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Status: chances are, my display name is going to be based off of a video game. fun fact.

Member Since: 23 Nov 2011 01:40am

Last Seen: 6 Nov 2019 12:21pm

Birthday: March 28

Location: Amish country

Gender: F

user id: 241900

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50 Comment Points
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Tumblr: hanna-doreen
Twitter: hanna_doreen
Instagram: hannadoreen
(obviously creative usernames.)

{[+]} Netflix, Supernatural, Fringe, Haven, Monk, 
Psych,  music, Seether, Sick Puppies, Hollywood
Undead, Skillet, Thousand Foot Krutch, Three Days
Grace, MCR,The Killers, Flyleaf, Youtube, Sci-fi, math,
internet, post-apocalyptic shows, Revolution, Fantasy, 
xbox, Grey's Anatomy, Fable, Dishonored, Orange Is
The New Black, um.. tbc

{[-]} bats.hit crazy fans, people that suggest Dr. Who to
me daily (I don't f.ucking like Dr. Who, stop telling me to
watch it. it is not the best thing to happen to the sci-fi &
fantasy genre so stop please.), --

will add more +'s and -'s eventually.
(haha I totally haven't added anything since I did this.)
  1. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2016 1:56pm UTC
    I really want to rent a moviebut I don't want to pay the $4.

  2. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2016 12:40pm UTC
    team: I had a dream that was stellar at thetime but turned out to be quite bad for me.

  3. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2016 9:51pm UTC
    my sense of humor: the quick beep when
    someone swears on reality tv.

  4. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    March 5, 2016 10:42pm UTC
    I'm not going to have a job after this coming
    week, and yet, instead of saving money for the
    things I need until I find something new, I am
    spending all my money on plastic eggs and
    candy. because I am a giant child. who wants
    to have an egg hunt. even though there is
    literally zero children in my family.

  5. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 29, 2016 3:44pm UTC
    so, I am turning 21 in march (too old for this site? maybe. but I shall never leave.) and I wanted a bottle of Viniq as my gift. my mom got it for me super early, which I didn't really want. I wanted it on my birthday for my birthday. but oh well. anyway, she got it for me early, but still said it was my present. AND THEN SHE DRANK IT. like am I the only one that thinks it's messed up when your need for alcohol is bad enough that you have to take away your daughter's birthday gift? I was saving the rest for my godmother to try. but she drank it. she didn't even like it.

  6. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2016 7:51pm UTC
    you know you are getting old, when
    all of your friends are getting married.
    like, I'm actually not even that old and
    yet like every single person I've ever
    been friends with are either married
    or engaged.and people my age on
    facebook are ready to go from single
    to married in a heartbeat. it's bumming
    me out, man. I just want a bestie to go
    cliff diving and other cool stuff with.

  7. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2016 1:30am UTC
    what my jokes have resorted to~
    sister: go buy me poptarts
    me: *arrives with thy poptarts*
    me: okay so I didn't know what flavors so I got two
    sister: strawberry and cherry? I would have just pickes strawberry.
    me: well, it's been awhile since you had a cherry so yknow.

  8. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2016 12:56am UTC
    I'm gonna rant (because my Facebook friends say stupid crap that ticks me off), so yknow, skip it if you ain't with it
    (Obviously based on my own experience, but I left out a good bit to keep is some what broad)
    I honestly can't stand it when someone talks about abusive relationships like it is a super easy thing to deal with. It isn't. So many people act like abusers start out smacking you around from the beginning, and that you're just an idiot for staying. I can't say it's never like that, but it's definitely not always like that. Sometimes it starts out as emotional abuse. Subtle at first, where you don't even notice it happening. Backhanded compliments that slowly chip away your self esteem, laying on the guilt over mundane things until you start to feel like the horrible one, putting you down while boosting themselves up. Then it slowly shifts to direct insults. Before you know it, you start to think you deserve that kind of treatment, that they're the best you can get. It's worse if you have people in your life that shame you into the relationship in the first place, which is common (particularly for females.) The "but he's a nice guy, don't be so shallow and rude." kind of lines, that tell women they're not good enough to reject guys they're not interested in, while telling the guys they are better than the women. Which is a whole other issue for another time. Anyway, eventually you're in an emotionally abusive relationship, and you still might not even notice it. Abuse makes for an uncomfortable conversation, so no one ever says anything, so you think it's normal. They occasionally break up the harshness with kindness, which makes you feel lucky briefly. When physical abuse does come into the picture, they play it off as a joke at first. They apologize, and even throw in some tears, and you believe it because "aw. they're crying. they obviously mean it." Everything is fine. You think it's normal to "play" wrestle your partner, even if it hurts too much and leaves bruises, and you have to beg to get them to stop... which they still might not do (but boys like to wrestle and get carried away.. and boys will be boys, right?...) You don't realize that it's not normal to have to apologize profusely over talking to someone they didn't pre-approve of. You didn't realize it isn't normal to constantly be on edge because if you didn't answer the phone or text back instantly, they would threaten to come track you down (and you don't really want to be near them, especially when angry, so you always try to answer.) Eventually, they hit you, and they don't even pretend that they were playing. It kind of knocks some sense into you, and you start to realize it isn't normal. Unfortunately, you also realize this person scares you. This person that you've never successfully gotten off of you. This person you've never been able to fight back. So, yeah, you stay. You don't know what else to do. Everyone sees the bruises, and you don't even lie about them. Every time you try to leave, they either threaten to kill themselves or you. They justify everything by saying it was your own fault. You might eventually find your voice and fight back when they verbally bully you, and it escalates to more violence. Your neck is their favorite place to go. "I'm just joking" choking turns into actual choking. Which is something a lot of people don't come back from. It's a real slap in the face to imply that victims have lost their lives all because they chose not leave, and imply that they're just stubborn because it's "easy to leave."
    How I got out of my relationship: he was the kinda guy that would look for someone better while with me (caught him multiple times but he wouldn't leave me and I couldn't be the one to leave him.. fear), so I made a fake Facebook with my friend and we flirted with him over it until he dumped me and we kept it up until it I knew he wouldn't come back and beg me to get back with him (fear.) it was successful. He thought it was his idea so there was no fake crying, threats, promises, other manipulative crap. He still stalks me occasionally, tho. Which is scary.

  9. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2016 9:43pm UTC
    I'm a nice person. until I'm livid. then I'm scary a/f. my only goal is to destroy you with my words. I go way too far and bring up things you never should, and that probably makes me a bad person. but, it takes a lot to get me to that point, so I find it justified.

  10. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2016 1:16pm UTC
    when my sister was bigger than me, everyone would constantly make her feel good about herself if she made self depricating remarks. me? no. like god, they can't even say i look nice when i try and dress nice. if I just need some reassurance, they'll just be like "yeah, you look fat, but i gained weight too so we'll be fat together." it really takes a toll coming from family, ya feel.

  11. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2016 12:54pm UTC
    when my sister was bigger than me, everyone would constantly make her feel good about herself if she made self depricating remarks. me? no. like god, they can't even say i look nice when i try and dress nice. if I just need some reassurance, they'll just be like "yeah, you look fat, but i gained weight too so we'll be fat together." it really takes a toll coming from family, ya feel.

  12. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2016 12:07am UTC
    me: *leaves the tv playing on mute all night because I'm an extremely wasteful human being who is afraid of the dark.*

  13. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 16, 2016 11:18pm UTC
    honestly, the best part of my job is when rude people who consider me stupid because of my tattoos and hair, buy balloons when it's cold and immediately rush back in because "the balloons did the this thing", and I have to explain charles's law to them.

  14. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 16, 2016 4:06pm UTC
    me: *feels like something is wrong with me* me: haha nah, I don't need a doctor. it'll go away.. or I might die.. not knowing is what makes life exciting.

  15. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2016 10:40pm UTC
    the only thing retail has taught me is that old people are mean, and the best time to rob a store is on a holiday weekend; because banks are closed so stores stock up om change, and that holiday flow of customers means money.

  16. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2016 11:12pm UTC
    one of my huge problems with school was english. like, everyone throws a fit about math they don't use in real life, but it is important. it teaches you problem solving skills. however, english? like after elementary school, grammar is dead. at least I never had a grammar lesson past 5th grade. 6th tops. instead it was replaced with poetry. and I see zero point in that. like senior year? it was literally the history of poetry. and a lot of essay writing based on that. and you'd get a bad grade if you didn't use proper grammar, but we weren't taught grammar. the absolute last time I had a grammar specific assignment in school was like 9th grade on a standardized test. grammar is used in real life. from applying to colleges to well every other aspect in life that requires professionalism. yet, everything I know about grammar has been self taught. from reading articles and eventually catching on to when you say 'a' or 'an' to actually looking up questions related to grammar that doesn't make sense to me. I can't remember when to use a semi colon or not from the minimal information I was given in 3rd grade. I just can't stand to sit in a class and learn about poetry, bards, and ye old time instruments when I should be learning things that'd help me further my education after high school. ALSO, I MADE IT TO 12th GRADE, AND I WAS STILL NEVER TAUGHT THE STATES. WTF. MOST PEOPLE LEARN THAT IN 4th GRADE. NOT ME. GIVE ME A MAP AND I CAN SHOW YOU MY STATE, SOME SURROUNDING STATES, AND CALIFORNIA.. and texas but that is obvious because it is texas. that is all.

  17. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2016 12:18am UTC
    a lady came in to work the other day. she had her kids with her. they looked pretty young. if I had to guess I'd say the oldest was fourteen. anyway, she was in buying some black hair dye, and the one girl was excitedly talking about how she was going to be dying half her head black, and half bright red. the mom was really into it and supportive, too. (then I popped out of the office because I'm nosey, and they were oogling my hair.. which looks like crap because I haven't touched it up in forever.) and it's just so nice to see supportive parents instead of ones that take things like hair way too seriously, and refuse to give their kids creative freedom over certain parts of their body (I mean, not for fourteen year olds getting tattooed- age limits for reasons, but cmon it is hair. it grows back if the worse case scenario happens.) I hope my kids want bright colored hair one day, if I choose to pro-create.

  18. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2016 12:10am UTC
    do you ever just stalk a past.. thing (relationship, crush, etc) and get this weird feeling? like I am sad but I'm not. I am jealous but of weird stuff. I'm happy for them but not really? it's like a "oh, you broke my heart except I don't really know if it was love anyway.. glad to know you are happy and now living with the girl you broke up with me for, and essentially doing everything we talked about.. that I don't really look for in life anymore, but your life has still progressed more than mine." kinda thing. THEY ADOPTED A FRIGGIN' DOG WITH EACH OTHER. UGH.

  19. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2016 9:54pm UTC
    omfg, I just gave myself a heart attack. I was watching lost (again), and decided to look down while laying down (there is a tv at the foot of my bed and a window at the head. I had my head the the foot, so I was looking at the window.) just when I look down, boom. A FACE. holy crap. it literally took a minute before I realized it was just hurley's reflection from my tv.

  20. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2016 10:11am UTC
    my family is so weird. like they are verbally abusive and then wonder where the hell my depression comes from. I sleep til 3 because everyone is gone at that point and I don't have to hear how fat and lazy I am at 10 minute intervals.


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