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today was large step backwards.

today was the day, where almost 2 years later.
i looked back, 
i looked at the conversations we had.
the way we spoke.
like nothing could ever be gone
like we were gonna be bestfriends forever
like you were gonna get the bestfriend candle at my sweet sixteen
like we were gonna go to prom together cause we were both to stupid to get dates
like we would go to college together 
like we were gonna get married one day if we were both single
i loved you so much
you got a girlfriend
and cut me off
5 years of 24/7 talking
you werent at my sweet sixteen
you werent even invited
you didnt wish me a happy birthday
2 years in a row i waited on you to say something
on my birthday
never wished me luck in anything
never supported me
never said hi to me
youre changed
but im in love with the memory
of you
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today was large step backwards. today was the day, where almost

1 faves · Jun 20, 2013 10:29pm





sad · alone · imissyou · pleasecomeback · story

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