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if you were mine, i'd kiss your ankles and neck and the tip of your nose. i'd bring you film canisters filled with love notes and interesting books and i'd send you texts with random facts whenever i discovered something new. i'd show up at your house at midnight with a pot of your favorite kind of tea and a blanket and tell you to come down so we could lie down on your lawn and look at the stars. i'd go into the city with you and throw away your map and search for someplace beautiful. i'd photograph you every day. i'd buy you ugly boxers and sing to you constantly. i'd give you space if you wanted it. i'd make you mixes for every week we'd been together. i'd hold your hand underwater. i'd love you until you asked me not to.  hghghgh urhighuigh          
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if you were mine, i'd kiss your ankles and neck and the tip

39 faves · Oct 19, 2013 12:06pm





love · cute · mine

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