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I want to live with you. 
I want us to move into some sh/tty apartment together. We'll have a lumpy couch that one of my relatives gave us. We'll sit on it together and watch scary movies and play xbox. 
I'll paint the walls wacky colors, and we'll have a dog bigger then the both of us. Our kitchen will be small and we'll only have milk, peanut butter and jelly, and ramon noodles in our fridge. I'll cook for you as often as I can, and at first it'll taste really bad considering how terrible a cook I am. You'll take a few bites but we'll both break out into fits of laughter and toss it in the trash. We'll have a coca cola bathroom set- ( the same one I got last Christmas).
We'll be eager to go to bed just because we want to cuddle. 
I'll walk around in my bra and underwear all the time, and honestly- I'll probably look less then attractive. We'll share the closet and dresser...but we both know more then 80% of the clothes will be mine.
I'll constantly wake you up snoring considering how lightly I know you sleep. I'll sleep clutching your head to my chest. You wont complain- you never complain because
you love me. 
I'll be organizing something in one room and I'll be listening to you softly playing the acoustic in the other.
I'll give you kisses on your neck and we'll hang up pictures on all the walls of the two of us.
You'll watch me get ready in the mornings and I'll feel self consious.
We'll have the guys come over all the time. Our couch is always open for them, and I'll be okay when you come crawling into bed at 3'oclock in the morning once you finish up playing a game of battlefield. 
I'll come home to find you asleep cuddling with our dog- And you'll come home finding me sobbing in front of a book. 
I'll find your guitar picks everywhere- but I wont mind because I know thats just who you are. 
We'll stay up some nights doing absolutely nothing at all.
But it'll be okay,
because we'll be with eachother. 

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I want to live with you. I want us to move into some sh/tty

7 faves · Oct 29, 2012 12:16am






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