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Best Bah Quotes Ever

  1. crazyshaelie crazyshaelie
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2013 12:45pm UTC
    Some people wonder why I'm so blunt.
    Point out that it comes off as rude sometimes.
    I know it does, but I can't stand to lie, or sugarcoat things. Too many years of my life was wasted by people that lied to me, so they wouldn't hurt me. Well, I don't care. I've already been broken, but it's made me stronger. I can handle whatever this f/cking world throws at me.
    But if you lie to me, I lose all respect for you.
    Lie to me, and I'll no longer want to be around you.
    I don't trust people.
    I don't keep friends, I keep acquainted.
    It's just safer that way.

  2. Raxin Raxin
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2015 1:16pm UTC
    Christmas gifts are fun for kids.
    If you try to buy a present for an adult, if it's something they want, they'll already have it, which means you're left with buying them something they don't want. If you give them money, and they give you a present (even if it's something you don't want), your gift is deemed worse because money takes less thought. If you both give each other money, but you don't give the same amount, it's also a problem. If you agree to give each other money and you agree on a specific amount to avoid problems, you might as well just keep your money and pretend you swapped it.
    Let's not and say we did.
    quote and format by Raxin

  3. Apologetic* Apologetic*
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2013 7:26pm UTC
    I think my best friend hates me.

  4. Blurryface* Blurryface*
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2013 7:14pm UTC
    1) What is your name? Caroline
    2) Do you find it annoying when surveys ask for your name? Nah
    3) What do you plan to buy in the future? Nothing, if i can help it. Not until April.
    4) Where did you get the underwear you are currently wearing? Um, I don't really know..
    5) How many pairs of Converse do you own? One
    6) Who is your favorite “How I Met You Mother” character? Barney
    7) There is a mummy standing behind you. What do you do? Mimic him.
    8) What do you think of Miley Cyrus? She's not as bad as some people think.
    9) Do you tend to think that you are always right? No, although I say I am sometimes
    10) Top Ten Favorite Songs At The Moment: Guns For Hands, Holding on to you, car radio, yellow, she is my religion, angel with a shotgun, ignorance, breath of life, now
    11) What was your favorite cereal growing up? cinnamon toast crunch
    12) Have you thought more about your funeral, or your wedding? wedding
    13) Dinosaurs or Unicorns? i cant choose..
    14) What is your favorite musical? WICKED
    15) You need new jeans. Where do you go? JCP
    16) Do you play the Sims 2? Nope.
    17) Do you think this is boring? nah
    18) What do you think of Maroon 5? Ilike them.
    19) What about Coldplay? Love them.
    20) Fall Out Boy? I heard they're back, i want to start listening to them
    21) Katy Perry? She's good.
    22) How about The All-American Rejects? Love them
    23) Have you ever snuck into an R-rated movie when you weren't old enough to see it without parents? LOL nope, sissy mary here.
    24) The Wii or Xbox 360? Either
    25) Team Demi/Selena or Team Miley? Uh..Demi/Selena?
    26) Do you know many Matthews? I know one
    27) What do you think of the Jonas Brothers? My babies!
    28) Have you ever slept in a tent, indoors or out? LOL when I was best friends with this girl we tried to..too hot outside!
    29) What is your favorite kind of Girlscout cookie? THIN MINT. Or samoa.
    30) Do you enjoy surveys? mhmm
    31) What do you hear at the moment? twenty one pilots- holding on to you.
    32) Why do you think so many people love myspace? Who uses myspace anymore?
    33) What do you think of people who do illegal drugs? I don't think its a good idea..
    34) Do you watch the Olympics? Yuuuup!
    35) What are your top five favorite stores? Hot Topic, JCP, Forever 21, Blick, this thrift store I cant remember the name of
    36) Do you like the new Weezer album? I don't listen to them..
    37) What did you think of Panic at the Disco taking out the exclamation point in their name? I liked it better with the exclamation.
    38) What is the worst job you have ever had? Haven't had a bad job yet.
    39) Have you ever been to Minnesota? Nope
    40) What is the strangest thing you've ever seen on TV? Ah, there's way too many strange things on tv.
    41) Do you watch informercials when there is nothing on? Nope
    42) What is your favorite Disney Channel Show? Lizzie McGuire, Lilo and Stitch, Thats so Raven!
    43) Have you ever seen the Wedding Singer? Nope
    44) Top 10 movie actors: Don't even
    45) Have you ever gone camping? Nope
    46) What do you miss most about elementary school? Not caring what others thought too much.
    47) What do you do when you want to fill out a survey, but none of your friends have posted surveys that you have not taken yet? uh.
    48) What is your favorite kind of DQ Blizzard? oreoooo
    49) Has anything funny ever happened to you while in Wendy's? Not that i recall.
    50) What do you think of McDonalds? It's just like Wendy's


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