Witty Profiles

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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. cropacuddles22 cropacuddles22
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 3:31pm UTC
    Please pray!.
    My dad's best friend just got diagnosed with cancer. He was in disney world and had to be taken in a jet to the hospital. He's the nicest guy, so nice. It started out in his colon, then spread to his stomach, then his lungs, and to other places. He is going to have to have Chemo for 26 weeks. It was so sudden. He just lost his dad from a heart attack and now he might me going in the same direction. He has a 50% chance to live for at least 2 years. It's devastating especially for his mother, wife, his 9 year old daughter, and 6 year old son. They are just little. And what's even sadder? They don't know he might die. They just think he's sick and will get better. But what if he doesn't? They just lost grandpa and they can't loose Daddy too. My mom was crying all day and I don't know if he will live any longer. Please pray for him and his family as they go through all these hardships. Please pray...
    He was. The nicest guy.
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  3. theycallmeadriana theycallmeadriana
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 1:20pm UTC
    OMG dude I have a amazing idea! Lets go to IKEA and hide in the cupboards and jump out when people walk past!
    OMG yeah and hide under the beds and grab peoples feet!
    And hide where the soft toys are and jump out.
    Yeah!! And start a food fight!
    And wheel eachother in the shopping trollies!
    And while we're doing it we should wear a coconut bra and those grass skirts and buy lipstick!
    No, just no. We are TEENAGE BOYS, dude.

  4. RawrGeorgiaxD RawrGeorgiaxD
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 1:11pm UTC
    when people make a point of listing everything they’ve eaten in the day like
    i’ve had a sandwich
    and a chocolate bar
    a couple of tictacs
    some chips
    omg i’m so fat
    and i’m just like b*tch please that’s breakfast

  5. Keepitsweet Keepitsweet
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 4:22pm UTC
    Today my moms getting surgery!
    any good luck wishes or anything?

  6. RandomSmileyFace RandomSmileyFace
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 3:41pm UTC
    Usually fads on Witty only last 1-2 weeks.
    HOW long has this One Direction fad lasted now?

  7. bubbles12 bubbles12
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 7:42pm UTC
    Girls who say "a lot of guys are
    after me" should keep in mind
    that low prices always attract
    many customers ;)

  8. Julia_Hession Julia_Hession
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 6:32pm UTC
    If i was a teacher,
    I would find out who was going out with who and be sure to pair them up.<3

  9. wHaLeSoNgS wHaLeSoNgS
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 2:59pm UTC
    Harry: Checkmate! I finally beat you at wizard chess!
    Ron: Period!
    Hermoine: I thought your catchphrase was 'bloody hell' ...
    Ron: Same thing!
    Hermoine: -_________-

  10. Talia630 Talia630
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 3:00pm UTC
    me: time to study !
    me: UM i did not learn this.
    me: I'll just fail.
    me: facebook notification!!!
    me: ahhh must focus
    me: da heck is this?
    me: the value of x is....
    me: GAHH i cant do it.
    me: oh someone texted me.
    me: im not going to be forever alone :D
    me: OMG. must. study.
    me: This stuff is eeeaaassyyy!
    me: lol no its not.
    me: screw this im going on witty.

  11. maslover maslover
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 3:52pm UTC
    me: I'm gonna do something productive today!
    me: I'm gonna clean my room
    me: And walk the dog
    me: And finish my homework
    me: And do the dishes
    me: And study
    me: And exercise
    me: And feed some homeless people
    me: And donate some blood
    witty: no.
    me: ok

  12. xoxiloveyouxoxx xoxiloveyouxoxx
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 5:21pm UTC
    Before you start reading, I just want to warn you, it is a lot of words. But I would appreciate it if you heard my thoughts on this and if you feel the way I do about the One Direction quotes. I just tried to include every agrument I could:
    I know I'm not exactly "witty famous," I don't care if not too many people read this or not, I just need to vent. I love Witty Profiles. I'm not going to deny it, but all these One Direction quotes are getting old. I read so many quotes a day about them and it's annoying. All "directioners" just say back to me "if you don't like it just keep scrolling." So you know what? I did that. I did it, until I realized I was at the bottom of the page, and the bottom of the page again and again (a little exaggeration, but most quotes on Top are 1D). There is too many One Direction quotes. I actually wouldn't even call them quotes.
    All directioners do it talk about CARROTS and how 1D is GAY WITH EACH OTHER, BUT CLAIM TO LIKE GIRLS. I don't research One Direction, but honestly that doesn't make any sense. I know the boys are a group, but saying that they are gay with each other or want to get married, but they still like girls literally makes no sense. So if someone would explain that to me, that would be great.
    People are constantly asking for there to be a category for the quotes and for a One Direction day and this is and that. Honestly, they're lucky they have made it this far. I DO NOT HATE ONE DIRECTION, I ACTUALLY LIKE SOME OF THEIR SONGS, but when I read comments on One Direction quotes, I see people actually commenting and saying, "I love One Direction, but this is getting old." I go to people's pages and they're background is of One Direction. Now I'm not going to say anything bad on that because a background is a background that can express how you feel about something.
    These quotes don't have any orginality either. They are facts about 1D or Liam and Niall's conversation of the day. No offense, but I don't think that many people care about their conversation. If people are familiar with the band, they've probably already read it on Twitter or something and if you don't have any interest in the band, you probably don't care about it.
    && What I hate the most is when people say "Only One Direction fans understand this quote" at the bottom of their quote about carrots are something. Like umm... okay. So you're going to post a quote that only half the site is going to understand and the way that is put is just rude. But that's what I personally think.
    If all you want to read One Direction quotes and share your love... http://www.webs.com/ Please, use this site, make a website, customize it and tell everyone on Witty who likes One Direction to go to it and then you can all put quotes there and share your love because honestly Witty Profiles isn't the place for it.
    I know that making this quote probably isn't going to help stop One Direction quotes, but I just want to get the word out. I want people to read this and see how many agree and disagree with me so I can actually see the amount of people who enjoy reading One Direction "quotes" on Top and who hate it as much as me. I'm not going to ask for faves though because that's my pet peeve. I will just hope people read this.
    If you read this you are welcomed to comment. Hate on me or don't. I don't care, I won't delete any comments. I just want to see how people actually feel about all these 1D "quotes."

  13. Allison13Xoxo Allison13Xoxo
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 3:41pm UTC
    .Gay marriage is legal in 6 states.Having sexx with a horse is legal in 23.Good going, America.

  14. xoxFanArt xoxFanArt
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2010 10:31pm UTC
    writing "boobs"
    in your calculator when your
    supposed to be doing math problems.

  15. Banana_apple Banana_apple
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 10:31pm UTC
    10 yrs old: Mum I love you.
    Naww I love you too sweetie.
    15 yrs old: Mum I love you.
    What do you want

  16. itskarlieeokay itskarlieeokay
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 10:23pm UTC
    Format by Sandrasaurus
    after you read such an inspiring witty quote
    about a boy and giirl
    you see...
    "if you don't repost this you
    will be lonely for the rest of
    your life"
    it's like, NO. you just
    ruined it...
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  17. Kenn_Doll Kenn_Doll
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 10:18pm UTC
    Today Is My Grandma's Birthday!
    Can I get 71 faves for my 71 year old grandma?
    follow for a follow? (:

  18. screamitsmegx3 screamitsmegx3
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 10:32pm UTC
    Would you ever date an ugly girl?
    I can't someone who doesn't exist. ♥

  19. SamanthurPanthur SamanthurPanthur
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 11:10pm UTC
    Fave if...
    You don't give a
    flying fadoodle about
    One Direction
    and think that people need to get off top quotes about them.
    Witty is for quotes; Go to a freaking
    fan page!
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  20. vanessavicious21 vanessavicious21
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 10:51pm UTC
    100 faves and I will attempt:
    The Cinnamon Challenge- eat one teaspoon of cinnamon.
    The Milk Challenge- drink 1 gallon of milk in 1 hour and hold it down for another hour.
    The Chubby Bunny- stuff your mouth with big marshmallows.
    The Bread Challenge: Eat 1 slice of bread in 45 seconds without drinking anything.
    The Marshmallow Challenge: eat 24 marshmallows in 5 minutes without drinking anything.
    The Saltine Challenge: eat 7 Saltine crackers in one minute without drinking anything.
    The Sprite & Banana Challenge: eat 2 bananas and chug a bottle of Sprite.
    The Salt & Ice Challenge: put salt on your hand and hold ice against it for as long as you can.
    The Hot Sauce Challenge: eat one spoonful of hot sauce.
    The Kool Aid Challenge: eat a package of Kool Aid without any water around you.
    The Vinegar Challenge: drink 2 teaspoons of vinegar.
    The Baby Food Challenge: eat baby food and rate it.


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