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 +& Yes I still... 
Use the shampoo to style my hair like i'm George Washington when i'm in the shower
GRace to finish my work first, yell DONE, and look around to make sure i was firstG
Randomly break out singing "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family..."
NNBite the head off my animal crackers first so that they don't sufferNN
KUse the phrase "your face is ugly" for almost every comebackK
]Start singing "The Wheels on the Bus" on the ride to school]
"S" Shout ooooooh you said the "s" word (shut up) "S"
{{Giggle at words like poop, fart, and butt{{
And just all around act like I'm five years old
And you know what ????   
love it!!!!

all mine i know there are others like this but i made this up myself please no jocking even if you do give credit
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+& Yes I still... Use the shampoo to style my hair like

88 faves · Nov 17, 2009 5:58pm






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