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Just Friends?
Chapter 10
"Harry, when were you going to tell me you got a girl?" I asked, practically begging for details. 
"I wasn't." he replied, staring off into the distance. 
"Harry, what's going on? You haven't talked to me in forever!" I said, wanting to know what I did to upset him. 
"Maybe if you weren't with Zayn twenty-four seven, then I would talk to you." he said harshly. 
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, not knowing where this was coming from. 
"It means I miss spending time with my best friend! You're never around anymore, and when you are, it's only to pick up Zayn. And I'm happy that the two of you are together, I just feel like you're forgetting me." he said, his expression honest. 
"Harry! I could never forget you. Even if I wanted to." I said, smiling while giving him a hug. 
"So we're cool?" he asked.
"We're cool." I answered, starting to walk to the rest of the group. 
"So..Brenna?" I said, fishing for details. 
"I don't know..She's kind of a fangirl. That's a turnoff." he answered, chuckling. 
"There you are love." Zayn said, turning to greet me when Harry and I returned. 
"Here I am!" Harry answered, even though Zayn was obviously talking to me. 
We ate and went back to the stage, getting ready for the concert that would be happening in about an hour. I got a lot of hate from some fans that were at the meet and greet, but there were also a lot of fans that said hi to me and were very nice. Doniya and I went to our seats a few minutes before the band went on. The opening act had just finished, and believe it or not this was the first time I was hearing One Direction sing live. Although it was hard to hear them over the thousands of fans screaming throughout the songs. 
During the song Gotta Be You, Zayn got off stage. He started walking to me, and I had no idea what he was doing. 
"But if you walk away, I know I'll fade cause there is nobody else." he sang, grabbing my hand. I smiled wide and knew I was blushing like crazy. He's too cute! The rest of the concert was great, as expected. When it ended, Zayn's sister and I went backstage again to meet up with the guys and leave. I saw Brenna hanging all over Harry, and could tell he was getting annoyed. My instinct told me to help out my best friend. 
"Harry and Louis, can you come here for a minute?" I asked, trying to make it look like I needed to talk to them. 
"What's up?" Louis asked, looking a little confused. 
"Thank you." Harry said, realizing what I had done. I just smiled, pleased with myself. I talked to them for a few minutes, and I realized I was getting the death glare from Brenna. 
"She's crazy." I said, glancing at her once again. 
"No offense Harold, but your girl is quite creepy." Louis said, contributing to the conversation. 
"Trust me, I know." Harry said. 
"You ready to go babe?" Zayn asked, walking up to me and putting his arm around me shoulder. 
"Sure!" I said, saying a quick goodbye to Louis, Harry and Liam. 
"Niall, let's go!" Zayn said, and I told Doniya I was going home with Zayn. 
"Thanks for coming with me!" she said, giving me a hug goodbye. 
"Nice meeting you!" I said, genuinely meaning it. We walked out to Zayn's car and he drove back to my house. The ride was about an hour and a half, so we talked for a while. 
"You guys are so good!" I said, not able to get over how good they sounded live. 
"Thanks darling." he said, winking at me from the drivers' seat. Yeah, I was stuck in the back all by myself. Niall turned on the radio, and the song Lose Yourself by the American rapper Eminem was on. I knew all the words and wasn't ashamed of it. Niall and Zayn were staring at me with their jaws wide open, obviously shocked. 
"What?" I said as the song ended. 
"I've never heard ANYBODY drop a tune like that before!" Niall said. 
"Come on. You don't rap?" I asked, suprised. 
"Not like that, we don't." he said, laughing. 
"You're pretty great." Zayn said, and Niall shook his head in agreement. 
"What can I say? My boyfriend is a famous singer after all, I have to make a name for myself somehow!" I said, laughing. Zayn dropped me off at my house, and my brother was the only person home. I said goodnight to Zayn, kissing him, and waved goodbye to Niall. They drove off and I walked into the house. 
"Hey." I said, walking into the living room. 
"Where were you?" Trevor asked, trying to be serious. But he couldn't do it and burst out laughing. 
"Had to try." he said, and I told him Zayn took me to his concert. I walked up to my bedroom after that and logged onto my Twitter account. I saw someone tagged Harry in a picture. It was a picture of Brenna kissing him on the cheek, and he was smiling like he enjoyed it. I don't know why, but I got this feeling in my stomach. 
It was jealousy.
feedback? it will start getting interesting from here on out(:
show some loveeeeeeeee!

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Just Friends? Chapter 10 "Harry, when were you going to

42 faves · 5 comments · Jun 15, 2012 10:19pm






macNcheese66 · 1 decade ago
ahhhhhhhhhh this is sooooooo goood! thanks for notifying me. i never really read stories but i saw this one and now i can't take my eyes off it! write moreeeeee pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaassssssseeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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CCKITTY_0714 · 1 decade ago
Thanks for telling me bout this. It's soooo good.. MAKE MORE!!!!
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ForeverYoung10111 · 1 decade ago
Thanks for notifying me! You're like one of the only people I actually follow because your story is amazing! Write moreeeeee!
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jenniiebearr · 1 decade ago
ah more love this so much!
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ImmaDirectioner · 1 decade ago
I love your story! :) please post soon? :)
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