Witty Profiles

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Makapohappy witty anniversary!

  1. imbroken imbroken
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2012 1:21pm UTC
    skinny love
    He's perfect.
    That was all I thought when I met him.
    And I was right.
    "Mommy! Sam is hitting me!"
    "Sam, stop hitting your sister, please."
    I was stressed. The bills were high, the children were loud, and Carter was packing.
    Sam stuck out his tongue at me, hit Anna one more time, and ran away.
    "Oh, come here, pretty girl," I said, scooping her into my lap.
    Her tiny fingers were so delicate, and her sweet little laugh was my medicene for all this work. She giggled as I tickled her, and then set her down.
    "Mommy has some bills to pay, go play with your brother."
    Anna ran off, her thin brown hair going up and down with every step she took.
    I walked upstairs and saw Carter sitting on the bed, his head in his hands.
    He picked up his head, and the tears were moving down his face quickly. I rushed to the bed to comfort him, and the two kids stomped in. We sat on the bed as a family, hugging each other tightly.
    I tucked the kids in, and returned to my room.
    Quickly, I got ready for bed, but I just lay in the dark, praying tomorrow would never come.
    I shut off my alarm, and rolled over. I hadn't slept the whole night, dreading this whole day. I hated this.
    "Carter honey, wake up."
    "I'm already awake, Scar. I haven't slept."
    I guess the night was unsuccessful for the both of us. Neither of us wanted to say goodbye.
    We drove to the airport, the kids fighting in the backseat.
    When we finally got there, we slowly got out of the car, as if we were waiting for each other to just sit back down and drive away.
    Saying goodbye to my husband was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
    Ever since he's been in Iraq, fighting for our country, life has changed.
    When he went away, so did our love.
    It was shrinking, it was
    skinny love.
    heyheyhey. so this is my newww story. i was sort of getting bored of all the stories being "i like him, but he doesn't know" so i decided to go for a more different story. i hope it floats your boat! because i like it so far. comment on my PROFILE for notfications...not here. please. thanks! please enjoy(:

  2. Kamily_96 Kamily_96
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 2:20pm UTC
    *Walking into a restaurant*
    Waiter: Would you like a table?
    Me: No, we came to sit on the ground. Floor for five please.

  3. Kamily_96 Kamily_96
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 7:49pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. yonkers yonkers
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 3:09pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. Kamily_96 Kamily_96
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 3:04pm UTC
    The Unknown
    Chapter Three
    The passengers braced themselves for the crash. My first thought was to protect my new Iphone, but that was kind of petty. Looking out the window, I could see a glimpse of water below. We were falling into an ocean. Just my luck.
    "Unbuckle." I told Lucas. He looked at me like I was crazy. "We're over water. We'll have to get out of the plane somehow and swim. I know it sounds ridiculous, but trust me."
    Why did I just say that? Now I'm going to be responsible for his death.
    "If you say so." Lucas shrugged. Then he reached into a compartment above us and opened it. Out flopped two life jackets. He smiled smugly, and then put his on. He looked out and said that we were still pretty high in the air. There was probably less than a minute left before we hit the water.I felt Lucas sliding my arms through the life jacket and I helped to pull it on.
    The rest of the passengers were sitting in their seatbelts. I even saw one guy listening to his iPod. I yelled for them to unbuckle. No one listened. The pilot made a goodbye announcement with his apologies. Some people were hyperventilating; others were puking into those free paper bags the flight attendants give out. I looked away, and noticed an emergency axe in a glass frame. I opened it. Nobody cared that the alarm was going off. I hadn't thought that they would.
    I smashed my window open and ducked as the glass flew at me. Fortunately, none pierced my skin. I told Lucas to jump when we got low enough to the water. We were about 100 feet from the ground now.
    "Jump… NOW," he yelled pushing me through the window head first. I slid down the wing of the plane, and then tumbled into the water. I heard a small splash after me. Then another, much larger splash after that. I could hear the screams from underwater.
    The plane sinking was causing the water to pull me deeper. I couldn't fight it, and I was running low on oxygen. The pull gradually stopped, but I couldn't swim any further.
    Soon, I felt a hand grab mine, and tug me to the surface. I gasped for air. I saw a wet-haired, chiseled guy holding me to his chest, swimming at the same time. Lucas.
    I didn't talk. There was nothing to say. Anyways, I was content enough just looking at his fluffed up hair, and determined facial expression. He glanced back for a moment, and raised his eyebrows, asking if I was okay. I nodded. He didn't seem to have any trouble swimming while carrying me, so I figured why not make it last as long as possible?
    Somehow, he stood up and began walking in the clear, warm water. He continued carrying me in his arms. The water got lower, until there was just sand. Maybe my luck wasn't so bad. The plane crashed near an island.
    We turned to face the direction we came from. There wasn't a person in sight. I held his hand as I watched the last bubble disappear. We couldn't help them now. Then we looked back at the island, dense with palm trees, and bushes. It had to be at least a few miles long. Lucas sat down and placed his hand on my shoulder, encouraging me to sit with him.
    I put my arms around him and buried my face in his chest as I cried. He gently patted my back, and still, neither of us said anything. After about a half an hour, I gathered myself and let go of him. Lucas took my hands and held them in his as he spoke.
    "We're going to get out of here, alive, okay? It's going to be fine." he said surely. He stared into my eyes, waiting for a response. I shook my head.
    "No. We're going to freaking die in there," I spluttered, pointing to the jungle. I blabbered on about how if the giant spiders didn't get us, we'd starve to death. I would have gone on, but he did something that put an instant stop to my rambling.
    Lucas let go of my hands, then softly tipped my chin upwards. He slowly bent towards me and kissed me for a moment. Then he pulled away to speak
    "I'll protect you." he said quietly."We'll get through this," he paused. "Together.
    Thanks for all the support guys!! Hope you liked this chapter!
    I cant wait to start Chapter Four!!
    Love you guys! <33
    Fav for next chapter!

  6. Lukas_has_a_new_Witty Lukas_has_a_new_Witty
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 2:12pm UTC
    And today, my mom's boyfreind asked me for permission to ask my mom to marry him < 3

  7. Kamily_96 Kamily_96
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 11:00am UTC
    The Unknown
    Chapter Two
    I didn't sleep well. I was still thinking about the way I saw Lucas looking at me. I think I liked it.
    "Morning," Lucas said, noticing I was awake again. He reached into a plastic bag in front of him and pulled out two crisp bagels. "Want one?" he asked, offering one to me.
    "Thanks," I responded, taking it and wolfing it down. While we ate all of the food he brought, we continued talking about life in general. He told me that he's never been out of the country before. I let him know that I haven't either.
    "When we get to Sydney, we should hang out or something," he said shyly, as he finished ordering a drink from the flight attendant. Pepsi. My favorite. I eyed it before he told me I could have it. What a gentleman.
    "Definitely," I agreed gladly. I looked at my phone and saw it was 10 a.m. I figured there would be about 8 more hours on the plane with Lucas. Hopefully longer. It started to pour, and I mentally encouraged a rain delay.
    Abruptly, the pilot came on the loud speaker, clearing his throat. I grinned to myself, thinking my wish was about to come true.
    "Listen up passengers. We're about to go through some rough air. Please fasten your seat belts and remain--", the pilot was interrupted as the plane suddenly dropped on one side. I heard him say a couple of profanities before the speaker was turned off. The flight attendants were bouncing up and down the aisles helping to buckle people up, and assuring us that everything was okay. I wasn't so sure. Lucas looked to me anxiously. I raised my eyebrows, wondering what was wrong.
    "Bailey, I think an engine is out," he whispered in my ear, leaning over me so that no one would overhear. He smelled like some sweet, familiar cologne. I inhaled, and sighed quietly. He was intoxicating.
    "There's another one though, right?" I said nervously. He nodded, but still seemed a bit restless. I looked at the other side of the plane, and noticed it still seemed to be slanted downwards. The rain was coming down hard, slamming onto the wings of the plane. I heard the first sound of thunder. I saw a flash of lightening and soon felt a great rumble.
    The plane shook unsteadily and the screams began. I glanced at Lucas, and realized he was holding my hand tightly. I moved closer to him and put my other hand on top of his. Someone came on the intercom and made an announcement.
    The plane was going down.
    YAY! I hope you liked that chapter!
    I noticed last chapter, the font was messed up on some people's computers,
    I have NO IDEA why that was happening but I think I fixed it! If you still cant read it, comment on the chapter and I can post it again.
    Fav for the next chapter!! <3

  8. Kamily_96 Kamily_96
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 11:56am UTC
    The Unknown
    Chapter One
    "Bye Mom" I said, hugging her. I made this decision by myself and she hadn't exactly agreed with me. I had to get away from my stepfather. I couldn't stand him. That's why I decided to leave Washington D.C. and live with my grandmother in Australia. Also, I was hoping on meeting some nice Australian men.
    "Bailey, remember the rules," she said sternly. Here we go again. "No talking to strangers, no drugs, no alcohol. Just be careful, okay?" she looked at me expectantly, and I nodded, letting go of her hands.
    I waved to my stepfather, without making eye contact, and he scowled at me as he placed his arm around my mother and kissed her. I have no idea why he hates me so much, but I know that he wouldn't lay a finger on her.
    I boarded the plane and made myself comfortable at a window seat. I placed my bag on the seat next to me so that I could rest without being disturbed by a neighbor. Unfortunately, the plane filled up pretty quickly so I was out of luck. A young guy walked up the aisle and stopped when he noticed the empty seat.
    "Would you mind if I sat here?" he asked pleasantly. This guy was hot. He had dark brown hair, deep brown eyes, and tan skin. I also noticed some abs stretching at his gray shirt. I guessed he was a couple inches over six feet.
    "I really don't have a choice, huh?" I said jokingly, gesturing to all of the full seats. He smiled and sat down as I moved my bag. "I'm Bailey." I told him, holding out my hand. He shook it gently.
    "Lucas Mitchell," he said grinning. "Hey any idea what time it is?" Lucas said, as he rummaged around his pocket for a phone. I quickly pulled mine out and slid it open.
    "Uh yeah it's almost 8." I was planning on going asleep as soon as possible, but his good looks were keeping me up. I couldn't stop glancing at him. I told Lucas where I was going and he explained that he was moving to Sydney, Australia for college. I silently swore. He was a year older than me. Figures. Then we talked about our lives back home. Turns out he lived just a few towns away from me. The way I saw it, we were practically childhood friends.
    "Well, I'm going to sleep." I told him. He said goodnight, then turned to rest his head too. I leaned against the window and fell asleep.
    When I woke up early in the morning, I'm positive I saw him staring right at me.
    Hey Guys!! Hope you all liked this chapter!
    Chapter Two is going to be really interesting!!
    Can't wait! :D

  9. Kamily_96 Kamily_96
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 10:25am UTC
    The Unknown
    “Paul STOP! I didn’t mean it! I didn’t do it on purpose!” I shouted as my step-father pinned me to the wall.
    “Bailey! I am done putting up with your sh/t!” He screamed into my ear.
    My ear drums were ringing. My mother wasn’t home yet. She goes on business trips for weeks at a time.He would never let her see him like that.
    The abuse has gotten out of hand. The police have shown up at our house multiple times.
    I am choosing to go live with my grandmother in Australia. I am currently living in Washington D.C. with my mom and step-dad. I am not the most popular girl in school. I get bullied a lot by showing up to school with bruises and welts all over my body.
    The teachers ask me what happened and I have to make lies about it. My step-father threatens to kill me if I tell the truth. Sometimes I wish he would so I could stop suffering through the pain.
    The worst part is, I can’t tell my mother what’s going on. She doesn’t even understand why I want to go live with my grandmother.
    I have been to court more times than any person should go in a lifetime. I have been sent back and forth from friends houses and back to my house because the police had no real proof of the abuse.
    Tomorrow morning I leave for Australia. I have tonight to pack everything. I am leaving tomorrow morning at 4 P.M. to go to the airport.
    Its really happening. I'm moving to Sydney.
    Sorry the Prologue was so short but its gonna get better!
    I promise!
    I can't wait to for Chapter One!! :D

  10. summerl0vinn summerl0vinn
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2012 7:49am UTC
    One Of The Guys
    Chapter 16.
    The next day at practice, it was less awkward.
    I was friends with these guys now, I liked it.
    “Hey, Goodman, so I know I gave you that deadline of the first day of school, but, you’re already better than the guys, and it’s only your third day. So, I had your jersey and team gear made already. Welcome to the tornadoes.” Slack said, smiling at me.
    “Really!? That’s great, thank you so much!” I said jumping up and down.
    “Hey, ladies! Say hello to your mini tornado!” Slack screamed to the guys sprawled out on the field.
    They all clapped and I blushed a rosy pink.
    “Celebration dinner tonight!” They yelled.
    “Deal!” I said.
    Throughout the practice, I did even better than usual.
    I thought it was weird that I was doing better since all I thought about was Nate.
    I just wanted to impress him, which ultimately made me try even harder… if that’s even possible.
    Every ten minutes, we’d catch each other’s glances, and I blushed each time.
    “Goodman, come collect your tornado gear before you leave,” Slack instructed me.
    I grabbed my duffle and water bottle and walked over to him.
    He handed me a box with sweatpants, hoodies, tanks, t-shirts, and a varsity jacket.
    “Oh, and by the way, you’re starting for varsity,” he said.
    My eyes got wide and so did my smile – this was the best day of my life.
    I started walking to my car with the biggest smile on my face.
    I held the box as closely to my chest as possible.
    “Goodman!” Nate said, chasing me down the hill.
    “What time should I pick you up for that celebration dinner?” He did that adorable little half smile that made me melt.
    “Uh… 2 hours? It’s only 5 now, right?”
    “Right, see you then,” he said.
    “Fancy? Are all the guys going?” I asked.
    “Yes and no, just us,” he said winking, “my treat, Hal.” I smiled and walked to my car.
    *another chapter today if this reaches 25-30+ faves (:
    *oh, and i've gained like, 90+some followers from this story, you're all amazing, and i love my 211 followers sososo much. xoxoo
    *i'm sorry, but i am no longer notifying. there is a follow button for a reason. sorry to be a b*tch, but i don't have the time to notify, i'm getting ready for a month long trip, again, sorry.

  11. Privatewittian Privatewittian
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 8:02pm UTC
    Me: * Walks out of the store and gets in the car*
    Me: *Dancing*
    Me: *Looks to my right*
    Guy: *Laughing at me*

  12. Sunny1703 Sunny1703
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 2:05am UTC
    me every night:
    me: Wait let me just look through this one page of quotes then I'll go to bed.
    me: wait is that sunlight.

  13. xNeonCookiiex xNeonCookiiex
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 9:17am UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. LandonIsWitty LandonIsWitty
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2012 2:26pm UTC
    Me: *Cleaning my room*
    Me: *Checks phone*
    *Mom walks in*
    Mom: Oh my god all you ever do is sit on your phone you don't care about anything i tell you to do and you just ignore me why sin't your room clean your attitude is terrible i dont want to see you again until this room is spotless or else your grounded!
    Me: But i wa-
    Mom: You are such a smartass don't you dare talk back to me again i hate your attitude!
    Me: *Breathes*
    Mom: You are grounded mister! No phone, Ipod, computer, or tv for the rest of the month!
    Me: ....

  15. Bravosierra* Bravosierra*
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2012 2:08pm UTC
    Just a word
    (the last one was supposed to be 6
    Tori's POV
    I went to the drink table to get drinks when Austin came up to me.
    "Hey. Glad you came." He said opening up his arms.
    I gave him a quick hug and smiled, "Same here."
    We walked and talked while I went to get Jonah his beer.
    I was trying to get the beer out of the keg but it wasn't working.
    "Come here idiot, this is how you do it." Austin said putting his hands over mine.
    The beer came out and he smiled, "Your hands are freezing."
    I smiled, "I'm always cold."
    "Want me to warm those up for you?" He winked at me.
    "Jonah already used that one on me." I said looking up.
    "I bet he uses things like that on a lot of girls." Austin said distracted.
    I realized he was staring at something and I looked up and saw Jonah and Willow kissing.
    I stared at them for what felt like an eternity before I gasped out loud.
    Jonah looked up and saw me staring, I threw the drinks at him and left the fire.
    I took his hoodie off and threw it on the floor and stomped on it, leaving me in only a tight, tank top.
    "Wait. Tori." Jonah yelled after me, but I didn't listen.
    When I was out of Austins' backyard I turned and started walking home when I felt a hand on me.
    I screamed loudly then I felt a hand over my mouth.
    "Its me. Austin." The voice said.
    I wiped my tears and turned around, he looked at my and hugged me tight.
    "It's okay to keep crying." He whispered in my ears.
    "I don't want to cry anymore. I don't know why I did." I croaked loudly.
    He frowned, "Jonah makes every girl fall for him. It's disgusting."
    "I figured. I don't know why I did though." I felt the tears coming to my eyes again.
    Austin had his arms wrapped around my waist and he was holding me tight when we heard footsteps.
    "Tori? Austin?" A familiar voice said.
    We looked up and saw Jonah standing there.
    I looked at him and turned away.
    "Hey, bro. Can I talk to Tori for a second?" Jonah asked.
    Austin looked at me and I nodded.
    I walked with Jonah to a private spot accross the street.
    "I'm sorry To-" Jonah began but I cut him off.
    "Don't be. Go be with Willow." I said in a b/tchy voice.
    "I don't want her. I want you." He said to me.
    "Didn't look like that."
    I saw his bright, blue eyes get wattery. His whole face looked sad. His dark red lips pulled down into a frown and he looked up.
    His eyes looked glassy, breakable. Like he was trying not to cry.
    "Tori, I haven't felt this way about a girl in a while." He said to me.
    "Oh Willow? Then go be with her."
    "What?" I screamed at him.
    "Tori.. Your the only one for me. Willow kissed me."
    "I'm sure." I said in an ignorant tone.
    "Tori.. Your beautiful." He whispered at me, leaning in.
    I pushed him away and ran towards Austin, "Now you can see what your missing out on."
    I walked towards Austin and back into the party.
    Hey guys :).
    I'm pretty sick rn and I'm on some meds, so sorry if this chapter isn't as good as the others.
    I'm not myself. :)
    I'll post another chapter today and I'll try for 3 tomorrow.
    150 for another hint. ;;;
    I drank, drank until I couldn't feel my body anymore.
    I drank until every guy looked like him.

  16. poodlelomein35 poodlelomein35
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2012 9:28am UTC
    If a mle twins married female twins and had kids
    would their babies look the same?
    random thoughts I have during the day (:

  17. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2012 2:56pm UTC
    I run away when I press a toy at
    a store and realize it won't stop making a noise.

  18. hailstorm37 hailstorm37
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2012 9:02pm UTC
    Dude, I just saw you on TV!!!
    Seriously?!?! What channel?!
    Animal planet.

  19. JustAnotherWittyGuy JustAnotherWittyGuy
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2012 3:06pm UTC
    Pretending to
    still read your birthday card after
    money has fallen out..
    -Format credit to ThatsSoMeee

  20. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2012 2:06pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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