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I hate how when someone
considers themselves "curvy"
everyone throws a fit. like guess
what, not everyone that is bigger
than you, thinks you should "eat
a sandwich" or something. and
it doesn't mean you should just 
be allowed to call someone fat.
skinny is generally a compliment,
fat is always an insult. the word
fat ruins people. there are people
out there that starve themselves
to be called skinny, and not fat.
do you realize how HARD it can
be to be bigger? there are FAR 
MORE smaller people that pick
apart "fat" people, saying things
like "there's a difference between
curvy and obese and a fat a.ss.."
or "curvy is fine but obese and fat
is disgusting.." than there are people
telling you to eat a d.amn sandwhich.

I am just getting really f.ucking sick
of seeing the same f.ucking quote
on this website, "why is it okay to
call me skinny and I can't call you
fat? if you can love your curves 
why can't I love my bones? If you
can tell me to eat something why
can't I tell you to stop eating?" 
First off, you can, but it'd make you
a b.itch. Just like the person telling
you to eat something is being a 
b.itch to you. Secondly, that causes
f.ucking eating disorders. Thirdly,
"fat"  only has NEGATIVE meaning,
skinny  is a compliment most of the
time. there's a difference.

When people lose weight and get
skinny, the reaction is "omg, you
look so pretty now. wow." as if
fat made them a monster before
and when someone gains weight,
it is always like "lol did you hear 
about ____? man they really let
themselves go. they got super 
heavy. it's gross." I have literally
overheard people say both
about people. It's never positive
if someone gains weight. NEVER.

It's not cool to skinny shame,
and it's not cool to fat shame.
and I tried to be calm about 
this, but people on this godd.amn
website can't grasp the fact that
big people go through so much 
verbal abuse it isn't funny, and 
they think it's okay to fight back
with more if someone tells them
to go eat a f.ucking sandwich. 

no matter how skinny you are, if 
someone calls you FAT, it hurts.
and no matter what size you are,
skinny makes you feel good.



(and I swear if one of you are like
"yeah, curvy is fine, but I don't support
obese and fat people because it's
unhealthy and gross" then get  the
f.uck  out. let's not pretend that skinny
means you're healthy. skinny people
can actually be as unhealthy as obese
people- filling their body with fast food,
no exercise, other bad habits, they just
happen to be able to eat whatever and
not gain a pound. doesn't mean they're
UNHEALTHY. unless you're their Dr.,
kindly shut up.)


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I hate how when someone considers themselves "curvy"

7 faves · 7 comments · Feb 17, 2014 11:12pm





love · inspirational · life · true · mean · fat · positive · skinny · negative · bodies · away messages

Ashleyray123 · 9 years ago
Actually, when you lose weight, you don't always get told how "pretty or beautiful you look" the reaction isn't always positive. losing weight doesn't mean people always pay attention to it, or that people are nice about it. people can make you feel like absolute crap for losing too much weight....and also, not everyone who loses weight is bigger or fat to begin with. I am naturally skinny, and when I developed anorexia, sure people asked me if i lost weight, but i have never gotten any positive comments for being as skinny as I am. Most people don't care, and if they say something its usually "my gosh, you are so skinny, do you not eat?" or "you look disgusting and gross, no one thinks you look good being so small" so yea, people get treated crappy for gaining weight, but remember there are those of us who also get treated crappy for losing it....
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Atira · 1 decade ago
You know...
It doesn't feel good when people call me skinny.
Or ask me 'Do you even eat?'
I mean, it really angers me.
They pretty much accuse me of being anorexic, or bulimic, or etc.
It's not okay,
It's just as rude as someone calling another person fat.

Next time someone asks me if I eat,
I'm going to ask them if they ever stop eating.

It's rude both ways.
And hurts either way.

Some people have really fast metabolism, and just can't gain weight like some people 'think they should'.

It's not about weight so much,
But the insults are insinuating that the person is not taking care of themselves.
That's why it hurts so much at times.

And at times,
The person literally is not taking care of themselves.
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The_Sky_Is_Falling* · 1 decade ago
you obviously didn't get the f.ucking point if your solution is "hey this person asked me if I ever eat so I'm going to insult them back."

it might hurt, but two wrongs CERTAINLY DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT.

no matter what, fat people are treated so much WORSE than just simply being asked if you eat, or someone insinuating that you have an eating disorder. the word fat CREATES actual eating disorders for the love of god. the word fat F.UCKING KILLS PEOPLE because everyone feels like they can treat them like they aren't human. there are facebook groups DEVOTED to making fun of fat people. actually, one of my facebook friends took a picture of a bigger person at a pizza joint, and countless amounts of people MADE FUN OF HER *FOR* EATING. do you get made fun of simply for giving your body something it needs? they called her a whale, and how disgusting it was for her to be in public. Do people tell you that you're too skinny to leave your house? I don't think so. a common thing people say about fat people is "they shouldn't parade around in public until they get skinny. it's disgusting." does that happen to you? do you know what it's like to walk into the mall and have EVERYONE stare at you and laugh every time you walk into a clothing store because realistically nothing will fit? I f.ucking doubt it.

When someone criticizes you for being skinny, it's probably because they got s.hit for being bigger. It's f.ucking human instinct to defend yourself. If it wasn't for all these harsh people saying that fat people should be "lined up and shot", then there probably wouldn't be so many people going around telling skinny people to go eat.

People don't choose to be fat just as much as you don't choose to be skinny.
Some people might have fast metabolisms, but some people have slow ones. And they get RIDICULED for the result.

Skinny is not just as rude as fat, skinny is glamorized. Skinny has POSITIVE connotations, fat is only NEGATIVE connotations.

There are people that used to be big, that lost a lot of weight, and if you actually read articles of how they're treated now vs. then, it'd make you REALIZE how much easier you have it if you get asked if you eat. There are girls that feel like s.hit after they lose all the weight, not because of any skinny hate, but because after becoming skinny they realize how far from HUMAN they were treated when they were big. are you treated like a human? I bet you are.

Did you not read the end of the quote? I'm guessing not because you decided to open your ignorant mouth and seem to think it's okay to bash someone's body next time they ask if you eat. Maybe you should try talking to them, and making a better world instead of adding more HATE. People like you are just adding fuel to the fire. I clearly ended the quote saying if you like your body that's great and if not change it (if you can't, learn to love it), and if someone else likes their body leave them alone and if they don't then still leave them alone because it's not your place to judge. people need to learn to love THEMSELVES and let everyone else love themselves, too. So maybe you should try and SPREAD THAT MESSAGE instead of spreading hate next time someone asks you if you eat.

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Atira · 1 decade ago
You know,
I wasn't being smart with you.

I was just adding a little something.

But yeah, people have made fun of me for being skinny. And yes, I did read the whole thing that you said.

Sometimes we just get in piissy moods, and I understand that you've been feeling like that, but it's not exactly okay to take everyone's word personally.

Yes, people do need to learn to love themselves, it is extremely important. You are right.

But, people also need to take care of themselve,
Meaning, that people need to eat, how much, is up to them.
But, if I am honest,
(Which, this is the point of taking care of yourself),
When I see people who can barely walk,
And complain about swollen ankles,
Tell me that they really shouldn't be eating those last cookies, muffins etc. And how they're going to do it anyway,
It doesn't make me respect them as well.

I don't hate 'bigger people',
This guy I call my brother, he's bigger. The heck with it I ignore it, he's still a person.
He's still important.

But yes,
People do get made fun of for being skinny.
A lot of people look at the word 'skinny', as a glamorous word.

Haha... it's not always.
People make smart remarks of my weight, even though I thought they wouldn't.
Adults do,
Younger people do.

It seems to me like no one can be a size without getting bashed, or beat down.

The word skinny,
Can hurt just as much as fat.

I mean, non of what I said was to anger you,
Or get ignorant or smart.
I was just you know... spreading my opinion as much as you spread yours,
But without as much anger etc.

And yes,
I most certainly do spread that people NEED, desperatly to love themselves.

But, sometimes people must be shown exactly what they're saying, so they can understand.

Sorry if I created a couple knots in your tail,
It wasn't my intent to come off bit/chy.
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KayleighJean · 1 decade ago
*applause* I absolutely love you right now. This needed to be said, and you just freakin put it out there perfectly. You will forever have my utmost respect!
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The_Sky_Is_Falling* · 1 decade ago
omg wow thanks, I did not expect you to be so nice when I saw there was a comment.
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KayleighJean · 1 decade ago
Haha I think it's great that you put it out there, it makes people take a step back and think. It sparks conversation. Props to you!
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