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The Boy WhChanged Me

Chapter 27

It's been a week, and it hasn't been getting better here.
I'm still being taunted, and cutting has become a regular thing now after school.
Chandler and I haven't spoken, and I don't want to anyways.
The temptation for cigarettes has grown, and my therapy sessions hasn't been helping, as my anger has been growing and growing each time.
"Lexi, you have to see this immediately." Megan said urgently while carrying her laptop.
I looked onto her Facebook page, where there was a status written by Trisha.
Lexi is just disgusting, ugh, she probably does other drugs too.
It showed a picture of me smoking, from a couple of weeks ago, before I started treatment.
How could she have gotten this picture?
23 likes, 43 comments.
Some of the comments were no wonder she has wrinkles, What did Chandler ever see in her?!, and I heard that she almost got mouth cancer.
The last one made my heart race, how did that person know about that?!
Suddenly, my mother walked in the room and said, "Dinner is ready!"
We were too focused on the picture, so my mom walked in and saw what we were looking at.
"I-Is that y-you Lexi?!" my mother said quietly.
"This was like weeks ago Mom!" I shrieked.
"Then why would this girl post it now and not weeks ago?!" my mother yelled sternly.
I looked at her with widened eyes that were tearing up.
"O-Obvously, the s-sessions at the center have not been w-working, and you are just t-too ignorant to see the consequences of smoking are terrible. I have no choice but to send you the the treatment facility near where your Aunt Carmen lives." she said with her voice cracking.
I was shocked to hear her say those words.
"That's all the way in Oregon, you want me to move there?!" I shrieked.
She looked at me in disbelief. "Of course I don't! You're one of my daughters, and I love you."
I crossed my arms. "Then why do you want me to leave?"
"I didn't say I wanted you to leave!" she said with her eyes tearing up.
She continued, "I'll give you 2 weeks to pack your things and say goodbye."
I turned to Megan, who was just as shocked as I was.
"Can you believe her?!" I snarled as I slammed the door.
"Are you serious?" Megan said in a tone as if she was scolding me for doing something wrong.
She continued, "She's doing this because she cares about you, and you're upset because you think she's sending you away to get rid of you! You need to stop being so stubborn to realize that this is for the best!" Megan said before storming off.
Maybe they were right, maybe I do need to leave here once and for all.


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The Boy Who Changed Me Chapter 27 It's been a week, and it

32 faves · 1 comments · Nov 25, 2012 3:53pm






ballher21 · 1 decade ago
I love this story ! Best story on witty (:
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