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If I don't care about him anymore ;

* Then why do I wait for him to text me first everyday.

* Then why do I care about how I look when I see him.

* Then why do I get so nervous around him.

* Then why does he take up 99% of my thoughts.

* Then why do I get jealous when I see him flirting with her on Facebook.

* Then why am I making this quote thinking about him.

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If I don't care about him anymore ; * Then why do I wait

365 faves · 4 comments · Dec 27, 2010 3:01pm






xosoccerchic10xo · 1 decade ago
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lajsoccergal21 · 1 decade ago
i absolutely love this. like legit story of my life. couldnt explain it better. LOVVEETHIIS!
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Nooraa · 1 decade ago
story. of. my. life. (:
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MizzBlush_x · 1 decade ago
story of my life
i do all of these things.
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