Witty Profiles

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Member Since: 21 Dec 2011 06:55pm

Last Seen: 13 Oct 2012 01:27am

user id: 253899

70 Favorites
19 Following
Comment Points
Comments on Quotes
Comments by User
Quote Comments by User
Flair beta

follow block report

$(document).ready(function() { //setTimeout(function(){ // Hide the address bar! // window.scrollTo(0, 1); //}, 0); // if the user is using an iphone or ipod, show link to mobile site at top of page //if(((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i))) && document.URL.substring(0,8) != 'http://m') { // $(".side_nav").prepend('
Try the new mobile site: m.wittyprofiles.com
'); //} // alert people about the new stuff //$("#side_nav").prepend('
Welcome to the New Witty Profiles! What\'s new?
'); // delete a user comment (xhr) $("button.delete_user_comment_btn").live("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var user_comment_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; $.ajax({ type:"POST", url:"/api.php", data: {a:"delete_user_comment", user_comment_id:user_comment_id}, success: function(html) { //$("#user_comment_status").html(html); $("#comment_"+user_comment_id).fadeTo('slow', 0, function() { $("#comment_"+user_comment_id).slideUp('slow', function() { $("#comment_"+user_comment_id).remove(); }); }); }, error: function(html) { alert('Something bad happened. Please try again.'); } }); }); // add a user comment (xhr) $(".add_user_comment_btn").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var user_comment_meat = $("#user_comment_meat").val(); var recipient_user_id = $("#recipient_user_id").val(); $.ajax({ type:"POST", url:"/api.php", data: {a:"add_user_comment", recipient_user_id:recipient_user_id, user_comment_meat:user_comment_meat}, success: function(html) { // check for flooding message / error if (html.length > 200) { // insert the comment into the DOM // clear the comment form // $("#comments").prepend(html); $(html).hide().prependTo("#comments").fadeIn("slow"); $("#user_comment_meat").val(''); } else { // display error $(html).hide().prependTo("#comments").fadeIn("slow"); } }, error: function(html) { alert('Something bad happened. Please try again.'); } }); }); // toggle the quote comment reply form $(".reply_quote_comment_btn").live("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var parent_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; $("#replybox_" + parent_id).toggle(); }); // toggle the user comment reply form $(".reply_user_comment_btn").live("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var parent_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; $("#replybox_" + parent_id).toggle(); }); // add a quote comment REPLY (xhr) $(".add_quote_comment_reply_btn").live("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var parent_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; var quote_id = this.id.split("_")[2]; var quote_comment_reply_meat = $("#quotecommentreplymeat_" + parent_id).val(); var page = parseInt($("#comments_page").val(), 10); var page_size = page * 10; $.ajax({ type:"POST", url:"/api.php", data: {a:"add_quote_comment", quote_comment_meat:quote_comment_reply_meat, parent_id:parent_id, quote_id:quote_id}, success: function(html) { if (html.length > 200) { $.ajax({ type:"GET", url:"/api.php", data: {a:"get_quote_comments", quote_id:quote_id, page:1, page_size:page_size}, success: function(html) { $("#comments").html(html); }, error: function(html) { alert('hmm, please try again.'); } }); } else { $("#replybox_" + parent_id).prepend(html); } } }); }); // add a user comment REPLY (xhr) $(".add_user_comment_reply_btn").live("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var parent_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; var recipient_user_id = this.id.split("_")[2]; var user_comment_reply_meat = $("#usercommentreplymeat_" + parent_id).val(); var page = parseInt($("#comments_page").val(), 10); var page_size = page * 10; $.ajax({ type:"POST", url:"/api.php", data: {a:"add_user_comment", user_comment_meat:user_comment_reply_meat, parent_id:parent_id, recipient_user_id:recipient_user_id}, success: function(html) { if (html.length > 200) { $.ajax({ type:"GET", url:"/api.php", data: {a:"get_user_comments", user_id:recipient_user_id, page:1, page_size:page_size}, success: function(html) { $("#comments").html(html); }, error: function(html) { alert('hmm, please try again.'); } }); } else { $("#replybox_" + parent_id).prepend(html); } } }); }); // load more user comments $("#more_user_comments_btn").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var user_id = $("#comments_user_id").val(); var page = parseInt($("#comments_page").val(), 10); $.ajax({ type:"GET", url:"/api.php", data: {a:"get_user_comments", user_id:user_id, page:page+1}, success: function(html) { $(html).appendTo("#comments"); $("#comments_page").val(page + 1); }, error: function (html) { alert('please try again.'); } }); }); // delete a quote comment (xhr) $("button.delete_quote_comment_btn").live("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var quote_comment_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; $.ajax({ type:"POST", url:"/api.php", data: {a:"delete_quote_comment", quote_comment_id:quote_comment_id}, success: function(html) { $("#comment_"+quote_comment_id).fadeTo('slow', 0, function() { $("#comment_"+quote_comment_id).slideUp('slow', function() { $("#comment_"+quote_comment_id).remove(); }); }); }, error: function(html) { alert('Something bad happened. Please try again.'); } }); }); // add a quote comment (xhr) $(".add_quote_comment_btn").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var quote_comment_meat = $("#quote_comment_meat").val(); var quote_id = $("#quote_id").val(); var parent_id = 0; if (this.id.split("_") > 1) { parent_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; } $.ajax({ type:"POST", url:"/api.php", data: {a:"add_quote_comment", quote_id:quote_id, quote_comment_meat:quote_comment_meat, parent_id:parent_id}, success: function(html) { // check for flooding message / error if (html.length > 200) { // insert the comment into the DOM // clear the comment form // $("#comments").prepend(html); $(html).hide().prependTo("#comments").fadeIn("slow"); $("#quote_comment_meat").val(''); } else { // display error $(html).hide().prependTo("#comments").fadeIn("slow"); } }, error: function(html) { alert('Something bad happened. Please try again.'); } }); }); // load more quote comments $("#more_quote_comments_btn").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var quote_id = $("#comments_quote_id").val(); var page = parseInt($("#comments_page").val(), 10); $.ajax({ type:"GET", url:"/api.php", data: {a:"get_quote_comments", quote_id:quote_id, page:page+1}, success: function(html) { $(html).appendTo("#comments"); $("#comments_page").val(page + 1); }, error: function (html) { alert('please try again.'); } }); }); // load more comments on quotes by a user $("#more_user_quote_comments_btn").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var page = parseInt($("#comments_page").val(), 10); var user_id = $("#comments_user_id").val(); $.ajax({ type:"GET", url:"/api.php", data: {a:"get_user_quote_comments", user_id:user_id, page:page+1}, success: function(html) { $(html).appendTo("#comments"); $("#comments_page").val(page + 1); }, error: function (html) { alert('please try again.'); } }); }); // make sure all the divs used in quotes are not fixed position $(".grid_11 div").each(function (i) { if (this.style.position == "fixed") { this.style.position = "inherit"; } }); // load more user comments by a user $("#more_user_comments_by_user_btn").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var page = parseInt($("#comments_page").val(), 10); var user_id = $("#comments_by_user_id").val(); $.ajax({ type:"GET", url:"/api.php", data: {a:"get_user_comments_by_user", user_id:user_id, page:page+1}, success: function(html) { $(html).appendTo("#comments"); $("#comments_page").val(page + 1); }, error: function (html) { alert('please try again.'); } }); }); // load more quote comments by a user $("#more_quote_comments_by_user_btn").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var page = parseInt($("#comments_page").val(), 10); var user_id = $("#quote_comments_by_user_id").val(); $.ajax({ type:"GET", url:"/api.php", data: {a:"get_quote_comments_by_user", user_id:user_id, page:page+1}, success: function(html) { $(html).appendTo("#comments"); $("#comments_page").val(page + 1); }, error: function (html) { alert('please try again.'); } }); }); // save feedback $("#send_feedback_btn").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var feedback_meat = $("#feedback_meat").val(); var site_version = $("#site_version").val(); $.ajax({ type:"POST", url:"/api.php", data: {a:"send_feedback", feedback_meat:feedback_meat, site_version:site_version}, success: function(html) { $("#feedbackform").html(html); }, error: function (html) { alert('Uhoh, please try again.'); } }); }); // send invitation $("#send_invitation_btn").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var email = $("#invitation_email").val(); $.ajax({ type:"POST", url:"/api.php", data: {a:"send_invitation", email:email}, success: function(html) { $("#invitation_email").val(''); $("#invitation_response").html(html); }, error: function (html) { alert('Uhoh, please try again.'); } }); }); // show the sign in form in mobile $("a.feedbacklink").live("click", function() { $("#feedbackform").show(); $("#feedback_meat").focus(); }); // show the feedback form in mobile $("a.signinlink").live("click", function() { $("#signinform").show(); $("#login_form_username").focus(); }); // follow a user when link is clicked $("span.followlink").live("click", function() { var user_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; var url = '/api.php'; var action = 'start_following'; var params = 'a=' + action + '&user_id=' + user_id; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: params, success: function(msg) { if (msg == 'ok') { alert('ok'); } else { alert('Please sign in to follow this person.'); } }, error: function() { alert('uh oh, something went wrong. Please try following that person again.'); } }); }); // unfollow a user when link is clicked $("span.unfollowlink").live("click", function() { var user_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; var url = '/api.php'; var action = 'stop_following'; var params = 'a=' + action + '&user_id=' + user_id; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: params, success: function(msg) { if (msg == 'ok') { alert('ok'); } else { alert('not ok'); } }, error: function() { alert('uh oh, something went wrong. Please try to stop following that person again.'); } }); }); // ignore a user $("span.ignorelink").live("click", function() { var user_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; var url = '/api.php'; var action = 'start_ignoring'; var params = 'a=' + action + '&user_id=' + user_id; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: params, success: function(msg) { if (msg == 'ok') { alert('ok'); } else { alert('Please sign in to ignore this person.'); } }, error: function() { alert('uh oh, something went wrong. Please try ignoring that person again.'); } }); }); // unignore a user $("span.stopignorelink").live("click", function() { var user_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; var url = '/api.php'; var action = 'stop_ignoring'; var params = 'a=' + action + '&user_id=' + user_id; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: params, success: function(msg) { if (msg == 'ok') { alert('ok'); } else { alert('Please sign in to stop ignoring this person.'); } }, error: function() { alert('uh oh, something went wrong. Please try to stop ignoring that person again.'); } }); }); }); $(document).ready(function(){ // insert an alert int othe top of the meat col //$(".meatcol").prepend('

Detox Weekend: This weekend, all quotes will temporarily have their formatting removed. Why do this? Some Witty members thought it would be fun to have the top quotes be based on the content of the quote, not the formatting. If you submit a quote with formatting during Detox Weekend, the quote will appear without formatting until Monday. Have fun!

'); $("#account_settings_link").click(function(event) { $("#categories_links").hide(); offset = $(this).position(); $("#account_settings_links").css("top",(offset.top+45)+"px").css("left",offset.left+"px").toggle(); event.preventDefault(); }); // pop up a chat window $("#chatcat_link").click( function(e) { e.preventDefault(); window.open ("/chatcat", "chatcat","status=0,toolbar=0,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=0,height=500,width=809"); }); $(".favheart").click(function(){ var quote_id = $(this).attr('id').split("_"); quote_id = quote_id[quote_id.length - 1]; if ($(this).hasClass("favheartOff")) { favs.addToFavs(quote_id); } if ($(this).hasClass("favheartOn")) { favs.removeFromFavs(quote_id); } }); // prevent accidental quote deletions $(".delete-a-quote").live("click", function() { $("#deletequoteform-"+this.id.split("-")[1]).show(); }); $(".delete-a-quote-cancel").live("click", function() { $("#deletequoteform-"+this.id.split("-")[1]).hide(); }); // prevent accidental quote deletions $(".undelete-a-quote").live("click", function() { $("#undeletequoteform-"+this.id.split("-")[1]).show(); }); $(".undelete-a-quote-cancel").live("click", function() { $("#undeletequoteform-"+this.id.split("-")[1]).hide(); }); // exclude a quote from the feeds $(".exclude_quote_btn").live("click", function() { var quote_id = this.id.split("-")[1]; $.ajax({ type:"POST", url: '/api.php', data: 'a=exclude_quote"e_id=' + quote_id, success: function(msg) { alert(msg); }, error: function(msg) { alert('error ' + msg); } }); }); // unexclude a quote from the feeds $(".unexclude_quote_btn").live("click", function() { var quote_id = this.id.split("-")[1]; $.ajax({ type:"POST", url: '/api.php', data: 'a=unexclude_quote"e_id=' + quote_id, success: function(msg) { alert(msg); }, error: function(msg) { alert('error ' + msg); } }); }); // report quote $(".report_quote_btn").live("click", function() { $("#report_quote_section_" + this.id.split("_")[1]).toggle(); var quote_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; $("#report_quote_section_" + this.id.split("_")[1]).load('/api.php', {a:'get_report_quote_form', quote_id:quote_id}); }); $(".report_quote_confirm_btn").live("click", function() { var btn_id = this.id; $(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); var quote_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; var flag = $("input:radio[name=flagquote_" + quote_id + "]:checked").val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: '/api.php', data: 'a=report_quote"e_id=' + quote_id + '&flag=' + flag, success: function(msg) { if (msg == 'ok') { $('#report_quote_section_' + quote_id).html('

Thank you for bringing this quote to our attention. You are helping to make Witty a better place.

'); } else { if (msg == 'noselection') { $('#report_quote_section_' + quote_id).append('

please select a reason.

'); $("#"+btn_id).removeAttr('disabled'); } else { alert('Please sign in to report this quote.'); } } }, error: function() { alert('uh oh, something went wrong. Please try reporting that quote again.'); } }); }); // report / flag a quote as being NOT A QUOTE $(".not_a_quote_btn").live("click", function() { $("#not_a_quote_section_" + this.id.split("_")[1]).toggle(); var quote_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; $("#not_a_quote_section_" + this.id.split("_")[1]).load('/api.php', {a:'get_not_a_quote_form', quote_id:quote_id}); }); $(".not_a_quote_confirm_btn").live("click", function() { var btn_id = this.id; $(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); var quote_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: '/api.php', data: 'a=report_not_a_quote"e_id=' + quote_id, success: function(msg) { if (msg == 'ok') { $('#not_a_quote_section_' + quote_id).html('

Thank you for bringing this quote to our attention. You are helping to make Witty a better place.

'); } else { alert('Please sign in to report this quote.'); } }, error: function() { alert('uh oh, there was an error reporting the quote. please try again.'); } }); }); // close the report not a quote form $(".not_a_quote_cancel_btn").live("click", function() { $("#not_a_quote_section_"+this.id.split("_")[1]).hide(); }); // report user $(".report_user_btn").live("click", function() { $("#report_user_section_" + this.id.split("_")[1]).toggle(); var user_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; $("#report_user_section_" + this.id.split("_")[1]).load('/api.php', {a:'get_report_user_form', user_id:user_id}); }); $("button.report_user_confirm_btn").live("click", function() { var btn_id = this.id; $(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); var user_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; var flag = $("input:radio[name=flaguser_" + user_id + "]:checked").val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: '/api.php', data: 'a=report_user&user_id=' + user_id + '&flag=' + flag, success: function(msg) { if (msg == 'ok') { $('#report_user_section_' + user_id).html('

Thank you for bringing this user to our attention. You are helping to make Witty a better place.

'); } else { if (msg == 'noselection') { $('#report_user_section_' + user_id).append('

please select a reason.

'); $("#"+btn_id).removeAttr('disabled'); } else { alert('Please sign in to report this user.'); } } }, error: function() { alert('uh oh, something went wrong. Please try reporting that user again.'); } }); }); // report user comment $(".report_user_comment_btn").live("click", function() { $("#report_user_comment_section_" + this.id.split("_")[1]).toggle(); var user_comment_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; $("#report_user_comment_section_" + this.id.split("_")[1]).load('/api.php', {a:'get_report_user_comment_form', user_comment_id:user_comment_id}); }); $("button.report_user_comment_confirm_btn").live("click", function() { var btn_id = this.id; $(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); var user_comment_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; var flag = $("input:radio[name=flagusercomment_" + user_comment_id + "]:checked").val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: '/api.php', data: 'a=report_user_comment&user_comment_id=' + user_comment_id + '&flag=' + flag, success: function(msg) { if (msg == 'ok') { $('#report_user_comment_section_' + user_comment_id).html('

Thank you for bringing this comment to our attention. You are helping to make Witty a better place.

'); } else { if (msg == 'noselection') { $('#report_user_comment_section_' + user_comment_id).append('

please select a reason.

'); $("#"+btn_id).removeAttr('disabled'); } else { alert('Please sign in to report this comment.'); } } }, error: function() { alert('uh oh, something went wrong. Please try reporting that comment again.'); } }); }); // report quote comment $(".report_quote_comment_btn").live("click", function() { $("#report_quote_comment_section_" + this.id.split("_")[1]).toggle(); var quote_comment_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; $("#report_quote_comment_section_" + this.id.split("_")[1]).load('/api.php', {a:'get_report_quote_comment_form', quote_comment_id:quote_comment_id}); }); $("button.report_quote_comment_confirm_btn").live("click", function() { var btn_id = this.id; $(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); var quote_comment_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; var flag = $("input:radio[name=flagquotecomment_" + quote_comment_id + "]:checked").val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: '/api.php', data: 'a=report_quote_comment"e_comment_id=' + quote_comment_id + '&flag=' + flag, success: function(msg) { if (msg == 'ok') { $('#report_quote_comment_section_' + quote_comment_id).html('

Thank you for bringing this comment to our attention. You are helping to make Witty a better place.

'); } else { if (msg == 'noselection') { $('#report_quote_comment_section_' + quote_comment_id).append('

please select a reason.

'); $("#"+btn_id).removeAttr('disabled'); } else { alert('Please sign in to report this comment.'); } } }, error: function() { alert('uh oh, something went wrong. Please try reporting that comment again.'); } }); }); // toggle quote source $("a.get_quote_code").live("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $("#code_" + this.id.split("_")[1]).toggle(); var quote_id = this.id.split("_")[1]; $("#code_" + this.id.split("_")[1]).load('/api.php', {a:'get_quote_code', quote_id:quote_id}); }); }); var favs = { addToFavs : function ( quote_id ) { var url = '/api.php'; var action = 'add_quote_to_faves'; var params = 'a=' + action + '"e_id=' + quote_id; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: params, success: function(msg) { if (msg == 'ok') { $('#fav_btn_' + quote_id).addClass('favheartOn'); $('#fav_btn_' + quote_id).removeClass('favheartOff'); $('#fav_btn_' + quote_id).attr({alt:'Unfave', title:'Unfave'}); var new_score = parseInt($('#score_' + quote_id).html(),10) + 1; var new_label = 'Unfave'; $('#score_' + quote_id).text(new_score); $('#scorelabel_' + quote_id).text(new_label); } else { alert('Please sign in to add this quote to your faves'); } }, error: function() { alert('uh oh, something went wrong. Please try adding that quote to your favorites again.'); } }); }, removeFromFavs : function ( quote_id ) { var url = '/api.php'; var action = 'remove_quote_from_faves'; var params = 'a=' + action + '"e_id=' + quote_id; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: params, success: function(msg) { if (msg == 'ok') { $('#fav_btn_' + quote_id).addClass('favheartOff'); $('#fav_btn_' + quote_id).removeClass('favheartOn'); $('#fav_btn_' + quote_id).attr({alt:'Add to Faves', title:'Add to Faves'}); var new_score = parseInt($('#score_' + quote_id).html(),10) - 1; var new_label = 'Add to Faves'; $('#score_' + quote_id).text(new_score); $('#scorelabel_' + quote_id).text(new_label); } else { alert('uh oh'); } }, error: function() { alert('uh oh, something went wrong. Please try removing that quote from your favorites again.'); } }); } }; var quote = { reportQuote : function ( quote_id ) { var url = '/ajax/quote.php'; var action = 'report'; var params = 'action=' + action + '"e_id=' + quote_id; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, data: params, success: function(msg) { if (msg == 'ok') { alert('Thank you for telling us that this quote doesn\'t follow the rules.'); } else { alert('Please sign in to report this quote'); } }, error: function() { alert('uh oh. something went wrong. Please try reporting that quote again.'); } }); } }; // prevent accidental deletion var follow = { startfollowing : function ( user_id ) { var url = '/api.php'; var action = 'start_following'; var params = 'a=' + action + '&user_id=' + user_id; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: params, success: function(msg) { if (msg == 'ok') { alert('ok'); } else { alert('Please sign in to follow this person.'); } }, error: function() { alert('uh oh, something went wrong. Please try following that person again.'); } }); }, stopfollowing : function ( user_id ) { var url = '/api.php'; var action = 'stop_following'; var params = 'a=' + action + '&user_id=' + user_id; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: params, success: function(msg) { if (msg == 'ok') { alert('ok'); } else { alert('not ok'); } }, error: function() { alert('uh oh, something went wrong. Please try to stop following that person again.'); } }); } }; var block = { startblocking : function ( user_id ) { var url = '/api.php'; var action = 'start_blocking'; var params = 'a=' + action + '&user_id=' + user_id; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: params, success: function(msg) { if (msg == 'ok') { alert('Ok. This person\'s comments will no longer show on your profile and your quotes.'); } else { alert('Please sign in to block this person.'); } }, error: function() { alert('uh oh, something went wrong. Please try blocking that person again.'); } }); }, stopblocking : function ( user_id ) { var url = '/api.php'; var action = 'stop_blocking'; var params = 'a=' + action + '&user_id=' + user_id; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: params, success: function(msg) { if (msg == 'ok') { alert('ok. This person\'s comments will now show on your profile and your quotes.'); } else { alert('not ok'); } }, error: function() { alert('uh oh, something went wrong. Please try to stop blocking that person again.'); } }); } }; var votes = { // // vote up a quote // voteUp : function ( quote_id ) { var url = '/ajax/vote.php'; var action = 'voteup'; var params = 'action=' + action + '"e_id=' + quote_id; var intervalID = setInterval('drawrandomchar('+quote_id+')',100); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, data: params, success: function(msg){ if (msg == 'ok') { $.get("/ajax/vote.php?action=getscore"e_id=" + quote_id, function(data){ clearInterval(intervalID); $("#score_" + quote_id).html(parseInt(data,10) + 1); }); } else { clearInterval(intervalID); $("#score_" + quote_id).html("signin").animate({opactiy:1},4000).load("/ajax/vote.php?action=getscore"e_id=" + quote_id); } }, error: function() { clearInterval(intervalID); alert('Uh oh, something went wrong. Please try voting up this quote again.'); } }); }, // // vote down a quote // voteDown : function ( quote_id ) { var url = '/ajax/vote.php'; var action = 'votedown'; var params = 'action=' + action + '"e_id=' + quote_id; var intervalID = setInterval('drawrandomchar('+quote_id+')',100); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, data: params, success: function(msg){ if (msg == 'ok') { $.get("/ajax/vote.php?action=getscore"e_id=" + quote_id, function(data){ clearInterval(intervalID); $("#score_" + quote_id).html(parseInt(data,10) - 1); }); } else { clearInterval(intervalID); $("#score_" + quote_id).html("signin").animate({opactiy:1},4000).load("/ajax/vote.php?action=getscore"e_id=" + quote_id); } }, error: function() { clearInterval(intervalID); //$("#score_" + quote_id).html("?"); alert('Uh oh, something went wrong. Please try voting down this quote again.'); } }); }, // // vote up a quote RANDOM // voteUpRandom : function ( quote_id ) { var url = '/ajax/vote.php'; var action = 'voteup'; var params = 'action=' + action + '"e_id=' + quote_id; var intervalID = setInterval('drawrandomchar('+quote_id+')',100); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, data: params, success: function(msg){ if (msg == 'ok') { $.get("/ajax/vote.php?action=getscore"e_id=" + quote_id, function(data){ clearInterval(intervalID); $("#score_" + quote_id).html(data); window.location = '/random-quote'; }); } else { clearInterval(intervalID); $("#score_" + quote_id).html("signin").animate({opactiy:1},4000).load("/ajax/vote.php?action=getscore"e_id=" + quote_id); } }, error: function() { clearInterval(intervalID); alert('Uh oh, something went wrong. 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Witty Profiles
Joined: June 26, 2012
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Quotes by skinscent
I made some layouts
Just incase anyone wanted some layouts that were "decent" looking, I guess, I don't know. Anyway, the account is SkinscentLayouts, and the layout is there.
6060944 added by skinscent to advice quotes on 24 Jul 2012 at 3:08pm
Hey moon, please forget to fall down.
Hey moon, don't you go down.
6056567 added by skinscent to lyrics quotes on 23 Jul 2012 at 6:27pm
I feel like I haven't been on in forever hey whats up
6050435 added by skinscent to vent quotes on 22 Jul 2012 at 2:28pm
I'm trying to think of good usernames that include my name and so far I've thought of:

- Eireann (Gaelic for 'Erin')
- Erindavv (Combination of my first and last name.)

And I need help so tell me if those sound good/bad or if you have better ideas okay
6024244 added by skinscent to advice quotes on 17 Jul 2012 at 12:24am
6021241 added by skinscent to love quotes on 16 Jul 2012 at 3:24pm
I want to put my fingers on your palms and give you my words, and you could fix them; say them back to me as I meant them with your lips on mine, lending them a rhythm that I could never find.
6018866 added by skinscent to love quotes on 15 Jul 2012 at 11:58pm
The smell of her hair, the
taste of her mouth
, the feeling of her skin seemed to have got inside him, or into the air all around him. She had become a
physical necessity.
— 1984, George Orwell
6010348 added by skinscent to love quotes on 14 Jul 2012 at 4:30am
Super rich kids with nothing but loose ends,
Super rich kids with nothing but fake friends.
6010147 added by skinscent to lyrics quotes on 14 Jul 2012 at 2:02am
Hello Darling.
Sorry about that. Sorry about the bony elbows, sorry we lived here, sorry about the scene at the bottom of the stairwell and how I ruined everything by saying it out loud. Especially that, but I should have known. You see, I take the parts that I remember and stitch them back together to make a creature that will do what I say or love me back.
— Richard Siken, from "Litany in Which Certain Things are Crossed Out"
6010062 added by skinscent to love quotes on 14 Jul 2012 at 1:30am
I am
of getting older … I am afraid of getting married. Spare me from cooking three meals a day — spare me from the relentless cage of routine and rote. I want to be free…. I want, I want to think, to be omniscient…. I think I would like to call myself ‘The girl who wanted to be God.’
— Sylvia Plath, written in 1949 at age 17
5985444 added by skinscent to inspirational quotes on 09 Jul 2012 at 1:32pm
var sc_project=1156915; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="e53b642e";

  1. runawayhopes runawayhopes
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2012 10:34pm UTC
    The Cover Up
    Chapter 2
    I decided Trevor probably didn't glare at me. It was probably just the shadows or something.
    I shrugged and began walking up the drive to my new home. From the looks of it, it was probably pretty nice.
    "Skylar, you just have to see your room! It's to die for!" my mother shouted.
    "Okay mom," I said.
    I followed my mother up the staircase (which had beautiful designs on the handrails. My mother really loved this), and then down the hall. My room was at the other end of the hallway, oppisite from my parent's.
    "Here we are," my mom said opening the door.
    The first thing I saw when the door was open, was a window seat. The room itself was pretty big, bigger than my old one.
    "Now we'll put your bed in the middle right there, and your desk across from it," my mom explained.
    "Alright, thanks mom. If you don't mind, I'd just like to be in here alone," I said.
    "No problem! I'll call you down for dinner in a little while, I just ordered a pizza," my mom smiled and closed the door.
    I sighed, then walked across my empty, new room to the window seat. I laughed when I looked out it. There was a big elm tree outside. One I could probably climb on, and use to sneak out. I rolled my eyes. Corny.
    I slid the window open and sat down on the window seat.
    "Psst," came a voice from below.
    I jumped up; the voice startled me. "Whose there...?" I asked.
    "Trevor. I need to talk to you."
    Sorry, this chapter was really bad & kinda short.
    I'm not really feeling good today, but tomorrow I'll put up a much better chapter.

  2. runawayhopes runawayhopes
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 8:34pm UTC
    The Cover Up
    Chapter 1
    "Well, here we are!" my mom smiled as we pulled up to our new house. "You'll just love it."
    It was your average looking house, nothing special. I wondered why mom was so excited about it...
    "Get your suitcases out of the trunk," my dad said, slamming the door to our little toyota.
    The first thing I noticed when I got out of the car was the temperature. It was cold. Because I grew up in sunny California, I was not used to this.
    As I walked around to the back of the Toyota, I noticed a family was walking towards us. It was a little early for a welcoming committee, if you ask me.
    "Hi, there!" the woman who looked to be the mom exclaimed. "I'm Susan Waters, and this is my family. We'll be your new neighbors!" The other family members- a strange looking boy my age, a little girl, and the father- just sort of waved at us.
    My mom, always wanting to make new friends, smiled. "Hello! I'm Diane McFern. This is my husband David, and our daughter Skylar."
    Susan looked at me, then at her son. "This is Trevor. He's fifteen. How old are you Skylar?"
    "Fifteen," I replied shortly.
    "Oh, you guys will be the best of friends!" she clapped her hands enthusiastically.
    "Well," my mother said, "we had better start unpacking. Maybe we can have some sort of dinner later."
    "Sounds good," Susan agreed. "Oh, by the way, we made you some cookies!"
    The little girl, whose name was Jade, shyly handed my mother a plate of chocolate chip cookies.
    "Oh, thank you," my mother smiled at Jade.
    "Well, we'd better get going! See you later, Diane!" Susan said as she began walking away. The rest of her family followed her in suit.
    My mom smiled. "Such nice people, don't you agree Dave?" My father nodded. "Yeah. They seem like good neighbors."
    My father and mother began walking up the drive to our house.
    I guess they didn't see- and I question myself if I saw it at all- Trevor look back at me, with a scowl on his face.
    Thanks so much for all your feedback on the first part of this story. I liked all of the name suggestions, and I'll try to use them all throughout this story.
    Chapter 2 will be up tomorrow.
    Feedback is appriciated :)

  3. runawayhopes runawayhopes
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2012 2:34pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. runawayhopes runawayhopes
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 11:23pm UTC
    Story Ideas;
    Hi! After failing at attempting to write a story, I've come back to write another. This time, I'll actually finish it, if people read it. Here are a few ideas:
    1. A mystery where two best friends go away to a summer cabin in a small town. They find creepy pictures of the town's past, and the people who live in it. Also, there will be romance between the the two girls and other characters I will later think of.
    2. A girl (who's name will be decided soon) moves from sunny California, to Washington. She meets this guy, who threatens her with her past secrets he somehow knows about. She accidentally kills him, then tries to cover up his death. People find out, rumors spread.
    3. A girl finds out she has a twin sister that she never knew about, along with a past she never knew about.
    4. A story where a girl goes to visit her dad in California for the summer. She meets a guy, and soon finds herself not wanting to go back home.
    Please comment one of these story ideas for me to write, or comment a story of your own.


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