Witty Profiles

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  1. Lizzie_143 Lizzie_143
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2012 9:38pm UTC
    I Love to Hate You
    Chapter 7
    I can't believe I'm finally a freshman. I really hope things are different this year.
    I threw my backpack over my shoulder and walked to school.
    Hopefully I would see Liam today. For once, I was excited for school.
    Liam Payne is the guy I spent my summer talking to. He made me feel good about myself. Somebody actually seemed to notice me.
    Once I got to school, I walked down the hallway to my new locker.
    I saw Britney, the popular girl in my grade who was always rude to me.
    "Ew guys, look what came back." she said, cringing at me. I just walked on by, pretending that it didn't hurt me. Liam would stick up for me.
    I put my binders in my locker and zipped my backpack, then walked to my first period class, which was English.
    I walked in and saw Liam sitting in the back. I lifted my hand to wave to him, and he just ignored me. Weird. Maybe he didn't see me.
    I walked over to the desk next to his and sat down.
    "That seat's taken." he told me. At first I thought he was joking, but then I saw his face. Dead serious. I frowned, not sure what was happening.
    "By who?" I asked, suprised that I spoke with other people around.
    "Me." Britney said, standing right behind me. What was happening?
    I stood up and walked to the other side of the room, taking a seat there.
    After class, I tried to talk to Liam. But when I went to find him, I was shocked.
    He was locking lips with Britney. My heart started racing, and I ran out of the school. Which was shocking, because I don't run.
    I can't believe it. I spent my entire summer talking to Liam, and he seemed really into me. I just shook my head. How could I be so blind?
    For the rest of the year, Liam avoided me. And when he didn't avoid me, he made fun of me. Teased me about my weight, my looks, and my shyness.
    He became a jerk, and I didn't like it. So I tuned him out.
    I stopped talking to him, stopped thinking about him, and stopped wanting him.
    It got to the point where Liam told me I was useless and a waste of everyone's time. And I believed him. Those were the last words he said to me before I transferred.
    Am I crazy for thinking things might be different? Maybe he changed. But why did I want to give him a second chance? He made my life terrible. So why was I giving him the time of day?
    Maybe I never really stopped wanting him.
    so that's what happened! what do you guys think?

  2. maryxoxo maryxoxo
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2012 10:15pm UTC
    Young Love
    Chapter 1 (Maceigh's P.O.V.)
    I remeber the day i met scott clearly and accuratley. I t was the First day of 8th grade.he was new at our school. nobody would talk to him, i felt bad. i couldn't stand seeing his sad face anymore.
    At lunch that day i discussed it with my best friend Courtney.
    " What do you think of the new kid?" I asked courtney hoping for an honest answer.
    "Umm which one?" She wondered.
    "Well, he's not my type, but he is deffinatley cute." she said
    When she said it something in me clicked.
    "how can you say he's not your type when you haven't met him?" I sayed almost screaming.
    "I can just tell. he's too quiet."
    "maybe that's because nobody's talking to him! i mean i wouldn't talk to anyone else if i were in his position." I wanted to pounced on her, i was furious that she could just judge him like that.
    "Well i don't care, to me he just seems wierd."
    "Well i will prove you wrong!" I yelled as i sprung up out of my seat, and left the table.
    "Where are you going?" courtney yelled after i left.
    "To make a friend."
    he was sitting alone in the corner of the lunch room. i felt bad that not even the other new kids would sit with him. I walked up to the seat next to him. everyone was staring at me. i could've cared less.
    "Hi!" i said with a litle too much happiness it scared me.
    "My name is Maceigh."
    "Hi, m-my name is scott."
    Oooo what is he gonna think about her? let's find out!
    Chapter's Outfits:
    Maceighs: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=58147453
    Courtney: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=58148517
    Scott: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=58147669
    Thank you so much for reading!
    Love ya Babe's!
    Check out the prologue here: http://www.wittyprofiles.com/q/6227146
    format by sandrasaurus

  3. 1D_Fanfiction 1D_Fanfiction
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2012 4:47pm UTC
    *A One Direction Fanfic*
    Chapter 29
    Last night Alex told everyone the story of her family. When she finished I could tell she was trying to keep the tough side of her out and she was holding everything in. The entire time she had been talking she watched Alyssa and after had Zayn take her into the other room. As soon as I noticed the tear going down my sisters face I could tell Alex was trying to stay strong. I pulled her into my room where she broke down in my arms crying and I picked her up and layed her in my lap. When she finally calmed down I asked her if she was okay and she said yeah and when I looked into her blue green eyes I could still see the tears forming. Before I could stop myself I kissed her. She went with it but I forced myself to pull away.
    "Um I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" I couldn't look her in the eyes
    "But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell you don't know your beautiful" Her gorgeous voice sang and I looked up at her and smiled and she kissed my cheek. I laid back and put my arm around her where she fell asleep. I knew the feelings I had for her were wrong but I couldn't help it. She was beautiful and something about having her in my arms was just so.. right. I wonder what Alyssa would do when she found out I was falling for her bestfriend.
    Last night after Alex told her story she sent me into Liams room to calm Alyssa down. I puleld her into my lap and sang Moments to her until she fell asleep. I never thought I would feel myself falling for someone younger than me. Alyssa is only 16. Niall was still not happy about it but he is starting to accept it. Alyssa was gorgeous and when Danielle started dressing her the way she did I couldn't help but go crazy. I want to take her out on a proper date but I'm not sure where. Wait. I have an idea.
    While Alex had been telling her story I kept an eye on Alyssa. It was heartbreaking to see her the way she was. You could tell she was holding back tears. I just wanted to save her. I wanted to save her heart from anyone who would break it. I knew Zaynhad strong feelings for her but I couldn't help but wish it was me that she liked back. I had to suck it up and realize that she doesn't like me like that and she never will.
    It was horrible to hear Alex's story and even worse to watch Alyssa. You could tell how upset she was. Alex was unreadable and Lyss was trying to be but you could see it in her eyes tthat she was dying inside. I know Zayn truely loves her already and can't wait to take her out . I can't help but think that I can love her more than that. I would never hurt her. When Zayn sits her down I die inside. It just doesn't feel right to see her with someone else.
    Authors note-
    Shortish chapter I know but I need ideas!
    I kind of like writing from the guys POV. What do you guys think?
    I need ideas.. Anyone got any?
    Are you guys Team Zayn, Louis,or Harry?
    I might be starting a Instagram or Twitter for one direction quotes, pictures and such someone want to co own it with me?

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. brispiin* brispiin*
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2012 5:42pm UTC
    now that i've stayed up all night..
    take me home? (;

  6. Lizzie_143 Lizzie_143
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2012 9:28pm UTC
    I Love to Hate You
    Chapter 6
    The next morning I finished my cereal and put my bowl and spoon in the dishwasher. I flipped through a magazine and scrolled through my emails on my macbook, deleting the spam. I repainted my nails and turned on the radio and started singing to 'Want U Back' by Cher Lloyd. I grabbed my hairbrush and started singing really loud, not remembering that I wasn't the only one in the flat anymore. Zayn walked out of his room with no shirt on and sleepy eyes.
    "What are you doing? It's only eleven o'clock!" he complained.
    "Exactly! Don't you have plans today?" I asked, since I figured he did.
    "No. Usually I wake up at one in the afternoon, and just hang out. Why, what do you do?" he asked me.
    "Well, I have to go to the bank, then check on the club, run a few errands, meet up with my brother, schedule a dinner date with James, and go to the club for the night." I said, mentally adding things to the list as I said it.
    "Let me come with you!" he begged.
    "Fine. Get dressed, we're leaving in ten." I said, and he walked back to his room. A few minutes later, he walked out wearing a white tee and skinny jeans, his hair done perfectly.
    "Okay, let's go!" I said, grabbing my keys and walking out the door, lokcing it behind me. Zayn led the way to my car, and I drove to the bank.
    "Wow. Spending a day in your shoes is exhausting." he said once we finally got back to the apartment. I had to cancel my dinner date with James because Zayn and I were running late. He met my brother though, and it was awkward because my brother thought Zayn was my boyfriend...
    "I have to go to the club tonight, are you coming?" I asked.
    "I'm not sure. Lou and Nial are going out with friends, so I might as well." he decided. We drove to the club, and everybody seemed to be having a good time. I made Zayn get on stage and sing, then I worked at the bar for a little while.
    "Hi, can I just get a water?" asked a guy while my back was turned.
    "Sure, one minute." I said, grabbing a bottle and turning aroung. Liam.
    "Oh, hi." I said quickly, handing him the bottle.
    "I thought that was you. How's business?" he asked, taking a sip.
    "Great actually." I replied, wiping the counter.
    "Look, I need to talk to you." he said. Great. Here we go.
    "What's up?" I asked casually.
    "It's about the whole thing that happened in high school." he replied.
    "What thing?" I asked, playing dumb.
    "Carly, you know. I just, I feel really bad. I hope you know that." he told me.
    "If I didn't look like this, would you still feel bad?" I questioned.
    "What? What kind of question is that?" he asked me.
    "One you didn't answer." I said, walking away.
    He just sighed, and I rolled my eyes.
    Things were always going to be like this.
    We couldn't get over freshmen year, and that's what's holding us back.
    I took off my serving apron and walked into the back room. I checked the books and did a few calculations before walking back out to see an old couple enjoying themselves while singing karaoke.
    I was honestly in such a good place right now.
    I looked over and saw Liam staring at me. I guess I should talk to him.
    "Hey." I said, sitting down next to him.
    "Hi." he replied.
    "I didn't mean to come off as a jerk earlier." I told him.
    "Don't worry about it. You have every right to hate me." he said, not meeting my gaze.
    "I know. But for some reason, I'm in a forgiving mood tonight." I said.
    "Carly, I don't want you to forgive me. I feel terrible, I really do." he said.
    "Liam, I know. I just think we should forget about it. All it's going to do is bring up bad memories, and I don't need my past becoming my present." I said.
    "Right. I totally understand." he said, watching the old man sing on stage.
    "Okay. Well, have fun tonight." I said, walking away.
    I really hope he doesn't try to talk to me about that year. Because I don't want to remember it. And I definitely don't want to know the truth about what happened.
    next chapter you will find out what happened between them in high school! it will be exciting, and probably something nobody expected!

  7. WhoThatGirl WhoThatGirl
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2012 9:09pm UTC
    *First day of school thoughts*
    Me: I wonder who's in my class!
    Me: *walks in*

  8. maryxoxo maryxoxo
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2012 10:13pm UTC
    Weird Facts #2
    The Average person eats about 1,500 lbs. of food per year, and 60,000 lbs, in your life time. (that's 6 Elephants...)
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  9. maryxoxo maryxoxo
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2012 8:32pm UTC
    Young Love
    Prolouge (Maceigh's Pont of View.)
    As i walked out of the door of the hospital, i realized i couldn't turn back now. I was a mother, and i couldn't change what had happend. We were young, he was 17, i was 16.
    I couldn't believe that i was holding such a fragile item in my hands. her name is Alyson. Her Fathers name is Scott. I love them both More Than anything.
    I could've never asked for a better Family. I remember the day i found out i was pregnant with Alyson. I was in 10th grade. I couldn't believe it. i wouldn't believe it.
    Everyone was so helpful. i thought it was all fake. I just couldn't get that out of my head that i was going to be a mom in nine months.
    Now before i can explain what those nine months were like, i have to go back quite a few years.
    To be more exact, we need to go back to my first day of 8th grade, when i met my future husband, Scott davis.
    Good so far right? I really hope you guys like it!
    Much more exciting things to come soon!
    Prolouges outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=58069486
    Thank you so much for reading! Love ya Babe's!
    format by sandrasaurus

  10. WhoThatGirl WhoThatGirl
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2012 11:07pm UTC
    That Forever Alone feeling you get when your best friend is absent from school.

  11. WhoThatGirl WhoThatGirl
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2012 1:22pm UTC
    That awkward moment when you open a birthday card and there's no money in it so you pretend to read it with a lost smile.

  12. WhoThatGirl WhoThatGirl
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2012 11:21pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. WhoThatGirl WhoThatGirl
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2012 11:24pm UTC
    Niall: I wasn't that drunk..
    Louis: You let Liam run away with your food!
    Niall: Give me a spoon. NOW!!

  14. 1D_Fanfiction 1D_Fanfiction
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2012 3:11pm UTC
    The awkward moment when
    your rocking out to music and then you realize
    that you have headphones in...
    and people are staring...

  15. KylahIsADirectioner KylahIsADirectioner
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2012 8:28pm UTC
    T h e P e r f e c t S k y I s T o r n
    Chapter 18.. *Zayn's POV*
    Kylah and I almost instantly fell asleep, I kissed her goodnight, tucked her in and headed to my side of the bed. In the morning I woke up a little earlier but I held her in my arms until she woke up. "Good morning baby." I said kissing her cheek. "Good morning." She said smiling before she kissed me back. We both got up, changed and headed downstairs where Harry and the rest of the boys were. "Good morning guys!" Kylah said. Everyone replied. "Where's Irene?" I asked stretching. "She's still sleeping." Harry said. I popped some waffles into the toaster for Kylah and I while she talked to the boys. When they were ready, Kylah and I sat at the table side by side. "Do you guys have anything planned for today?" I asked. "Not really.." Liam said. "I was thinking maybe we just chill at home today, we've been out pretty much all the other days." Niall said. We all agreed. Harry headed upstairs, I think to wake up Irene. Kylah and I gradually finished breakfast when the rest of the guys, Kylah and I decided to go to the living room and flip on the TV. I sat with my arm around Kylah and the rest of the boys kind of scattered around the room. We were a few minutes into a show we were watching when Harry and Irene came downstairs. "Good morning guys!" She said cheerfully. "What's gotten into you?" Kylah asked. "Nothing, I'm just happy." She said taking a seat on the opposite side of the couch Kylah and I were sitting on. "Today we've decided to chill at home and stuff, we were thinking of having a lazy day...That kind of thing, you in?" Louis asked Irene. "I'm all for it, sounds like fun." She responded. "We should go get chips and candy.. all that stuff.." Liam said. "You girls give a list of what you want and we'll be back in a bit." I said. In no time, Kylah and Irene ran to the kitchen and minutes later returned with a massive list. "That's a lot of candy, It's not good for you!" Liam said. "Liam!" everyone said together. With that, all of us guys went upstairs to get ready. We soon returned downstairs. Before Harry and I left, we hugged and kissed our astonishing girlfriends and told them to call us if they needed anything.
    **Kylah's POV**
    "Bye!" Irene and I called back to the boys as they filed out the door. The boys left and we sat on the couch awkwardly before Irene broke the silence.. "So, things seem to be going amazing with Zayn, eh?" She said. "Yeah, amazayn! He's wonderful.. Things with Harry seem to be going pretty good.." I replied. "Yeah, he's extrordinharry! He's wonderful." She said mocking me. I playfully hit her with a pillow. She grabbed the pillow and threw it across the room right before getting up from the couch. "I'm going to get changed and brush my teeth and all that good stuff..." She said heading towards the stairs. I followed her and went up and did the same thing. We finished our morning routines and headed downstairs again. I was wearing a graphic tee and a pair of capri sweats, I also grabbed one of Zayn's sweaters in case I got cold. Irene was feeling kind of lazy and tired so she decided to put on ared v neck and sweatpants ; she also brought down one of her own sweaters. Irene layed down on the couch playing with her iPod while I awkwardly observed. "Whatcha playing?" I asked her. "Oven Break" She replied. I sat back and unlocked my IPhone. I started playing 'Temple Run'. About five minutes into the game Irene and I both yelled. "NOOO!!!!" Then the boys walked in. "The hell?" NiaIl asked. "I died in Temple run and Irene lost in her game. Did you get the stuff?" I asked getting up and following Liam into the kitchen. "Yes, I did!" Liam said holding up some candy and other things. I squeled and hugged Liam. "You're the best!!" I screamed. Then I helped them carry everything into the theatre room. Where Irene was casually sitting amd yelling at her Ipod. "Let's get this party started!!" I screamed cheering. Everyone else cheered along and we took our seats. A few moments later Niall came in with a ton of popcorn. "Niall, you are the best!!" Louis said hugging him. "What movie do we wanna watch?" I asked them. "Paranormal Activity!!" They all screamed in unison. "I LOVE those movies!!." Irene said looking up at all of us with a smile on her face. "Same here, and if you get scared, I'm here." Harry said taking a seat next to her and cuddling with her. I took a seat inbetween Niall and Zayn and Louis played the movie, and our lazy day began, :)

  16. 1D_Fanfiction 1D_Fanfiction
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2012 9:51pm UTC
    *a one direction fan fiction*
    chapter 27
    Alyssas POV
    When the girls and I woke up we decided to go over Nialls to hang out with the guys. Liam came over first when we first woke up and we picked up Josh on the way. When we got to the flat you could tell the rest of the guys were hiding something. I saw Zayn in the kitchen which means him and Niall made up. I stood with my back to the bedroom doors and I saw Harry walk near the bathroom. Suddenly a pair of hands were covering my eyes.
    "Hazza I swear to god you will not be able to have children."
    "so im a guy now?" A voice I would be able to pick out of a room with 100 people.
    "Hey Lyss!" she said removing her hands and I spun around and hugged my best friend.
    "Sorry! i missed you leave me alone" I forgot she hated hugs. Alex laughed and looked up and she got a weird look on her face.
    "Hey Lexi!"
    "NEVER EVER call me that. its Alex." She looked mad
    "Sorry you used to be a girl before your mom left but i guess you not one anymore" I knew that look. Alex got it whenever someone mentioned her mom. I grabbed her arm and she glared at me
    "Fox come with me"
    "yes, now" she didnt bother fighting me. I pulled her into Nialls room and she sat down on the bed and crossed her arms.
    "Why is she here Lyss?"
    "Hannah? Because shes really nice and I'm friends with her, so is Dani and Debbie"
    "Don't let her fool you. She is a demon"
    "Alex whats the story with her?"
    "Shes my second cousin or whatever on my moms side and we used to be really close. yanno before i started skating and became how i am today. Once Mom left and I spent all my time with you or at the park and I started dressing how I do now and everything. As soon as she found out she tried to change me and I told her to screw off and we haven't talked since."
    "What do you want me to do Alex? I can't kick her out!"
    "Then can I?" i saw the pain in her eyes and i sighed
    "just dont let anyone find out i gave you permission" Alex smiled and actually hugged me
    "thank you so much Lyss" We opened the door and everyone looked at us weird. I walked to the couch and sat on Zayn's lap and he wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder. We sat there for a while and we were all talking an I could tell Hannah was driving Alex crazy. Alex gave me a pleading look and I gave her a single nod.
    "Hannah Leave. Now." Alex said sounding serious for once
    "why do I have to leave?"
    "because you are a liar and a jerk and I told you i NEVER wante to see you again in my life yet here you are now leave" Niall gave me a look and i gave him a dont say a word look and he understood. Hannah started pouting and strutted out of the door.
    "what the HELL just happend?" Niall said and Alex sighed
    "I guess i should tell you guys about my family"
    Authors note- I wrote this on my phone so i have no format. I mightve gotten the chapter wrong too but im not sure.
    so What should alexs story be?
    Are you guys team Louis, Harry, Zayn, Josh orShane?

  17. 1D_Fanfiction 1D_Fanfiction
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2012 8:41pm UTC
    *A One Direction Fanfic*
    Chapter 23
    "Forget about me?" He said sounding annoyed
    "Of course not!"
    "Really then explain why there are pictures all over the internet of you making out with 3 random guys and leaving one of their hotel rooms this morning." I didn't see any camaras!
    "Shane I can explain"
    "Go for it."
    "The guys, Louis Harry and Zayn took me out last night to a club. They let me drink far too much that I didn't know what I was doing and Im still trying to figure out what happened myself!"
    "whatever Alyssa. I can't do this. We are done."
    "Wait Shan-" He hung up. I began bawling my heart out. I had strong feelings for him and he just dumped me. I am such an idiot. I deserved it. I didn't get the chance to tell him I didn't like any of the guys like that. It was a stupid mistake. Zayn was a beautiful mistake. But Who did Shane think he was! More importantly who does he think I am? He should know that I am not the type of person who would cheat purposely. I cried for a while before the bedroom door opened and someone walked in. My head was still pounding and the pain was bad enough I couldn't speak. Someone climbed into bed next to me and pulled me into their lap. I attempted to open my eyes to see Zayns familer face looking down at me.
    "What's wrong Mouse?"
    "Sh-Shane s-saw p-p-pictures from last night and b-broke up with me" I stuttered
    "Who's Shane?" Zayn said with a sudden sound of pain in his voice
    "M-my boyfriend.. Well. Ex..."
    "You had a boyfriend?" Zayn sounded upset
    "Yeah. Listen Zayn about last night" Before I could finish Zayn cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. I couldn't help but kiss back.
    "Now that your single.. Will oyu go on a date with me?"
    "Sure."I said and Zayn hugged me. This could turn out well. I fell asleep on his chest listening to his heart beating.
    Authors note-
    How's the date going to go?
    Poor shane :(
    Are you guys team Zayn, Harry, Louis, Josh or SHANE?!
    I'm not sure how much I will post this week. Highschool started today :P

  18. 1D_Fanfiction 1D_Fanfiction
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2012 8:24pm UTC
    *A One Direction Fanfic*
    Chapter 22
    I rolled out of bed and pulled on a random pair of sweatpants and a hoodie I found on the ground and a pair of dark sunglasses off of a desk. No one else was here so I grabbed my phone and walked back to Nialls flat. I opened the door and Niall was instently up, yelling and hugging me.
    "First of all stop yelling my head is pounding-" Niall inturputted me. He pulled off my sunglasses and I screamed in pain. Since when has he kept it so bright in here?
    "Stop yelling! I went to a club with the guys and all night was a blur. I must've crashed at Zayns because that's where I woke up." My head felt like it was going to explode.
    "I'll talk to you when you are feeling better. Now go in my room and lay down" He said while handing me some advil. I fell asleep quickly and woke up to talking in the next room.
    "You guys aren't half as bad as Lyss! You could've killed her!" I heard Niall saying
    "It's her first hangover calm down" Louis was saying
    "She doesn't remeber anything from last night Lou! She doesn't even remeber how she ended up at Zayn's!"
    "um I'm going to go see if she's up.. : Louis said as the door opened
    "Hey Lou"
    "Hey Love.." He shut the door behind him
    "What do you really remeber from last night?" He gave me a pleading look
    "Honestly I remeber getting to the club I kindve remeber dancing with you guys but I don't remeber anything else.."
    "Welll you made out with all three of us at one point. The last one was Zayn and you um..."
    "Oh God please tell me I just crashed at his house"
    "Um you did a little more than sleep.."Memories came flooding back to me. I must've had a blank look .
    "For God's sake you and Zayn got it on last night!" He said annoyed
    "I got it Lou. I'm not stupid.."
    "You looked confused!"
    "I always look confused!"
    "I can't believe you and Zayn did it last night..."
    "ALYSSA AND ZAYN DID WHAT LAST NIGHT?!" Niall yelled from the door. Crap..
    "Your on your own.. Sorry Mouse" Louis said running out of the room. Some friend..
    "Niall I was DRUNK!"
    "You are never going out with them again."
    "No. You are lucky I am not calling Dad"He said walking out and slamming the front door. I was trying to piece together the events of last night when my phone rang. It didn't reconize the number so I answered it questioningly.
    "Lyss?" A voice said that made y stomache drop. I feel like I was going to be sick.
    Authors note-
    She forgot about him! What's he going to say?
    Are you guys team Zayn, Harry, Louis, Josh or SHANE?!

  19. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  20. Lizzie_143 Lizzie_143
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2012 7:04pm UTC
    I Love to Hate You
    Chapter 1
    "Are you almost ready Carly? We have to be there in twenty minutes!" Madison yelled.
    "Yeah, I'll be right out." I replied, curling one last piece of my hair before feeling satisfied with my look. I decided to wear a pair of dark wash ripped skinny jeans, a white crop top with a black leather jacket, and matching black booties. The shirt was short enough to show off my cute belly button ring and toned stomach. I grabbed my telephone and slipped a hair tie on my wrist before walking out of the bathroom and out of my apartment. I swung my car keys around my middle finger, humming to myself.
    Madison and I were on the way to the opening night of my karaoke bar. I loved to sing, but never let anyone know that. Now was my chance, a brand new start. So I took advantage of it.
    We arrived five minutes late, and there was already a ling forming outside. I walked in the back entrance and saw everybody rushing around, trying to get everything perfect before the doors opened.
    I know it sounds weird for a nineteen year old girl to be the owner and manager of a karaoke bar, but I have nothing else to do. And I took a lot of business and finance classes in high school, so I know my stuff.
    "Okay, I think we're good to go!" I said into the microphone once I gathered the entire staff. Everybody cheered and I cut the rope in front of the doors, smiling for the cameras.
    At around ten o'clock, the night was in full swing. Everybody seemed to be having a good time, with many people getting on stage to sing and people enjoying and ordering a lot of food. I smiled to myself, happy that things were going so well. At around ten thirty, I got up on stage and made an announcement.
    "Thank you everyone for coming tonight! I'm Carly, and I'm the owner and manager of this karaoke club. Everybody having a good time?" I asked, my voice sounding hopeful. I got my response when everybody cheered.
    "Sing us a song!" screamed somebody in the crowd. My face started to get hot, and I tried to politely decline that offer.
    "Oh come on! A pretty girl like you has got to have a good voice!" someone else hollered, making me blush.
    "Okay, okay. I'll sing song 115." I said, looking over at the DJ. He started playing the instrumental version of 'I Love Rock and Roll.' I belted it out, and everybody cheered after I left the stage, laughing. Tonight couldn't be any better. Actually, if I had friends to celebrate this with, then it would be a million times better. I walked around the room a few times, introducing myself to my guests.
    At eleven o'clock, a group of teenage guys walked into the club. They were all wearing hoodies and sunglasses, which confused me, because it was night and kind of hot out.
    I walked over to them and asked if I could help them.
    "Yeah, we' d like to sing, if you don't mind." they said, and I pointed them to the stage. They walked up onto the platform and told the DJ they wanted to sing song number 438. The beat to 'What Makes You Beautiful' started playing through the speakers, and the first boy to sing sounded exactly like Liam Payne.
    Wait a minute. The hoodies, the sunglasses, five boys, singing a certain song. No, it can't be. Could it? My question was answered when the boys reached the chorus, each one taking off their sunglasses and hoodies. I was shocked, and I'm sure it registered on my face. Not once did I think I would ever see Liam Payne again. I was actually kind of hoping I wouldn't. Maybe he wouldn't recognize me. I do look different than I did freshmen year.
    The crowd went wild, and I figured this would be good publicity. I let them continue to sing, and walked into the back room. A few minutes later, Madison found me moping.
    "What's wrong? One Direction's performing in your karaoke club!" she exclaimed, then realized what she just said.
    "Oh my gosh. That must be so awkward." she said, and I nodded my head, my lips pursed.
    "He probably doesn't even recognize me." I said, hoping it was true.
    "Maybe he does. Because he just asked to speak with the manager." she said.
    "Oh my god, no way. Tell him she's busy." I said, burying my head in my hands. This night was going so well, and then Liam had to come along and ruin it. Just like he ruined my high school life.
    I walked an hour later, getting ready to close down for the night.
    "Are you the manager?" asked a tan boy with dark brown hair and big brown eyes. Zayn.
    "Yeah, hi." I said, putting on my fake smile and shaking his hand.
    "Wow. I didn't think you'd be so young. Or beautiful." he said, biting his lip.
    "Can I help you with something?" I asked, trying not to get caught up in his beauty.
    "Actually, yes. You looked familiar to my friend, but he's too shy to talk to you himself. Would you mind speaking to him?" he asked me, and my heart started beating faster.
    "Sure." I said, following him to where Liam was sitting.
    "Here she is." Zayn said, gesturing to me.
    "Hi, not to be weird or anything, but do I know you?" he asked.
    "I don't think so. You don't look familiar." I lied.
    "No, I definitely know you. What's your name?" he asked. Should I lie again?
    "Carly." I said truthfully.
    "Carly Thompson? Oh my gosh."
    He remembered me.


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