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Still the One
Chapter Eight

Liam helped me get up and led me into the bedroom.
“You got beat up by a girl,” he snickered and I glared at him.
“Shut up man,” I moaned and he sighed.
“What did you say?” he asked and I shook my head.
“Terrible stuff,” I said. “Her family ditched her when she was nine and I was picking on her for it.”
“Isn’t this the girl you have a huge crush on?” Liam asked, helping me stop the blood that was coming out of my nose.
“Mmhm,” I hummed and Liam sighed.
“Why’d you say that stuff then?” he asked.
“Why does it matter?” I said. “She’s with Harry. She forgot about me after a day. It doesn’t matter Liam.”
“Okay,” he said. “Just say out of the way for a while, okay? I don’t need you to get beat up again.”
Liam left and I laid there, on the bed, holding a towel against my nose.
Niall Horan. Niall freaking Horan. This kid was my best friend and that’s what he says to me. He knows how much talking about my family affects me, considering the fact that they just left me one day. Truth is, I’ve never really opened up to anyone about that, not even Maggie.
“Andrew,” Harry called after me as I stormed into the bungalow. “Andrew! Andrew, babe, slow down.”
“What Harry!?” I yelled and I could almost see him shrink.
“S-sorry,” he said, wrapping me in his arms. “What’s going on?”
I buried my head in his chest and started to cry.
“Come on,” he pleaded. “Don’t cry. Just tell me. What’s been going on in that little head of yours?”
“I’ve never talked about my parents,” I said in between little hiccups. “Never ever, not once in my life, have I talked about them.”
“I think it’s time you do,” Harry said, backing away but still holding me.
He kissed my forehead, then my cheek, the tip of my nose, and repeated until I cracked a smile.
“There’s the smile I fell in love with,” he said, making my smile grow. “Come on. I think it’s time you let all this out. It’s been, what, six years?”
I nodded and he sat me down on a couch.
“I—I don’t know where to start,” I said and Harry sighed.
“Hey, Lou!” he called.
“Harry, I don’t want all of these guys knowing about this, especially Niall,” I said and he smiled.
“It’s alright,” he said as Louis walked in, confused, “you can trust Louis, I promise.”
“What’s going on guys?” Louis asked, sitting down next to me.
“Andrew’s got a lot on her chest,” Harry said. “She needs a couple of listeners.”
“Oh,” Lou said with a smile. “Well you can trust me.”
I smiled and sighed. “Do you guys remember, like, back when you were younger on the playground. You would be playing some game with your friends and then they’d find something better to do and run off. Then you’d be there, all alone, because you didn’t want to play what they were playing?”
Harry and Louis nodded and I sighed.
“That’s like my life,” I said. “I’ve grown used to being ditched. My parents and two brothers left when I was nine. I went to bed one night, and the next morning they were gone, as well as Maggie’s parents and sister. I’m not allowed to know where my parents are but Maggie is. She talks to them a lot as well as her sister.”
“We all know that,” Louis said. “Harry’s told us and Niall was there when it happened. Just open up,” he said, “don’t be scared.”
“I don’t want to talk about it!” I shouted, suddenly growing angry.
“Yes you do,” a voice inside my head whispered. “Tell them, Andrew. You know you want to… tell them.”
“I’m not going to tell them!” I shouted and Harry and Louis looked at me funny.
“Tell who?” Harry asked.
I thought for a moment about who knew my secret.
“Niall,” I choked out as my breaths became quicker. “Get Niall.”

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Still the One Chapter Eight NIALL’S POV Liam helped me

12 faves · 1 comments · Mar 8, 2013 2:00pm





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iluvyousomuch · 1 decade ago
OHMIGARSH *breathes heavily*
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