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Dear One Direction,
  You may probably not realize it, when you look into the audience and see thousands of girls screaming, but each and everyone of those screaming fans has a story. It may be a story of her failing a certain subject because you're always on her mind, or a story of how she lost most of her friends because you're all she ever talks about, a story of how she got in so much trouble with her parents once because she did a really insane thing that had to do with you, or maybe how she stopped being so insecure and met self-esteem because you made her feel beautiful. You may not realize, how much it hurts to know that being in a relationship with one of you is completely impossible, you may not realize how many bad and terrible things we've done for you to notice us, or you may not realize how just seeing you smile makes our day a million times better. You may not realize how knowing that there are no other down to earth guys like you sucks. You may not realize how being yourselves makes all of your Directioners happy. Do you realize how many tears those girls shed each day because they're proud of you? You may not realize what a big impact you've had in their lives. All those screaming girls that try to get your attention, you may not realize how important you are to them. Always know that your Directioners would always be here for you. ALWAYS. I would know, because i'm proud to say that I am one of those girls.

A Proud Directioner.

Sorry guys, i had to. I AM IN TEARS.

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Dear One Direction, You may probably not realize it, when you

73 faves · 4 comments · Jun 20, 2012 10:10pm






muhnamesbatmann · 1 decade ago
You just wrote everything I've felt since the X Factor! I love you for speaking my mind :)
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CarlySmith13 · 1 decade ago
I am tears now because this is excatly how i fel. I just want to met them so ya know :'(
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Browneyelover · 1 decade ago
This is truly amazing. I cry sometimes. About them. I no that u will never meet them or anything but.its sad. I cried when I heard that Niall wasn't a virgin and I cried about the rumors with him and Carly Rae jeoson. Abd u feel if Niall meet me, then I could be his princess I feel that I am the one that Niall has waited for his whole
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sarbear1996 · 1 decade ago
this is wonderful <3
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