Witty Profiles

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  1. depression_hurts depression_hurts
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 10:11pm UTC
    Girl Facts:
    --When a girl is mean to you after a break-up she wants you back but she is too scared she'll get hurt and knows you're gone forever!
    --When you catch a girl glancing at you, she wants you to look back and smile.
    --When a girl bumps into your arm, while walking with you she wants you to hold her hand.
    --When she wants a hug she will just stand there.
    --When u break a girls heart she still feels it when you run into each other 3 years later.
    --When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running through her mind.
    --When a girl stops arguing, she is thinking deeply
    --When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions, she is wondering how long you will be with her. --When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after a pause, she is not fine at all.
    --When a girl stares at you, she is wondering why you are playing games.
    --When a girl lays her head on your chest, she is wishing for you to be hers forever.
    --When a girl says she can't live without you, she has made up her mind that you are her future.
    --When a girl says, "I miss you," no one in this world can miss you more than that
    Guy Facts:
    --When a guy calls you, he wants to be with you.
    --When a guy is quiet, He's listening to you.
    --When a guy stops arguing, He realizes he's wrong.
    --When a guy says, "I'm fine" after a pause, he means it .
    --When a guy stares at you, he wishes you would care about him and wonders if you do.
    --When your laying your head on a guy's chest, he has the world
    -- When a guy calls, texts, comments, messages you everyday, he is in love.
    --When a (good) guy tells you he loves you, he means it.
    --When a guy says he can't live without you, he's with you till your done.
    --When a guy says, "I miss you," he misses you more than you could have ever missed him or anything else.
    Repost this in 10 minutes and your true love will call you; text you; kiss you; or just surprise you (:

  2. Twelvesgirl96 Twelvesgirl96
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2013 5:49pm UTC
    dear, mom
    i know we have our days but i love you i know sometimes we dont get along but i love you so much you the besr mom in the world you rise me to be the girl i am today .
    and i am proud of the girl i am today i stand storge and keep my head up high even if i am going though depression or if i am having a bad day i know deep down i have my days and you do it i love you mom i dont know what i would do if i did not have you .. you make me laugh you make me smile you ......

  3. Confessions_of_a_Witty_Girl Confessions_of_a_Witty_Girl
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2013 6:02pm UTC
    As I walk through my bedroom door at night,
    the door frame acts like a depression-activator.
    I've never been diagnosed, only online
    but it's like night-time-depression
    and depression in times where it's silent.
    The bad side of my brain takes over
    and all happiness is drowned.
    I go numb and I fall into a different type of conciousness.
    A conciousness where suicidal thoughts, self-hate, blades
    and urges to cut my thoughts into my skin are the norm.
    And when that happens,
    When I'm alone with my thoughts
    and my happiness ceases to exist,
    I wish that no one cared about me,
    so I didn't have to walk away from the oncoming traffic
    or not cut over 200 times in a night.
    Just so I could get out of this horrible cycle of hatred.
    I just really hate myself.

  4. cirkel96 cirkel96
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2013 10:59pm UTC
    I hate how my thighs touch. And how curvy I am. I hate the way my hair falls, parted down the middle-not special at all. I hate that I’m blind without glasses or contacts. I hate the way my eyes crinkle shut when I smile or laugh. I hate my tiny feet. I hate that I’m five feet and two inches tall. I hate that I weigh 132 lbs. I hate that there are scars all over my body. I hate the way my knees have these weird indents in them. I hate my tiny hands. I hate how I can’t keep polish on my fingernails for longer than an hour without ruining it. I hate the sound of my own voice. I hate my stupid short fingers. I hate the way my legs look so fat when I sit down wearing shorts.
    But the things that I hate about myself are more than skin deep.
    I hate the way I’m allergic to basically every season, and the majority of lotions and perfumes. I hate the way my throat starts to hurt when I don’t get enough sleep. I hate that I never get enough sleep. I hate that I compulsively wash my hands multiple times. I hate that if I don’t follow my daily routine perfectly I have to start over. I hate that I over think every little detail of my life, and every single thing that I say. I hate the panic attacks, and the feeling that everyone is constantly judging me, talking about me, laughing at me. I hate that nobody really likes me. I hate that I always look for the best in people and get screwed over for it. I hate the way I get migraines when I overstress. I hate that I hate myself every time I take a bite of food. I hate that I weigh myself everyday, and curse myself if there’s no drop in my weight. I hate the way that I want to keep losing weight, until I’m skinny and perfect. I hate how I want to be so pretty. I hate that somedays pain is the only thing reminding me that I’m still alive.
    I hate that I hurt my parents. I hate that they have to worry about me all of the time. I hate that they think they’ve failed me somehow. I hate that I have to tell them that it’s not their fault. I hate that I don’t care about anything anymore. I hate that I used to have a plan, but now I’m just drifting through my life. I hate that I have to put my friends before school work because they’re the only reason that I am able to fight the urges. I hate that I used to love school, but now it just makes me even more depressed than I already am.
    I hate that I am completely dependant on anti-anxiety drugs and anti-depressants. I hate that my mom knows that the only way I function normally is pumped with chemicals. I hate that I can’t remember the last time that I really truly cared about my future. I hate that I am able to look the people who love me in the eye and tell them that nothing is wrong, that I am just fine.
    I hate that I have become so good at lying that I often believe myself. I hate that everything around me turns to crap. I hate that I’m so selfish. That it’s my mom who might have cancer not me. I hate that I’m making it about me. I hate that I don’t know what I’d do without her. I hate that I always count on him. I hate that I’ve made him hate me too. I hate that he pities me and still talks to me. I hate that I believed him when he told me he loved me. I hate that I meant it when I told him I loved him too.
    I hate that when I’m sad he’s the first person I think of texting. I hate that he replies when it’s serious. I hate that I keep pushing away really good guys for someone who only wants me when he can’t have me. I hate that I don’t hate him at all.
    I hate that I have no sense of empathy for the things that everyone around me goes through. I hate that I want to feel bad but can’t. I hate that I know there are times when I should feel a certain way but I just can’t.
    I hate that I’ve become comfortable in my depression. That I don’t have the will to fight it off.
    I hate all of these things about myself. And I hate that I am able to accept other people hating me. I hate that I hate me too. I hate that that doesn’t even phase me anymore.

  5. terryschocolate terryschocolate
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2013 9:15am UTC
    Close your eyes, take a deep breath and just imagine this--
    You have just woken up, you have a sister that is a year older than you. She is always in her room, so quiet. She used to be the one that was so outgoing and loud, but everything has changed. Usually your sister is up before you, but she isn't in the lounge or the kitchen, you think she has just gone out for a walk... You don't worry too much.
    You go onto the computer and check all your social networking sites, twitter, tublr, facebook and you see her status', "This time, I'm leaving forever... I'm sorry if this hurts anyone but its just the way it has to be." You start to worry running round the house calling her name but you get no reply, you ask your mom where she has gone, she says she went on a walk so you go to the park where she normally is and you see her sitting on the bench crying, you run over to her, you hold her, you tell her "Everything is going to be okay," but she screams asking you to just end this pain, with a rope beside her and pills in front of her. You make her stand up and you hold her tight walking away, you're just about to turn the corner when you see these girls walking towards you, they start laughing and your sister cries a little more. You keep walking with your sister tight in your arms but the girls grab her from behind, they tell her how worthless she is. You try to scream but another girl grabs you too. She won't let you go. Your sister is screaming for your help, she yells to you "I love you, I'm so sorry" the three girls let her go and the other girl let's you go to but your sister has run away nowhere to be found. You go back to the park but this time the ropes gone and the pills have too, you start crying and you call your mom to tell her what has happened, she doesn't say anything, she's in shock. She rushes home, you're still looking for your sister. She's your world, she's your rock, she's the one that keeps you here today, without her, you're nothing. And without her Your moms nothing too. You walk through a forest and you get a bad feeling, the tears are just rushing down your face, you're shaking more than ever. You walk a little bit more and you find the pill container... Empty. You scream your sisters name, crying even more but there was no response you know something has happened. You turn the corner of the forest and you see your sister lying there, blood protruding from her wrists, a blade lying innocently next to her. She looks peaceful only taking a breath every minute. You immediately call the ambulance and they arrive just after your mom. Your mom screams; this is her baby, this is her best friend, and this girl is her world. The ambulance takes your sister away and you go too, they can't get any response from her now, they're only a few minutes away from the hospital now but you know she's gone, you know she's dead. You can't do this without her, right? You begin to beg and plead and ask her why. You arrive at the hospital and they rush her into emergency. Your mom is in too much shock to even talk. 10 minutes later the doctor comes out, your mom stands up tears rushing down her face, the doctor says "I'm sorry for what I'm about to tell you but we could not save her... It was too late." At this point in time your mom drops to the floor, her whole world has just taken a crashing. You run outside and you can't stop screaming, you're finding it hard to breath and you don't want to live anymore. A few days later is her funeral, so many people turn up. They al line up to see her, she looks peaceful, she eventually looks happy, but you're not... Your moms not... And your whole family is devastated. Her bestfriend hasn't talked to anyone since she found out, her bestfriend is now harming herself. Your mom looks out the window for more than half the day and you can't see yourself going back to school for a while. No-one has entered her room, and it will stay that way, her door will remain shut and no-one will go in. A year passes and a few weeks ago you sisters bestfriend committed suicide. Her bestfriend made a promise to your sister, "you go, I go" her bestfriend? Well she kept that promise... You still haven't returned to school, and your mom now has depression. You harm everyday, your sisters happy but look at the pain she has put on everyone else.
    So before you decide to take your life, please listen to this. Listen to it carefully; do you want this to happen to your bestfriend? Or your mom? Or your sister? Or any of your family? Please get help. Don't be scared to ask... Someone cares, someone loves you and you are beautiful❤

  6. MayMyEyesBleedForTheSorrowsYouveCausedMe MayMyEyesBleedForTheSorrowsYouveCausedMe
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2013 2:47am UTC
    "Describe what it's like to cut."
    Well ,go the beach. And walk in the water,blindfolded. You just keep walking, you don't know where you're going . You just know you're going deeper. That's what the build up to cutting feels like. You don't know where you're going. Depression has blinded you. All you know js you're going deeper. Now just keep going until you drown. Now imagine the relief when someone pulls you out of the water. That's what cutting is. Relief. Relief from all the pain you've been drowning in. Relief from not feeling good enough. Relief from the bullies at school. Relief from feeling like you're fat. Relief from your imperfections and insecurities. You might find cutting disgusting and you might never understand it but when you're drowning, you need saving. You need relief. So what is cutting like? It's relief.

  7. Bringmethebitches* Bringmethebitches*
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2013 10:20pm UTC
    Depression, when you're finally alone in your room. You calmly shut your door and just break down. The real you comes out after having a smile on your face and laughing with your friends all day. After blocking out all the horrible thoughts that run through your mind all day, you're finally able to just let it all out. You run over to your bed and just go under your blankets and lay there alone in the dark trying to balance your breathing and keep quiet so that nobody suspects anything. You try and block out the thoughts with some music, nope. Tears are rolling down your face and you just need to scream. You try to fight the urge to get the blade and slice it through your skin but you just can't. You're strong but not that strong. Every little thing you've ever done wrong , everything that has ever hurt you flashes through your head. You're hypnotized. You take your blade out of its special hiding spot in your bedroom. You slide it through without thinking over and over and over again in a quick motion. It stings but you feel like finally you've released. You bleed. You just stare at what you've done to yourself in disbelief. Memories of your childhood race through your head, pictures of yourself as a little girl. The little girl that you just cut with a blade. You cover your scars and the fresh burning cuts and put your blade away and walk out of that room with a smile on your face from ear to ear.

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. blairbloss blairbloss
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2013 9:18pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. bieberinmypants2 bieberinmypants2
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2012 9:58am UTC
    This girl has ruined everything that i've had with my boyfriend of 1 year. She has turned him out to be someone who I never ever thought he would be. But the thing is I don't care what he thinks. It's not fair to be treated the way he treats me and it hurts my feelings that after everything we've been through, that you could do this to me. You're both supposed to be my friends. I hate both of you now. With a burning passion. You need to realize that you've yet again, ruined another girl's life and you've taken away her best friend. Screw you all.

  11. bieberinmypants2 bieberinmypants2
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2012 2:20pm UTC
    I'm sick of holding all of this in, and feeling so alone. There is one person I've told all this too, and that's not enough.
    I love you. With all of my heart. You may be mean. not listen, and certinally not care, but I am still in love with you just as much as I was when we were together. I wish you would listen to me. Talk to me. I'm broken. I don't sleep. I cry constantly. I see posts on Witty that remind me of you, and I break down. It's at a point where my mom won't even let me tlak about you because she knows how sad you make me. Someone brings your mean up and she makes faces behind my back telling people to stop becasue she knows how sad I get. Somedays I get so bad that I don't even want to go to school. I've thought the craziest things. I never ever thought that you, out of anyone in the entire world would have this effect on me. I love you.. You have absoutely no clue how much. You're mean to me, you don't treat me right. You pick on me. You were supposed to be me best friend. You were the one that said that our relationship would never change the friendship we had. It kills me to be writing this right now. To make yet another post about you. To know that this isn't even going to be read by more then probably three people. I need help.. I really do.. I love you Brad. No matter how bad you are to me.. And even if you don't care. I miss you so much. Please come back to me.. :'(

  12. bieberinmypants2 bieberinmypants2
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2012 2:16pm UTC
    The sh-i-t you put people through,
    the things you say,
    the rumors you spread,
    the drama you thrive off of
    is all getting SO old.
    It's coming down to the world being seperated by a line.
    One side,
    The other,

  13. bieberinmypants2 bieberinmypants2
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2012 4:42pm UTC
    She's beautiful but she'll never admit it.
    Music is her life, literally.
    Ask her for a good song &
    she'll give you five.
    Jeans and wearing her hair down
    is what she's know for.
    She's afraid of the dark and
    obsessed with her friends.
    Her entire face lights up
    when she smiles.
    Her heart is broken by some
    guy that doesn't love her.
    But you know what?
    She doesn't care.

  14. bieberinmypants2 bieberinmypants2
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2012 5:00pm UTC
    Don’t talk
    when your mouth is full of lies.

  15. daisybug2000 daisybug2000
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2013 10:14pm UTC
    You promised you'd never leave me.
    Where are you now?

  16. samanthalove samanthalove
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2013 9:54am UTC
    I am a walking mistake.

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  19. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  20. JustAnotherWittyGuy18 JustAnotherWittyGuy18
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2013 3:07pm UTC
    Don't tell me
    "It gets better"
    When it only gets worse


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