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Member Since: 7 Feb 2012 05:38pm

Last Seen: 26 Mar 2012 05:25am

user id: 271747

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Hi there.
If you wanna talk to me about something, email me:

But anyways, if you wanna know some personal stuff:

14 years old. 8th grade. Long brown hair and not-really-sure-what-color eyes.
Blue? Green? Gray? They change everyday. 
Take a look at my profile picture....
Like, seriously; what color is that?

Hunger Games trilogy, Matched+Crossed,
The Giver, Uglies series, or any dystopian books

I hate the color pink

Katy Perry. Kelly Clarkson. The Fray. The Script. Vanessa Carlton. Birdy. 

Life sucks, but I guess it could be worse. 

trying so hard to get good grades
parents fighting
hating my life sometimes
wishing I were dead
So yeah. If you wanna talk, go ahead. 

If I could have any super power?
It would be to take their problems and deal with them myself. That way, people won't be so upset and I would be the only unhappy one, which is fine by me. 
  1. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2012 12:54pm UTC
    I hate it when my friends do something I'm not invited to.
    I don't wanna be all jealous and stuff,
    because they have a right to hang out without me.
    Sometimes though, I wish they would just flat out tell me
    instead of making a whole lie about it.
    As if I'm not gonna find out.
    I need a friend who isn't gonna hang out with my other friends secretly.
    I mean I don't care if they hang out, whatever.
    I just care how they didn't tell me about it and lied to keep it secret.
    I'm fed up with the lying and secrets.
    I need an internet friend....

  2. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2012 7:38pm UTC
    There are few people in the world
    who would put you before themselves
    When you find that person, never let them go.

  3. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2012 7:23pm UTC
    I thought my friend wasn't going to be able to do something really special for my birthday next year because she has her bible camp.
    I told her about how I wish she didn't have to go to her camp. Then she told me, and I quote her text message, "Sorry, I love bible camp, I wish your birthday was the next saturday :("
    That felt like a punch in the stomach.
    I hate feeling this way. I don't hate her, I just got kinda offended.
    I dunno, is this stupid to be upset about?

  4. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2012 9:27pm UTC
    I hate wishing that you could undo something.
    Maybe study longer for that one test. Maybe not being friends with that one person. Maybe something bigger, like getting in drama and fights at school.
    I hate that feeling. Hate it with a feiry passion. Because that's the absolute worse feeling you can ever have; knowing you can't change the past. Knowing that no matter how hard you wish this had happened or that that hadn't happened, you can't change it.
    Theres no undo button. You're finished. It's over. Done.

  5. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2012 4:45pm UTC
    I feel so bad for my best friend and there is nothing I can do about it.
    If she is ever sad, she gets yelled at.
    If she cries, she gets yelled at.
    If she says, "no" she gets yelled at.
    If someone is mean to her, she gets yelled at.
    If she doesn't want to clean her house and scrub the floors because she has homework, she gets yelled at.
    If she wants to skip her church meetings to hang out with us, she gets yelled at.
    She isn't allowed to see me anymore. Friday's she has to go straight home to go to her church where she isn't allowed to talk.
    Saturday's and Sunday's she has her church confrences all day.
    She isn't allowed to listen to mainstream music, she isn't alliowed to watch new movies, all she does is sit around and watch old movies (Shakespeare; I know) and crouchet. Which is pretty entertaining, but she has no internet, no junk food, and she is always really sad.
    When she didn't want to do something, she got yelled at by her mom and blamed it on me, which I think is crazy.
    One time I went to dinner at their house and my friend said something that made her whole family laugh at her, so I said, "It's ok, I agree with you," and they all kinda stared at me, for defending her.
    I honestly don't know what I do wrong. I have good grades, I'm nice to everyone, I don't do drugs or drink or anything, I don't have a boyfriend, the only difference is that my mom gives me so much more freedom than her. I am always having her (my friend) over for dinner and we drop her off after school. We're so nice to her I can't believe her mom is doing this to us.
    I know she loves her mom and there is so much going on in their lives, but my friend is getting depressed from being yelled at and not being able to do anything. Her mom says she is snobby when she hangs out with me. My friend sent me a whole long text and she is crying now. I love my friend I can't just be like, "Ok, whatever bye," cuz she is my best friend and I can't just ditch her. I can't believe this is happening to her.
    Please witty; what do I do??
    I'm not asking for attention or faves. I just need advice.
    Please, anyone. How do I help her when I'm never allowed to see her again?

  6. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2012 12:27am UTC
    Last time, a couple weeks ago, when my sister stayed home sick, she asked me to get her homework from school for her.
    I said sure, you know, why not?
    So I had to talk to all my old teachers with those awkward, "oh, um, hi, I need my sister's homework... yeah I'm fine, how are you? ... yeah that's great thanks... oh yeah my new teachers are fine... so um I guess I'll be going... yeah ok bye."
    Then I brought home her homework and she starts yelling at me about how I shouldn't have gotten her English homework because it's going to take her too long and blah blah blah no one cares.
    Like, how the heck was I supposed to know this?
    Then yesterday she stayed home sick again I didn't get her homework (like how the heck was I supposed to remember when I have my whole own life)
    So she starts FREAKING out about how I didn't get her homework.
    If I do get it for her, she finds something wrong.
    If I don't get it for her, she gets all whiny and crying.
    So then today she's just blaming me for making her stay up late to do her homework,
    because she has yesterday's and today's.
    And now my best friend is probably mad at me too because I told her I wanted to stop texting because I was so angry and I didn't wanna say anything mean to her because of my sister. She just replied with a ":(" and I tried saying "Sorry, I'll explain everything tomorrow," but she never responded.
    Sometimes I wish that for once, for ONCE, I could do something right and someone didn't complain about how badly I did this or how much I suck at something.

  7. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 5:44pm UTC
    I think my brother is depressed.
    Not like "boo-hoo woe is me" depressed, but like seriously depressed.
    He doesn't give a shnitzel about school.
    He dropped out of his favorite sport which he was obsessed with since 7th grade.
    He's in highschool now.
    I think it's because of my parents fighting.
    I don't want him to be sad, but he spends his whole day on the internet, video games, and youtube. He should be doing homework, but this is all he does during the week.
    During the weekend, he's in the basement playing playstation and X-Box or whatever.
    I don't know if I should try and butt in, but he's ruining his whole life.
    My mom tells him that he's not going to be able to do anything in life.
    Then he says that shes always putting him down and that's why.
    She used to say that he needs to work harder.
    She gave up.
    He gave up.
    My dad still thinks he'll be able to make an amazing come-back.
    But honestly, if he keeps acting like this, it's gonna become true.
    He doesn't care.
    He doesn't want good grades.
    He just wants video games and computer games.
    His life is gonna suck when he's older; guarenteed.

  8. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 12:30am UTC
    you can't breathe

  9. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 12:16am UTC
    realizing that that one idiot forgot to do their part of the group project
    so you have to stay up 'till 2 a.m. finishing it
    and then they get a B for the part you did for them
    (cuz they had 2 weeks to do it)
    and you get an 100 on the part you did for yourself,
    and then they start yelling at you
    it's like, get a life.
    Sometimes I hate the people at my school.

  10. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2012 11:53am UTC
    "Someone out there has it worse off than you"
    Ok, but what if you're the one who has it worse off?
    What if you're the one with the suckiest life?
    A worse and suckier life than anyone else?
    Besides all the people who are dead, because, you know, they can't do anything.
    format by Codi

  11. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2012 11:43am UTC
    When someone is trying to explain a math problem
    or any other school related thing to me;
    They ask, "Do you get it?"
    I reply, "........no..."
    Then they explain it again.
    "Now do you get it?"
    "Oh, yeah." Nope. Not at all.
    format by Codi

  12. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2012 11:34am UTC
    What are you supposed to do
    when a friend invites you over
    and your mom tells them, "yes"
    but you'd rather stay home
    and not see anyone?
    format by Codi

  13. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2012 11:27am UTC
    Those people
    who won't stop talking
    about how you should check out their
    tumblr or whatever....

  14. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2012 11:19am UTC
    Format by Sa
    Format by Sandrasaurus
    When I was little I tried
    having a crush, but that was
    because I thought that all girls
    had to like boys. Whatever,
    I honestly could
    care less about boys.
    I've got the rest of my life to live!
    not my format
    Format by Sandras

  15. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2012 12:07am UTC
    When someone else
    is being sarcastic to you
    and you want to high five them. In the face. with a bunch of bricks.

  16. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2012 11:32pm UTC
    Happy birthday to me....
    I got amazing gifts, amazing family and friends, and yet I still feel so.... SAD.

  17. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2012 11:24pm UTC
    I hate those kids that
    Are super nice to you on your birthday when you bring in treats, but you've never talked to them before and they never talk to you again. It's like, wow, the things kids will do for a cupcake or a cookie.
    In my case, I baked a bunch of cookie's for my first period class really early this morning, and a bunch of annoying guys kept complimenting me and being like, "Wow, you're so good at art." or "Haha you're so funny!" So I just turned to them and said, "You're not getting a cookie." Then they kept begging me, like, come on. I don't even like you.

  18. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2012 6:23pm UTC
    Sometimes I wish I could tell my friends
    But if I did, I doubt they'd still want to be

  19. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2012 6:18pm UTC
    Does anyone else's parent's fight 24/7?

  20. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2012 4:58pm UTC
    So Today At School,
    None of my friends were there.
    I sat with other people at lunch--it wasn't the same though.
    I didn't partner up in Drama class. I sat there like a lonley chicken.
    I didn't talk to anyone about crazy things.
    I didn't laugh today.
    I didn't wait for anyone after the last bell rang.
    I didn't talk to anyone after we stood outside.
    I walked home alone.
    Sure I have other friends,
    but when my best friends aren't there
    I feel so...


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