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She said she wanted to get
He took her to the tallest hill in town.

She said she wanted to stay up
all night and drink.

He gave her a 12 pack of caffinaited pepsi and told her to "drink up"

She said she wanted to shoot herself in the face.

He gave her a water gun, put
her finger on the trigger,
aimed it at her face, and
helped her pull the trigger.

She said she wanted to cut

He took a polariod of her, h
anded it to her along with a pair of scissors, and had he cut it up.

She said she wanted to see her blood.

So he took her to get her ears pierced.

She said she wanted to cry herself to sleep.

He had her watch a sad, romantic movie before bed.

She said she wanted to be alone.

He gave her a name tag that said
" My Name is: Alone"
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She said she wanted to get high. He took her to the tallest hill

169 faves · 2 comments · Jan 29, 2013 4:37pm





love · cute · true

Serotonin · 1 decade ago
My ears didn't bleed when I pierced them..
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Heartless17* · 1 decade ago
It's just a little to thing to be cute.... I don't think anyone's bleed but it's something that's not self harm while still being a cute thing to do with some one you like.
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