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smile for me

Chapter One: Scars

"You're fine. You look fine," Alissa Steele said to her reflection in the full length mirror next to her closet. After a half hour of attacking her entire closet, she came up with a near perfect outfit for her first day at North Sanburn High. It consisted of her favorite pair of skinny jeans, a dark red Abercrombie hoodie, a tight white tank top, and black converse. It was nothing special, Ally didn't want to stand out, but to completely blend in.

Her brown hair was flawlessly straightened, and she bobby-pinned her side bang back into a bob. A small amount of eyeliner and mascara coated her big, green eyes, and tiny heart-shaped studs were in her ears. She really had no idea how beautiful she was.

"Everythings going to be fine," Alissa continued her attempts to comfort herself. She had newly moved to a small city named Sanburn, and if that wasn't bad enough today was her first day as a high schooler. She wasn't complaining though. Her parents had recently divorced; her dad in jail, and the thought of spending another day back there scared her to death. 

"Ally! You're going to be late for your first day!" Nicole Haddson called from downstairs.

"Coming, Mom!" Alissa yelled. Taking one last look at herself in the mirror, she grabbed her bag and hurried down the stairs. Her mom was standing in front of the stove in the kitchen, watching over a pancake.

"Good morning, Mom," Ally gave her mom a quick one-handed hug, and lifted herself onto the counter.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Get a plate. Pancakes are okay, right?" Nicole asked.

Ally ducked down so her mom could get a plate from the cabinet behind her, and then answered, "Yeah Mom, fine."

She quickly scarfed down her pancakes and a glass of milk. Glancing at the clock on the oven, Ally panicked when she realized how close she was to missing the bus. She grabbed her bag, stopping only to kiss her mom goodbye, her eyes lingering on the long scar lining her mother's collarbone. No matter how many times she looked at it, it always jumped out to her like it was a purple giraffe

"Go on, you're going to be late," Nicole noticed where Alissa's eyes lay, and hurried her along. Ally ran to her bus stop, her mind a thousand miles away.

"Hey, watch who you're attacking!" a deep, absolutely heavenly voice said, as it's owner put his hands on Ally's shoulders to steady her.

"Huh?" Ally said, broken out of her thought processing, then realized that she had bumped into someone someone, "Oh right, sorry."

"It's okay," that incredible voice chuckled. Ally looked up, half expecting to see some gorgeous - beyond - belief movie star.

"Hi," Ally said softly. The boy standing in front of her was much, much better than a movie star.

* authors note *
so yes, i am duckysayssmile :) 
&I made a few corrections to this chapter. 
And this is my new story account♥
Comments&Faves are seriously appreciated. (:
I love you, gorgeous. 


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smile for me ♥ Chapter One: Scars ♥ "You're

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