Witty Profiles

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  1. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2013 7:24pm UTC
    Which one do you like?
    Us Against the World (the story of an overweight teenage girl)
    Sapphire is an overweight teenager, living in a world that you'll be judged no matter what. She's been called every name in the dictionary and it kills her, slowly, slowly she's crumbling. When Sapphire meets Will, everything changes – for the better that is. He makes her except herself, something that not many people can do. Being both so young, can they really understand the word love? Will somebody show Sapphire that the only beauty that matters is the beauty within? 

    Beautiful Disaster
    When May was 18 years old, she was taken and abused,vsexually, mentally and physically. 2 years later she was found and now at the age of 24, she's broken and troubled. Justin's father is the police man who found May, meaning he knows her tragic story and wants to help. But she doesn't want it. Justin is a determined man, he's determined to help the woman he loves, teach her that not all men will hurt her.
    Hey, Mr Stripper!
    Jared Timathy is a stripper, in other words he takes off his clothes for money. Christella can't stand her sister, Jane, so when she's forced to attend her hens night she isn't pleased. When their worlds collide, everything turns upside down and Christella finds herself falling for thevsexy casanova but what happens when Jared doesn't feel the same way?
    Changing Him
    “Being gay isn't a chose, I didn't wake up one morning and say 'hey! I'm going to like guys from now on'.” Emerson Jacobs is the only person that knows that Blake Dylans, her best friend is gay. When she found out, it crushed her knowing that there was not even the slightest possibility that her best friend loves her back. Falling in love is hard, falling in love with your best friend is harder but falling in love with your gay best friend is even harder.
    Hi, hi, hi! <3 So most of you know I usually do these so here I am (: Using Mr Parker is not finished. There will be around 10-15 chapters left. Some of you may remember that I uploaded the prologue of Us Against The World and then deleted it. I've written a couple of chapters of that story & I really like it. Beautiful Disaster is something different to most of my stories and the last two well, I'm not exactly sure how I feel about those stories but the first & second are my favourite c:
    So, leave me a comment & tell me which one you'd like me to write!

  2. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2013 4:11pm UTC
    And then one student said that happiness is what happens when you go to bed on the hottest night of the summer, a night so hot you can't even wear a tee-shirt and you sleep on top of the sheets instead of under them, altough try to sleep is probably more accurate. And then at some point late, late, late at night, say just a bit before dawn, the heat finally breaks and the night turns cool and when you briefly wake up, you notive that you're almost chilly, and in your groggy, half-consciousness, you reach over and pull the sheet around you and just that flimsy sheet makes it warm enough and you drift back off into a deep sleep. And it's that reaching, that gesture, that reflex we have to pull what's warm- whether it's something or someone- towards us, that feeling we get when we do that, that feeling of being safe in the world and ready for sleep, that's happiness.

  3. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2013 10:30pm UTC
    Chapter 41
    It was just the crack of dawn when I heard a light tapping on my window.
    I stirred in my sleep, trying to ignore the sound, but the more I tried to avoid it, the louder it got.
    I finally gave up, rolling out of bed, as I went over to push my curtains aside.
    I literally snapped awake when I saw Travis crouching at my windowpane, his fist raised to the glass.
    I opened the window, glaring at him. "Travis, it's six in the morning." I grumbled, still feeling a wave of sleepiness. "What do you want?"
    Travis smirked, before opening the window further to let himself in my room. "I see that you aren't a happy person in the mornings." he chuckled. "It's cute."
    I groaned, before rolling my eyes. "Would you keep it down, at least? My mom would slaughter me if she caught you in my room."
    Travis raised an eyebrow, his eyes twinkling in amusement. "What would she think we are doing?"
    I stared at him with disbelief, before tossing a pillow at him from my bed. "You're unbelievable, Travis Kapone!" I hissed.
    Travis chuckled quietly, before pulling me closer with his hands on my hips.
    I held in my breath as his thumbs brushed against the bare skin of my hips, where my tank top had ridden up just slightly.
    "Come on," he whispered, "we're going on a date."
    My eyes widened, as I took a minute to register in what Travis had just said.
    "A date?" I repeated, as Travis nodded. "The sun isn't even up yet, Travis. Are you insane?"
    Travis smirked, as he leaned in closer towards me.
    His lips brushed against my earlobe, making me shiver.
    "I guess I am." he whispered.
    I hadn't even gotten a chance to get dressed before Travis pulled me out of my house.
    I was wearing nothing but a pair of flimsy flannel pants and a sweater that was a size too big on me.
    My hair was left the way it was when I had woken up- a complete mess.
    Travis was currently dragging me up a hill that was behind a mass of trees.
    It was still dark, and my fingers were becoming numb from the cold.
    "We're here." Travis muttered, as we stopped on top of a cliff, onlooking out at the town.
    I frowned, noticing that there was nothing interesting about the scenery before us.
    The entire town was still asleep, and when I looked down, I saw nothing but a bunch of vacant buildings.
    "What the hell is this Travis?" I asked, frowning up at him.
    A small smile lit across Travis' face, before he gestured for me to sit down.
    "It's about to start." he whispered, as we sat down the dusty ground.
    Suddenly, the sky slowly started to become brighter and brighter by the moment, as the sun began to appear.
    The sky lit up in orange, as the sun rose high.
    My lips parted, awestruck from the beauty.
    "Wow." I breathed, glancing over at Travis, who was watching me the entire time.
    Travis smiled, showing off his left dimple that I hardly ever got to see. "Yeah." he softly said, before cupping my right cheek.
    He pulled me closer towards him, until our lips locked.

  4. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2013 4:21pm UTC
    Hold on to Him
    Chapter Twenty-Four
    “Meg?” a voice echoed. I pried my eyes open to find a boy standing above me.
    A smile broke out on his face. “Hey,” he said through tears. “Hey, you’re gunna be alright.”
    Everything moved in phases and was blurred together. I didn’t feel right, and I couldn’t move or speak.
    I couldn’t ask what was going on.
    Justin’s face was the only thing completely clear to me. His perfect complexion was somewhat shattered by dried blood and dirt beneath his eye and on his cheeks, but in a way, his imperfections made him all the more perfect.
    I moved my eyes slightly to the side, and I noticed a patch of blue in my vision.
    Justin followed me. “Yeah, the car’s destroyed,” he said, laughing. “That doesn’t matter. All that matters is you.”
    The ambulance was alongside me, I laid on a gurney. Justin stood beside me as I watched ambulance workers pass me. One stopped to put an air mask over my face.
    Someone advised Justin to lay down, but he brushed them off. When they became more stern and told him he needed to get on the cot, he avidly denied, saying he needed to stay by my side.
    I was lightheaded and black spots danced across my vision. I began to get sleepy, so I rolled my head to the side and shut my eyes for a split second, when I heard a frantic voice tell me, “No, Meg,” and shook me back to awake.
    It was Justin. “Megan, don’t do that. Don’t close your eyes.” He intertwined his fingers in mine as he murmured through his tears, “Hold on to me, Meg. You got this. Hold on to me.”
    My breathing shuddered as I pushed back sobs. I couldn’t cry, it hurt to cry, and I couldn’t let Justin see me like that.
    “You’ve gotta stay with me.”
    I obeyed his words, and locked my eyes on his. I took his hand and squeezed it with all the power I could. Hold on to him, hold on to him.
    “Keep fighting. They’re gunna get you to a hospital,” he told me, crying now. My gurney was lifted onto the ambulance, and Justin followed me. “Keep my hand, Meg. Stay with me.”
    Stay with him, stay with him. Hold on to him. Hold on to him tight.
    I felt the car shift slightly as it started. “You can make it, Meg. I know you can.”
    I coughed, feeling an intense pain in my chest. “It’s okay, Meg. It’ll all be over soon. They’ll get you help, you’ll be okay. You’ll be okay. Stay with me, don’t close your eyes.”
    Stay with him. Hold on to him. Stay with him.
    “She lost a lot of blood,” I heard someone say from behind me.
    “She’ll fight through it,” Justin assured.
    “It’s highly unlikely her body can keep going with so much blood loss.”
    I saw Justin bow his head, breathing heavier. “God damn it, I can’t lose you too.”
    Hold on to him. Keep holding on to him.
    “You gotta promise me something,” he told me and I felt my breathing getting lighter.
    I just kept my eyes on his.
    “You gotta promise me you’ll look out for me. Always. Even when you think I’m fine, don’t fall, because I’m not. I need someone, Meg, and that someone is you. You can’t fall.”
    Hold on to him. Stay with him.
    “God Megan, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”
    I wanted to tell him to stop, that it wasn’t his fault, but I couldn’t even breathe anymore.
    I fought so hard to stay awake. My eyes never shut, but the darkness overwhelmed them anyways.
    The last words I ever heard were, “I love you, Meg. Forever and always. I love you.”
    I felt my hand go limp in Justin’s, and I couldn’t fight it anymore.
    I let go of him.
    The End.
    The End!? What!?
    I know this chapter happened really fast, and I had more detail, but I had to delete it because the chapter was too long to post. ):
    Okay. Wow. Damn. I don't even know what to say. Thank you, thank you thank you! Ugh, thank you for being so supportive. I did believe that this story was the best story that I'd written, until I started my next story, but the love I have for my followers and the people who are reading is through the roof. Thank you!
    Also, I spent a while debating on when I should start posting my next story, either tonight or tomorrow night, and I decided on tomorrow night. So check back tomorrow for my newest and best story, 'in his arms.' And since I love you, you're getting a teaser (:
    He was sickly looking but somewhat stunning in a way I’d never seen on a man before.
    I love you guys! So much!
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  5. jimmy365 jimmy365
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2012 11:36am UTC
    "excuse me"

  6. Chloepatra* Chloepatra*
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2012 8:10pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2012 2:31pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2012 1:56pm UTC
    i'm currently very busy doing things
    i don't need to in order to avoid doing anything i'm actually supposed to be doing.

  9. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2012 2:04pm UTC
    i often lose track of how many times
    a day i'd like to turn around and say to someone "you seriously can't be this f/cking stupid."

  10. akp1015 akp1015
    posted a quote
    December 7, 2012 6:58pm UTC
    the process of getting to know a person
    is so amazing to me. you start to see their likes and dislikes. their quirks. their flaws. the words they use, the way the act. the way they walk. their emotions. their good side and their not-so-good side. you no longer see them as just a face in the hallway. you KNOW them.
    and somewhere in between all this...
    that's when I fell for you.

  11. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    December 7, 2012 3:58pm UTC
    School: Please get a full night of sleep
    School: But don't forget to do 876543 hours of homework
    School: And study for tests
    School: Be a well rounded student by joining clubs
    School: And participating in sports so you don't come home until 6 pm
    School: Don't be late for school
    School: But make sure you eat a full meal in the morning
    School: Kids need a balanced diet
    School: Here, eat cardboard with red paint. It's called "pizza"
    School: If you don't type and double space your paper, I'm not counting it
    School: But, don't use the internet while doing homework

  12. Skimrande Skimrande
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2012 7:55pm UTC
    Me: I'm so bored.
    Homework: Do me.
    Me: No.
    Room: Clean me.
    Me: No.
    Tests: Study for me.
    Me: No.
    Outside: Come here.
    Me: No.
    Food: Eat me.
    Me: Okay.

  13. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2012 6:38pm UTC
    i once exercised, but i found i was allergic.
    my skin flushed and my heart raced. i got sweaty and out of breath. very dangerous.

  14. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2012 9:31pm UTC
    worst things to hear when a child in the 1990s
    mom: santa isn't real.
    mom: the toothfairy is actually me.
    mom: the easter bunny? yeah, it doesn't exist.
    mom: your dog died.
    worst things to hear when a child in 2012:
    mom: there's no wifi at this restaurant.
    mom: you can't text in class.
    mom: go outside and play for once.

  15. of_mice_and_lucifer* of_mice_and_lucifer*
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2012 8:13pm UTC
    I met this girl named Ana,
    I heard she ruins lives.
    Won't let me have a banana,
    a peach or pumpkin pie.
    No chicken, no meat, no pasta.
    Just water and some air.
    I know this girl named Ana,
    She's making my life a nightmare.
    ana is short for anorexia.
    my original poem/please dont steal

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2012 8:44pm UTC
    when i'm older i'm gonna move to london
    and one rainy day i’ll be sitting in a coffee shop and a really cute waiter with the nicest accent will serve me and then ask for my number and we will fall in love and live happily ever after. and if it doesn’t happen, i’m going to summon the dementors from harry potter and destroy everyone.
    just a forewarning for all you.

  19. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2012 8:22pm UTC
    there's a difference between:
    - thinking someone is cute
    - having a crush on someone
    - being interested in someone
    - liking someone
    - loving someone
    - being in love with someone

  20. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2012 10:43am UTC
    Chapter 3
    I kicked over a pebble that was in my way, as I walked home with my arms crossed.
    Yes, I was still irritated with the fact that Scarlet decided to flip out on me in front of the entire cafeteria for no reason.
    We had Spanish together after lunch, but she didn't sit me like she usually did.
    It confused the hell out of me, because shouldn't I be the one mad at her now instead of the other way around?
    I let out a groan of frustration, clenching my fists by my sides.
    "Rough day?" a voice suddenly startled me, making me flinch.
    I turned around to face the man that was the reason why Scarlet was so frustrated in me.
    Travis Kapone help his gaze in mine, before he let out a smirk.
    "So I heard you're the girl that's obsessed with me?" he asked with amusement.
    I rolled my eyes, as I continued to walk away from him.
    I heard footsteps following me, which only made me more annoyed than I already was.
    "It's funny, because apparently, you're in love with me, yet I don't even know your name." Travis grinned, stepping in front of me to stop me from walking.
    I glared at him, crossing my arms stubbornly.
    Since Travis was here, I had to find out why he had such an impact on Scarlet.
    I mean, he drove my best friend crazy, and I didn't even have the slighest clue as to why.
    "Listen, I need to know how the hell do you know Scarlet." I said straight up.
    Travis stared at me for a long moment, before he let out a chuckle.
    "The feisty blonde?" he smirked. "I have no idea who she is."
    I studied his face for a long moment, noticing that he narrowed his eyes when he lied to me just now.
    "Funny." I sarcastically muttered. "I'm not playing games here, Travis. Tell me what you did to her."
    Travis rolled his eyes, before flashing me a smile. "Why don't you ask your so called best friend instead of me?" he let out a short laugh. "I'm pretty sure you would believe her rather than me."
    I stared into Travis' eyes for a long time, noticing the sprinkle of green that he had in his hazel eyes.
    Before I looked away, I licked my lips.
    "You're trouble, Travis Kapone." I whispered.
    Travis gave me a smug smile, before shrugging.
    My eyes darted to the tattoos he had on collarbone, all the way down to his arms.
    "That's what they all say about me." Travis paused, before turning to me. "I never did get your name."
    I crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow. "Do you really care?"
    Travis chuckled. "I guess not."
    Brutally honest.
    He was brutally honest.
    "It's Riley." I gave him a sarcastic smile.


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