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Ijustneededtovent Quotes

  1. SmileyFacesAreAmazing SmileyFacesAreAmazing
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2015 8:16pm UTC
    would anyone PLEASE like to explain to me how I went through hell and back during high school and yet I am letting some DUMB MEAN GIRLS get to me 6 days before freaking graduation

  2. hyperion* hyperion*
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2014 12:44pm UTC
    i'm not quie sure why i'm writing this, maybe it's because of my sudden odd addiction to teen wolf, but i needed to put it somewhere, even if just for a little bit. it'll make me feel better. you don't have to read it, i swear.
    i think the reason that i find myself in lydia and stiles the most is because i'm really nothing special. not in the sense that they're dull characters — not at all, but in the sense that they aren't the ones with supernatural powers (or not werewolf abilities, anyway,) they're the researchers, the ones with the plan, the ones who make the behind the scenes happen. whenever i talk with my friends about with characters we associate ourselves with the most, they always tell me who i should associate with, how i'm "absolutely nothing like" the characters i choose to fixate on and empathize with. this leaves me having to keep it to myself, but with lydia and stiles... i don't know. they are unarguably part of me. stiles — the silly one, who relies on sarcasm and quick wit to hide behind, effortlessly smart, but lacking all the drive. i find myself in him because my friends, the people around me, are the special ones, the cool ones, the attractive ones, the ones who don't hang back. me, i'm the one voted most likely to get pucnhed in the face for making smartass comments all the time. i find myself in him because despite stiles being the most ordinary, he's still well-developed, charismatic, believable. i find a connection with him because it makes me feel like i could be that sort of character, too.
    y'know, still important.
    and lydia. "places to do, people to see" lydia. i love lydia because she loves her sexuality, because people fear her for it. she is power. she is what drives the group the most from behind. this isn't really why i identify with her, but it is what i want to grow to be. i identify with her because everyone thinks she is vividly stupid, an airhead, creative but no good for intelligence. like doing jocks is what she does best. that is, until you truly recoginze what a genius lydia martin is. she understands languages she doesn't speak, knows the symptoms of any disease off the top of her head. knows how to make a self igniting molotov cocktail off the top of her head. i find myself in this because that is how the majority of my peers think of me. people asked me if my name got mixed up when i won a math competition. people tell me i get good grades because "the teacher totally has a soft spot for you." it's not like that. i can understand languages i don't speak. i know the symptoms of any disease of the top of my head. chemistry. astronomy. language. social issues. i find myself in lydia because while she hides it well, she breaks the box she has been put into. she smashes a fücking hole through it. she gives me hope that 'b' can be for both 'books' and 'boobs,' and that that's okay. that's okay. that i don't have to hide one half of myself for another. and stiles reminds me that it's okay to be ordinary, because really, as ordinary as you might think you are, you still really aren't. they tell me that i should take pride in who i am, and consider myself a gift, even though i might not be anything special or solid by anyone else's standards.

  3. SarahLee3494 SarahLee3494
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2013 5:08pm UTC
    I want to be an actress. Its all I've ever wanted to be. My dream is to one day live in New York and be on Saturday Night Live. I told my family that I was thinking about taking classes at Second City (in Chicago) to better my acting and writing skills. Everyone was happy for me and encouraging me. Everyone except my sister. She was telling me that there is no future is that and right now I need to focus on getting a real job and helping our mom. So I put my acting on the back burner. I tell my family that I am going to postpone college another year so I can help out my mom. My sister is angry at this and tells me I shouldn't worry about mom and go to school. I tell her that I will and that I want to go for journalism. She says I'm making a huge mistake and I should just go into the medical field like her. I don't want to go into the medical field. I don't want to be an EMT, but she is still nagging at me about it.Then I tell her fine and that I will go to school to be a medical asassistant. Now this is a huge mistake and I shouldn't do I, well, according to my sister. NO MATTER WHAT I DO, ITS NEVER GOOD ENOUGH! I CAN'T PLEASE ANYONE!

  4. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2013 1:35am UTC
    I just...... I can't. I can't do it anymore.
    I have seen them all come into my life. I have seen all of them walk out of my life countless times. And some of them keep coming back into mylife.
    I have seen them mistreat me time and time again. I've seen them lie to me. I've seen them use me. I've seen them just toss me aside, and I've seen them stringing me along. I have seen them cheat on me, I have seen them abandon me, and I have seen them not be there for me when I was always 24/7 no matter where I was, what I was doing, be there for them.
    And it has taken me ten years to finally decide that I do not need them in my life. I do not need those types of people. I have finally realized that those who keep coming back do not deserve their 23rd chance. I have finally realized that if keep my walls up, I'll be protected, and only the ones who want to actually stay in my life will break those down. I have realized that if I act like I don't need anyone, the only ones who will truly realize that I do, will stay. I finally realized that I don't need that in my life and I don't need them. So starting today, right now, I'm not going to accept anything. No help, no anything. The more I put up a front, the safer and happier I'll be. I'm giving up on the idea of me actually depending on someone to make me happy. I'm the only one who can do that. No one else. You know I used to think that if I had a boyfriend everything in the world would be okay. I used to think that the only way I woud get a boyfriend was if I didn't speak up. If I never let people know my standards. If I just let them use me whenever and for whatever. But I just can't anymore. I am so sick of letting everyone treat me like garbage. I just I cant do it anymore.


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