Witty Profiles

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  1. jimmy365 jimmy365
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2011 4:09pm UTC
    marshmel lows cannot f ly;
    I cannot fly.
    Therefore, I am a marshmellow.
    [[♥if you, too, are a marshmellow.]]
    follow me, i follow back:) -love, jimmy365

  2. Jade672 Jade672
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2011 5:31pm UTC
    Oh crap.. wheres mom? act cool,act cool.
    format by: h0peful.

  3. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  4. soccerloverx03x soccerloverx03x
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2011 10:05pm UTC
    1-10 how much do you like me?
    8. Turn that 8 sideways and that's how much i love you.♥
    fav if you get it(:♥

  5. xoalicecullenxo xoalicecullenxo
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2012 3:53pm UTC
    Wizards of Waverly Place
    ends tonight. my childhood is officially over

  6. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2011 3:44pm UTC
    You say that you love rain,
    but you open your umbrella when it rains.
    You say that you love the sun,
    but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.
    You say that you love the wind
    but you close your windows when wind blows
    This is why I am afraid,
    you say that you love me too
    -William Shakespeare
    format ThatsSoMeee ♥

  7. soccerloverx03x soccerloverx03x
    posted a quote
    December 17, 2011 6:37pm UTC
    Dear Girls,
    Bruno Mars may take 1 grenade for you but we take hundreds.
    Sincerely, the army

  8. TheBrokenSmile TheBrokenSmile
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2011 5:42pm UTC
    Favorite This Quote If:
    You're depressed.
    You lost someone who meant a lot to you.
    You got your heart broken recently.
    You're a victim of bullying.
    You feel invisible.
    You've had/have suicidal thoughts.
    You hate yourself.
    You think you're ugly.
    You've been called names.
    You've been stabbed in back.
    You've been replaced by someone you thought cared about you.
    You feel worthless sometimes.
    You wish you could be someone else.
    You think you're a waste of space.
    Let me tell you something, gorgeous. If you favorited this quote, I want to tell you this You shouldn't
    feel this way at all. I want you to look in the mirror. I want you to feel your heart beating. I want
    you to think of all the people who love you. To them, you're perfect. To me, you're perfect.
    Don't bring yourself down. You're .. beautiful.
    Trust me.
    Don't believe me? Comment me. I'll give a hundred reasons why you should love your life.
    I will never let you feel like you're facing this alone.

    posted a quote
    December 18, 2011 6:41pm UTC
    Did you know?
    If you say
    "Raise Up Lights"
    you just said
    "Razor Blades"
    in an Austrailian accent
    [fav if you just tried]

  10. rachvolleyelle4 rachvolleyelle4
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2011 8:32pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. neversaynever16 neversaynever16
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2012 4:49pm UTC
    • ••When your mom decides to be in the room• while you're on the computer so you just switch to GOOGLE • and stare at it • •neversaynever16 ♥

  12. neversaynever16 neversaynever16
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 10:39pm UTC
    Girl: I want you to be my boyfriend forever. ♥
    Boy: I don't
    Girl: Why?
    Boy: Because than i can't be your husband.

  13. neversaynever16 neversaynever16
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2012 10:05pm UTC
    ~~~The Awkward Moment~~~ when you realize DORA has more FREEDOM than you neversaynever16

  14. neversaynever16 neversaynever16
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2012 11:01pm UTC
    Randomly ☁Daydreaming ☁&&then realizing you were staring atsomeone by mistake

  15. neversaynever16 neversaynever16
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2012 9:26pm UTC
    Daughter: Dad, I'm a lesbian.
    Dad: Oh...Okay
    2nd Daughter: I am also a lesbian.
    Dad: WTF! Doesn't anybody from this family like MEN!!
    Son: I do...
    Dad: *Faints*

  16. neversaynever16 neversaynever16
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2012 4:44pm UTC
    [♥][♥][♥] If you watch
    backwards it's a heartwarming tale of a ship that jumps out of the water & Saves lots of drowning people neversaynever16

  17. neversaynever16 neversaynever16
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2012 6:29pm UTC
    neversaynever16♥ Today I saw a commercial for a
    Snuggie I thought it was a stupid idea but i couldn't change the channel because i was under a blanket and didn't want my arms to get cold by
    Reaching For The Remote

  18. neversaynever16 neversaynever16
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2012 4:24pm UTC
    ▼; ▲
    Before WITTY... I'd be pretty freaked out if i heard someone was Following Me
    neversaynever16follow for a follow :)

  19. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  20. jloverx3 jloverx3
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2011 4:33pm UTC
    A new year's kiss
    A new year's kiss with you.....


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