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  1. Melrose* Melrose*
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2013 4:17pm UTC
    my friend: i saw that
    me: what?
    him: you smiled when he walked by
    me: i know. thats the problem. i still find myself smiling for no reason because of him. and he broke my heart not even two days ago.

  2. Melrose* Melrose*
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2013 4:35pm UTC
    i miss him. i miss not knowing hes there. i miss running around the halls at school. i miss holding hands and playing with each others fingers. i miss hugs that would last forever. i miss sneaking kisses when no one was looking. i miss his corny, lame jokes. i miss looking at him to find he was already looking at me a smiling. i miss having him do anything to make me smile. i miss knowing he thought i was the most beautiful and amazing girl in the world. i miss the warmth of his arms wrapped around me and the way my head fit perfectly shoulder. i miss the way he made me felt. i miss our friendship. i miss us. i just want it back. ugh.

  3. cheergirlxx418 cheergirlxx418
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2013 4:55pm UTC
    Okay maybe he's a looser
    and he isnt exactly the most attractive
    and he isnt athletic
    and doesn't have the nicest body
    but hes mine:)

  4. pinapplesealover3 pinapplesealover3
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2013 5:10pm UTC

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. _superwhitegirlproblems _superwhitegirlproblems
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2013 5:42pm UTC
    Super White Girl Problems #2218
    When no one
    understands that even
    though you weren't dating,
    he was still yours.

  7. ShortGirlsDoItBetter ShortGirlsDoItBetter
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2013 7:46pm UTC
    She can talk about him all day
    but when he's actually around
    she's speechless

  8. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 10:50am UTC
    What you SHOULD say to people dealing with any of these
    Anxiety: This too shall pass, even if that sounds corny and cliche. Your anxiety will subside, you are not dying, you will not die from this, everything is going to be fine. Keep taking deep breaths, try and stay focused.
    Depression: You are valid and your emotions are valid. You are a good, strong person, even if you don't feel like you are right now. Things do get better, and I know you can get through this.
    Se.xual Orientation: Your body, your life, your bedroom. You choose what you do with it, and I get no say in the matter, because I am not you. I'll respect you no matter what.
    Bipolar: The sun also rises. For all your bad days, weeks, or longer--you also have good ones just beyond the horizon. You know better than anyone what it means to finally hit those "highs" in your life. And I hope that you just keep growing and strengthening yourself through your treatment to extend those happy moments.
    Self harm: This is your body and I'll never pass judgement over you for the things you choose to do with it. However, you should really consider speaking with a counselor about this. Not because you're "bad", but because I just want you to be safe.
    Eating disorders: It's okay to eat, you have permission. Eating will not make you fat, ugly, or worthless. Eating will make you strong, healthy, and lively. You deserve to eat, you deserve happiness.
    Abuse: What they did was wrong, and you had no consenting part in it. You have no need to feel guilty or shamed, although I understand that may be exactly how you are feeling right now. They're the ones at fault here, and the ball is entirely in your court if you choose to report them for that, which you are rightfully entitled to do.
    Suicide: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You are valuable and your existence is valuable. There are billions of people on this planet, and even if you think everyone hates you and no one cares, they do and they will. You can find so many friends and loved ones if you just allow yourself the time to look for them. The world turns out to be a beautiful place and you deserve to be alive to see that.
    Se.xual assault: What they did was vile and disgusting. Yes, you're now left with this horrible, traumatic event to move on from, but your life is not entirely lost. Recovery is possible, and an unfortunately large number of people have to go through that-- but they make it to the other side. So can you, you can do this. You're not dirty, you're not a "s|ut" or a "wh0re", you are a human being whose rights were violated. But you are strong, and I know you can move past this in due time.
    Multiple Personality Disorder: I'll always love you no matter who you are. I only hope the absolute best for you during your recovery and treatment, and maybe one day I'll be so privileged as to love you as one whole.
    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: The pain of suddenly reliving horrific events is almost unimaginable for me. Please try and remember that although it feels like it's real and it's happening right now, that it's not. You are okay, you are fine, and you are safe. You are in the present here and now, and that past can't manifest itself again to come and physically hurt you. Everything is just fine, these feelings will pass and you're going to be okay.
    Schizophrenia: I am real and I can promise you that. I care. Try and find something grounding for you, an object that you can cling to to help you distinguish between whether or not you're hallucinating. You are not a freak, you are not a monster. You're a human being with rights and emotions who happens to be ill right now.

  9. ChocoTaco ChocoTaco
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2013 6:30pm UTC
    Best talent?
    Falling in love with people I can never have, and then crying all alone in my room because I can't have them

  10. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2012 3:49pm UTC
    We have all been there
    We’ve cared too much,
    we have giving someone all, only to get nothing in return,
    only to be left with tears and the pain
    of knowing that everything you did for that person
    was worthless to them in the end,
    only to be left behind when they no longer needed you,
    only to become merely strangers again with memories…
    Yeah, it hurts when you try so hard,
    but they never saw it until it was too late…

  11. Peace1231 Peace1231
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2012 4:03pm UTC
    I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap my arms
    around her and sleep. Not do anything dirty, like in those movies. Not
    even have s/ex. Just sleep together in the most innocent sense of the
    phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was
    gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was
    endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the
    bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle, and she was
    -Looking for Alaska by John Green

  12. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2012 3:57pm UTC
    Heart break
    Everyone at some point in their life
    is going to experience it.
    And, you know what?
    It’s probably one of the most painful things
    a person has to go through.
    I’m not going to lie.
    When you get your heart broken,
    it feels like it shattered into a million pieces.
    It’s like that person you were head over heels for
    stomped mercilessly on your heart.
    It feels like your heart is being shredded to pieces,
    cut up, and thrown in the trash, left to rot.
    It hurts a lot, emotionally and physically.
    Getting heart broken actually makes your heart physically hurt.
    You cry and cry and wish it wasn’t like this.
    You wish it was just a temporary nightmare.
    But, the sad truth?
    It’s not.
    It’s reality.
    And you’re going to just have to accept it, the pain and all...

  13. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2012 4:24pm UTC
    If I could have just one wish
    I would wish to wake up everyday
    to the sound of your breath on my neck,
    the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
    the touch of your fingers on my skin,
    and the feel of your heart beating with mine,
    knowing that I could never find that feeling
    with anyone other than you

  14. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2012 3:47pm UTC
    I’m sorry I’m not good enough.
    I’m sorry I’m not as attractive.
    I’m sorry that I’m not like others.
    I’m sorry I’m not as nice.
    I’m sorry I’m not as popular.
    I’m sorry I’m not as smart.
    I’m sorry that I’m not able to do anything.
    I’m sorry I am so worthless.
    I’m sorry that I will never be good enough.

  15. usagainsttheworld usagainsttheworld
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2012 8:27pm UTC
    Me: I like him... a lot.
    Me: Oh shoot. Wrong person. I'm sorry..
    Him: Who do you like?
    Me: You...
    Him: Oh.
    Me: Sorry...
    Him: So date on Friday? Pick you up at 7?

  16. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2012 3:51pm UTC
    I wish I was the reason why
    you smile randomly
    you stay up late
    you keep checking your phone
    you go to sleep happy
    you get butterflies
    you drive yourself insane, wishing I was yours.
    Because you’re my reason why.

  17. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2012 4:18pm UTC
    The best times to kiss a girl
    When she’s babbling on about something.
    When you’re arguing.
    When you see her.
    When you’re with her.
    When you’re with your friends.
    When she cries.
    When she's happy.
    When she does something you love.
    After you ask her out.
    After she says she loves you.
    After you just kissed her.
    Before you leave.
    My point is,
    whenever you get the chance to kiss her, kiss her.
    It makes her feel loved.

  18. theglassbutterfly theglassbutterfly
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2012 6:40pm UTC
    So... there's this boy...
    but he has a girlfriend...
    but my bestfriend thinks he likes me...

  19. birdofthesummer birdofthesummer
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2012 6:48pm UTC
    We all have a him.
    A him that's so perfect you don't know what to do with yourself when he smiles.
    A him that makes you smile like an idiot.
    A him that makes you laugh on days where all you want to do is cry.
    Or maybe you have a him who likes her.
    Or maybe you have a him who treats you badly but you're crazy about him anyway.
    Maybe your him doesn't know you exist, but he might soon.
    Either way, everyone has a him.
    A him who smells so good you just want any excuse to cuddle with him all day.
    A him who's a gentleman.
    A him that when he's not there, the word miss is an understatement.
    A him who's started to make you believe in love again.

  20. CrackerJacks97* CrackerJacks97*
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2012 7:05pm UTC
    Format by Sandrasaurus
    Most girls want a guy who will knock on the door.
    But I want a guy who will just walk right inside. ♥


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