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Chapter 3

My instincts tell me to run, but my feet are frozen to the ground. I can practically feel its breath behind me, that’s how close it is. I slowly put my finger to the trigger of my gun. I have to be careful with my shot because if I miss I’ll be shooting right at the campsite where the rest of the crew is.
I draw in a shaky breath, turn and shoot quickly. The bullet rips through the creeper’s head, but it still takes a couple steps towards me, arms outstretched, and its bony fingertips just brush my face as it crumples to the ground. I let out my breath and glance towards Everett, who is hitting a shot through another creeper just a couple yards away. We both catch our breath for a minute, not daring to move and making sure there are no others around.
“Nice shot,” he mumbles, still a bit stunned.
I take in another short breath and nod. “Thanks, you too… Let’s go to the camp now. I’m done being out here in the dark.”
He nods and as we walk back to the campsite, I kick the creeper’s head clean off its shoulders. When we get to the campsite I sit down by the fire for a bit to warm up and I feel Everett sitting down beside me. I play with my dog tag in my hands for a bit. “I think I’m going to set up my bed,” I say quietly and stand up, brushing away a couple leaves from my pants. I really don’t feel like talking, I just want to sleep everything away.
He nods, watching my facial expressions to see if I’m okay. “Alright,” he says. “Do you need any help?”
I shake my head and give him a half smile. “Nah I think I’ve got it.” I ruffle his hair as I walk past him, towards my bag.
I pick a tree that I like and carefully climb up into it. I hate being on the ground at night. It makes me feel so vulnerable. That’s pretty much the way Everett and I survived, once the car had run out of gas and before we had met the rest of our crew. We lived up in the trees, where we felt safest that the creepers would not be able to get to us. That was probably the best day after the virus hit though, finding others that we could talk to and trust to have our backs. I’ll never forget how grateful I was to see other living people.
I take my pack off once I feel high enough in the tree, about twenty feet off the ground, and unhook my sleeping bag. I unbuckle my belt and lay the sleeping bag out on a branch. I snuggle up inside and once I’m comfortable I buckle my belt around the branch and sleeping bag, so if I turn in the middle of the night I won’t fall out of the tree. Yeah, I learned that lesson the hard way.
I hear a bit of rustling under my tree and I look down to see Everett setting his sleeping bag underneath my tree. It’s funny how he never strays to far from me, he’s like an older brother that’s always looking out for me. I guess I am the only one he really trusts to have his back, likewise with he and I, so we always make sure we are close enough to protect each other.
He rests his head against the trunk of the tree, facing the fire. It’s hard to see his face at my angle, but I’m guessing he’ll be up for a while. He always stays up when we spend the night in the woods. Sometimes if I wake up in the middle of the night I’ll stay awake and make him get some sleep. I know he hates to make me stay up, but even he can’t go on forever without some rest.
As I start to fall asleep, I hear the discreet sound of humming. I glance down at Everett, his eyes are closed but the sounds are definitely coming from him. I smile to myself and snuggle deep into my sleeping bag. I slowly drift off to the sound of Everett’s song.

*****Author's Note*****
Hey guys comment what you think! I'd really love some feedback! 
♥ Thanks ♥
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Creepers Chapter 3 My instincts tell me to run, but my feet are

6 faves · 1 comments · Sep 24, 2013 3:09pm





story · romance · zombies · creepers

soccerdogg25 · 1 decade ago
I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday. There's a virus going around my school, so of course I had to get it too. Yay -_- but better late then never! I hope you guys like it :)
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