Witty Profiles

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  1. wtfaaack wtfaaack
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 11:04am UTC
    I love photos, because the best thing
    about it is that it never changes
    even when the person in it does


  2. Janexallen Janexallen
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 2:46pm UTC
    I Was In The Public Bath room,
    and had just sat down, a voice from the
    next cubicle said "Hi !, how are you ?"
    Embarrassed, I said, "I'm doing fine". The
    voice said "So what are you up to ?". I
    said, "Just doing the same as you, sitting
    here !". From next door, "Can I come
    over?". Annoyed, I said " rather busy right
    now". The voice said, "Listen, i will have
    to call you back, there's an idiot next
    door answering all my questions". ♥ if you laugh :-)!

  3. heatherwoodb03 heatherwoodb03
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 4:32pm UTC
    The fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. KyleJessForever1234 KyleJessForever1234
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 3:12pm UTC
    Hurricane Irene
    that sounds like an old
    woman name
    lets hope you hit like one

  6. XxprettixX XxprettixX
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 2:42pm UTC
    That one friend whose dad scares the crap outta you....

  7. lifeisabeach_ lifeisabeach_
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2011 11:06pm UTC
    today i was supposed to go out
    with "Him"
    i waited over an hour for him at my house waiting for him to pick me up. after an hour i called him, but he didn't answer. then, i called my friend and was going to ask her to come over and help settle this out. and i asked her where she was and she said she was out with "him."
    just venting. D:

  8. thatshouldbeme43 thatshouldbeme43
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2011 4:29pm UTC
    If you wanna know a girl
    don't go through her quotes
    go through her favs,
    it's everything she's afraid to say herself.

  9. OhDangLetsBang OhDangLetsBang
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2011 3:03pm UTC
    See that girl wi t h a smi le on her face?
    shes the best actress you've ever seen.

  10. MissCaitlin MissCaitlin
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2011 8:20am UTC
    Some Children;
    Were born to win.
    others were born to lose.
    Some Children;
    were born to try,
    and others to fight for what they believe in.
    Children Were born to live a life.
    not to die.
    all over the world, children are dying of things they should not be dying of.
    Starvation, Dehydration,
    a poorly tummy.
    all of these things, we have no worries for, we take them for granted;
    medicine, Food and water.
    but these families simply can't afford it.
    but we can.
    and we take these things for granted everyday.
    these children don't even get a choice.
    no chips, no vegetables,
    no food.
    although, this quote cannot help to save lives, it can help to raise awareness.
    so click the {♥} to show you care.
    Children Weren't Born To Die.♥

  11. Todaywillbedifferent98 Todaywillbedifferent98
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2011 12:51pm UTC
    If you are insecure of any of the following press the {♥}
    -Your clothes
    -Your makeup
    -How you act
    -What music you're listening to
    -The stores you shop at
    -How straight your hair is
    -What shows you watch
    -The way you laugh
    -Your smile
    -How you act around guys
    -What you eat
    -Who you are
    Look at that, you're probablly not the only one who faved this. You're not alone beautiful. It's sad how most of us girls think this.

  12. kiwi145623 kiwi145623
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2011 5:51am UTC

    I've Never Heard Silence
    Q u i t e t h i s l o u d .

  13. ChloeGontier ChloeGontier
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 6:55am UTC
    I need someone who,
    is prepared for
    -a million questions
    -uncontrollable laughter
    -my family
    -my appetite
    -musical outbursts
    -random dancing
    -my friends
    -lots of tears(sad+happy)
    -my imagination
    -my dreams
    -walks in the rain
    -random texts
    -useless arguments
    -deep talks
    +the acceptance of the real me.

  14. love_life3 love_life3
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 1:13am UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. yoitsszoey yoitsszoey
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 4:47am UTC
    Sometimes a break
    from your routine
    is the very thing
    you need. ♥

  16. QuoteingQuotesLikeAbOss QuoteingQuotesLikeAbOss
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 4:48am UTC
    I wish i had someone to talk to about things without them hating on me.

  17. Lotion_whore15 Lotion_whore15
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2011 11:28pm UTC
    Go on google;
    Search "Top 50 women on the internet."
    Click the first link,
    look at number seven,
    && click the ♥ if you laughed.

  18. soccerluver22 soccerluver22
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2011 12:30am UTC
    I think you're eyebrows
    need a divorce.

  19. hellsYES04 hellsYES04
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2011 11:07pm UTC
    when he texts and asks to hang

    wait jk that doesn't happen

  20. bre_woof bre_woof
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2011 9:06am UTC
    Witty girls;
    I know this is a lot to ask, but
    My bestfriend is moving to Bolivia
    Tomorrow &if I can get 150
    Faves on this quote,
    I'll tell him how much I like him.
    This may or may not
    Be the last thing I ever say to him.
    And to prove this isn't just for faves,
    I'll delete it after tomorrow.
    If you read this, I love you.



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