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Chapter Eightteen
Hunter's P.O.V.



I walked into my bedroom, grabbing a British flag sweater, and a pair of black shorts before running back to the bathroom to take a shower. The water was warm when I got there as I brushed my teeth quickly before getting in, washing my hair so the dye finished setting. I got out, towel drying my hair quickly before putting a headband in to keep it out of my eyes. I smiled as I looked in the mirror, lining my eyes with a very light layer of mascara and eye liner before pulling my shorts on, along with my soft sweater. I left my ring on as a reminder to call Nik, and I was too lazy to take my rubbery bracelets off. I put on my hemp necklace, the rainbow beads at the front sitting low on my neck. (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=75074229) I walked out of my room tucking my phone in the waist band of my shorts after I texted Nik, asking if he would call later. I went down the hallway, planning on grabbing my guitar and my laptop, before heading to the living room and watching movies with Ari for the rest of the day. That was, until I remembered I had to finish packing for tour, we leave tomorrow. I grabbed my suitcase out of the hall closet, before heading to my room. I opened the door to Niall laying on the floor, his phone held above his head as he looked at something. I set the large blue bag down, pulling out my phone, and taking a picture before Niall looked over at me. 

"Did you just take a picture of me?" He laughed lightly walking over to me, his warm hands wrapping around my waist as I put my phone down on my desk. 

"Maybe," I giggled as Niall kissed my nose gently. "You looked cute," I smiled snuggling into his chest. Niall laughed kissing the top of my head as I wrapped my arms gently around his neck, burying my head into his shoulder. 

"Cuddly much?" Niall whispered, his warm breath washing over my face. I looked up from Niall's shoulder, smiling as his bright blue eyes met my dark brown ones. 

"Play guitar with me?" I giggled, standing on my tiptoes to kiss Niall's cheek. He nodded his head gently kissing my forehead before his warm hands left my back. 

"I'll be right back," He whispered leaving the room, I put my suitcase down on my bed, throwing my clothes in as I walked around the room trying to think of things I would need. I smiled as the door opened again, revealing Niall with his guitar. 

Author's Notes ~

Feedback + ideas please, they'd be very helpful! I know, its short. But I'm home sick, so after I get back from the doctors I'll write more
Thanks Loves 

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Torn♥ Chapter Eightteen Hunter's P.O.V. I walked into

7 faves · Mar 13, 2013 1:32pm





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