect. There is no one that can change my mind. No one is ever going to love themselves completely, but I will always love you. I will always love your silly, goofy, talented, amazing self. I cannot get anymore simple, I never want to lose you. I need you. Please do not give up. Life is horrible I know, but I will not let you give up. You cannot leave, you'd be taking me with you. I will never leave your side. I will never leave your bright, flawless, amazing, talented, fantasic, incredible, kind, intelligent, wonderful, bashful, delightful, excellent, and perfect side. You are the person that holds my happiness, please keep it this way.
    Yours truly,
    Your best friend <3

  18. The Quiet* The Quiet*
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2013 8:25pm UTC
    You are the greatest thing that has entered my life this year. You are always on my side no matter how small or how big something gets. I know I can always lean on you. You made me smile, when I came on Facebook and Witty today, with you and your spamming me with your sweet, nice, lovely comments/messages. I would of just responded to the message or comments but i decided I'd write you a letter. We know each other so well, and you always know when I am indeed of a friend. You are truly my best friend and I hope you never leave me. I love you for just being you and no one could ever change my mind about that.
    come back to home soon so I can see you again. <3
    Love your Cat.
    Sydney :)

  19. celestialerror* celestialerror*
    posted a quote
    September 29, 2013 3:12pm UTC
    Dear you,
    How's everything? I hope you're doing well. It's been a while since we've last talked, it's been even longer since we last said, 'I love you.' Do you ever think of me? (I think of you all the time.) Have you find 'the one' yet? I hope you did, you deserve all the happiness in the world. Well I hope you're happy, and your new adventure is everything you hoped it would be. Even if I'm not apart of it.

  20. brookeleigh626 brookeleigh626
    posted a quote
    September 29, 2013 10:41am UTC
    Sorry but your password must contain an uppercase letter, a number, a haiku, a gang sign, a hieroglyph, and the blood of a virgin.


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