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  1. TheBrokenSmile TheBrokenSmile
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2011 5:43pm UTC
    Teenage New Years' Resolutions
    Lose weight. Get a boyfriend. Get a guy best friend. Get straight
    A's. Get a top quote. Get a Witty best friend. Go an a shopping spree.
    Get a job. Have a drama-free year. Be happy. Play a new sport.
    Do something adventerous. Break the rules. Make new friends.
    Complete bucket list. Graduate. Take risks and make mistakes.
    Live life to the fullest for once. 2012, be nice.

  2. Jade672 Jade672
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2011 11:23am UTC
    I'm the type of girl that,
    Would rather wear my hoodie, than a top with my boobs hanging out.
    I choose converse over high heels anyday.
    Sit inside watching disney movies, than go to parties.
    I'd rather be myself than spend all my time trying to be a copy.

  3. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2011 2:58pm UTC
    I play hard to get
    Because i wanna be hard to forget.
    format to Damnntaylorx

  4. JustDropItLikeItsHot JustDropItLikeItsHot
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2011 1:21am UTC
    When words fail,
    Music speaks.

  5. All4fieldhockey7 All4fieldhockey7
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2011 11:17pm UTC
    I MISS SUMMER.I miss sleeping in. I miss short shorts.I miss not sleeping 'till 4 in the morning.I miss wearing flip flops and tank tops everyday.I miss being with my friends everday, and every night.I miss running around with no jacket on.I miss not having a care in the world.I miss swimming for hours.I miss the hot weather.I miss blasting music.I MISS SUMMER.

  6. jimmy365 jimmy365
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2011 9:55am UTC
    MOM: Were you studying last night?
    SON: Yeah
    MOM: Don't lie to me.
    SON: fine, i was at a strippers club
    SON: yeah, i saw dad

  7. hayleyleexoxo hayleyleexoxo
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2011 1:53pm UTC
    my bestfriend in the entire world wants to
    kill herself. she has bilemia. everytime
    she looks into the mirror she see's
    someone that's overweight. the problem
    is she's skinny. she's been cutting her
    wrists. she feels unloved and unwanted
    by guys. my bestfriend is such an
    amazing person in my life and i don't
    want to lose her. i told her that if i get a
    top quote on witty that she would have to
    stop cutting her wrists and purging.
    would you want to lose your bestfriend?
    please fave this quote.
    it could save her life.

  8. JustDropItLikeItsHot JustDropItLikeItsHot
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2011 1:17am UTC
    Don't judge my path,

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. AlNicholas AlNicholas
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2011 12:24pm UTC
    i want the person I crush on now
    to be the same person
    holding hands with me
    in our armchairs, aged 90

  11. JustDropItLikeItsHot JustDropItLikeItsHot
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2011 12:41am UTC
    Worst Feelings,
    1.Randomly getting your period
    2.Finding out your crush likes someone else
    3.Failing a test you studies really hard for
    4.Canceled plans
    5.Feeling alone in a crowded room
    6.Not beeing good enough

  12. LoveeeeannnndParkerrr LoveeeeannnndParkerrr
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2011 4:04pm UTC
    Why. Are. You. So. Freaking. Cute.

  13. meluvsyou meluvsyou
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2011 3:53pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2011 3:07pm UTC
    Sometimes I really wonder how stupid it would seem to him.
    How I sit here with my eyes never leaving the screen of my phone
    waiting for his new text.
    Or refreshing the computer until it says he's online.
    Or how when I miss him, I read the things he told me months and months ago.
    I really wonder what he would say if he knew
    how much he really
    meant to me
    format ThatsSoMeee ♥

  15. sparkly_rain_bows321 sparkly_rain_bows321
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 7:18pm UTC
    it frustrates
    me how much i like him, because i can never have him.

  16. sparkly_rain_bows321 sparkly_rain_bows321
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 7:27pm UTC
    normal typers.


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