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  1. LovelyCraze LovelyCraze
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2012 5:24pm UTC
    I wasn't that drunk.
    Dude, you picked up a little Mexican girl and yelled, ''DORA I NEED YOUR MAP TO GET HOME!''

  2. alyssaaxxo alyssaaxxo
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2012 5:05pm UTC
    that awkward moment
    when you can't understand somebody on the phone like five times and you don't know what to say.

  3. MyWittyProfile MyWittyProfile
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 4:06pm UTC
    Am I The Only One
    that thinks as soon as I open the shower curtain some one is going to jump out and kill me?

  4. Ty1210 Ty1210
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2012 12:46pm UTC
    Dude, i wasn't that drunk.
    Dude, you took my hamster and threw it across the room screaming,'PIKACHU, I CHOOSE YOU'

  5. xobabyjay24xo xobabyjay24xo
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 8:49pm UTC
    Raisin cookies
    that look like chocolate chip cookies are the main reason I have trust issues.

  6. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 8:53pm UTC
    You're cute when you're mad.
    Yeah, well then I'm about to get real f*cking adorable.

  7. HeGivesMeHope HeGivesMeHope
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 9:34pm UTC
    Planning to get up early in the morning
    To do somthing important,
    Then morning comes and convinces you
    It's not important anymore.

  8. marie1616 marie1616
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 9:58pm UTC
    If I Had,
    Jimmy Neutron's brain, Phineas & Ferbs summer,
    [[ Dora's parents ]]
    & Timmy Turners Goldfish,
    [[ my life would be amazing ]]
    nmf/ From Tumblr♥
    Nnee nmf♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  9. emma21 emma21
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2012 7:14am UTC
    maybe it's maybelline
    or maybe it's photoshop

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. countrygirl123 countrygirl123
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2012 11:21am UTC
    I went out with your boyfriend yesterday
    nmq. nmf.
    Ohh, yeah, yesterday he told me, he was taking some trash out

  12. KayJay6 KayJay6
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 3:28pm UTC
    ♥ ♥ ♥
    but I
    prefer friends that have one face.
    ♥ ♥♥

  13. itsallie0x itsallie0x
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 5:37pm UTC
    teacher: Why do i hear talking?
    student: Because you have ears.

  14. misstaytay misstaytay
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 6:19pm UTC
    if you want a guy
    to act like a gentlemen
    mabye you should
    start acting like a lady

  15. halfempty halfempty
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 7:47pm UTC
    He goes through girls
    like he goes through socks.

  16. nerdybirdy13 nerdybirdy13
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 7:54pm UTC
    Format credit: Sandrasaurus
    I have a feeling
    that if I looked into the future
    I'd be shocked
    to see who I married.
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  17. HeGivesMeHope HeGivesMeHope
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 9:19pm UTC
    When i'm mad at you,
    I text you with my middle finger♥

  18. heyhey2799 heyhey2799
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 7:30pm UTC
    dear therapist,
    i might actually come see you
    if your job title didnt spell out
    'the rapist'
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  19. thecookie1997 thecookie1997
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 8:44pm UTC
    #<( ‘-’< ) I was going to give you this waffle, ( >’-’ )># but then I was like,
    ( >’#'< ) I’m hungry ( >’-'< ) so I ate it.
    Follow me, I follow back!

  20. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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