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Forgive Me. ONE

*Six years later*
"Come on," I groan, trying to button up my pants. "God d*mnit!" I yell, getting mad because I can't fit in them. After getting them to button, I go downstairs, I grab my phone, and head outside. I get into my car, and drive over to the cemetery. A group of teenagers laugh at me when I walk over to my mom's grave with a cigarette in my mouth. It's a bad habbit, but the smoke in a way calms me down, it reminds me of my mom. I know, I'm crazy. "Happy birthday, mom." I kneel down, and put some flowers on her headstone. I get up, and walk over to my sisters grave. It's not to far away, but far enough for a walk. I kneel down, reading her headstone. In memory of Annabelle May, may her soul be with us. May 24, 2006- August 7, 2006.  "It was all my fault, Annabelle. I hope you forgive me." I whisper to her. I  blow her headstone a kiss, and get into my car. I drive to the cafe I work at, and put out my cigarette, dying to get another one. I put on my apron, and tie it around my small waist. 
"You're late," My boss says with a crooked brow. I roll my eyes, and cuss under my breath. I wait on customers, still wanting to rant. It starts to get hot, so I tie my bright red locks up in a ponytail. 
"Woah," Someone says, as I pour them some coffee. "A good-looking waitress, d*mn this place upgraded." He laughs. I'm shocked, he's actually attractive, and he didn't call me hot, sexy, or something else demeaning. I smile, and walk away. "Wait, come back..." He says when I'm already three tables away.

///Author's Note: Okay, so I wanted to write about something different, and not so  cliche, I hope you like it. Comment to be notified, and I'll try to post as much as I can, when I can. Thanks a lot for all the positive feedback, it means a lot!                           \\\\
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Forgive Me. ONE *Six years later* "Come on," I groan,

13 faves · 5 comments · Aug 30, 2012 5:15pm






x-Abbie-x* · 1 decade ago
Nice, Notify?

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lost* · 1 decade ago
It's good so far! Notify me:)
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VickyAngellyxx · 1 decade ago
its epic! notify plz?
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ilybm123 · 1 decade ago
I like it! Will you notify??
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ThatsJustLifee · 1 decade ago
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