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  1. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2012 4:52pm UTC
    Why do I suck at everything?

  2. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2012 4:45pm UTC
    I don't get it!
    I helped my younger sister with her homework last night. She stayed up past 11pm because she was getting braces during the day. So I told her I would do her Vocab hw, which is circling a letter, and it was pretty easy. And then today she was complaining about how I got 4 wrong on the homework I did for her because she was so tired. Like, seriously?
    Why should I even bother to help people
    when they're just going to be so rude
    and complain about everything?!

  3. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2012 11:41pm UTC
    Sometimes I wonder if even my friends like me.
    I guess I'm just a selfish person.
    Someone who wants all the attention for herself.

  4. Codi Codi
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2012 6:23pm UTC
    I came to this school not even halfway through the year. And I met a girl. Let's call her Bridget. I met another girl, let's call her Jackie. I liked Jackie. She was nice, funny, and we had play dates some times. Bridget also hung out with me.
    *flash back*
    "Don't hang out with Jackie," Bridget says.
    "Why?" I ask.
    "She's a mean person and she said this and this about you."
    Oh, really? "Oh, ok. Thanks for telling me Jackie. I don't want to be friends with a mean person."
    I don't talk to Jackie again until 6th grade. Yet I let Bridget talk to as many people as she wanted, have as many friends as she wanted, ignore me when she wanted to, and then there was me. The 1 friend loser.
    4th Grade:
    I start hanging out with another girl. Her name, let's pretend, is Allison. I felt bad for her because she was tormented about how she only had one ear. I didn't wanna be mean or anything, so I was nice to her and we hung out some times and took a couple swims at her house.
    One day, passing in the halls.
    *flash back*
    "Here. Sign this paper," Bridget says, thrusting a paper outward while balancing her books with her other hand.
    "Why?" The paper is folded over so I can't see it. Words are obviously written on it.
    "Just sign it! Hurry, you're going to make me late to class!" Bridget stands there impatietly after throwing me a pencil.
    "Um, ok.." I sign it then we both run off in different directions. We had thought we were so cool back then because we got to switch classes for math and didn't have to walk in a line!
    Later that week, I found out that Bridget had written an evil note written to Allison, saying how I didn't want to be her friend because she was annoying, and made up a whole bunch of FAKE LIES saying evil things that Allison had done to me. Sound familiar? At the end of a messy hand written note was my neat name.
    A teacher calls us in, believes me, and forgets the whole incident.
    But Bridget doesn't stop there. Next Bridget wrote an EMAIL from HER ACCOUNT, blamed me for it, and comforted Allison during reccess who was crying. I almost started crying too, because I didn't do anything wrong! I just want to be nice to everyone and be everyone's friends! Then Bridget said I hacked into her account and did wrote the email. I couldn't believe how stupid she was. But Allison had had enough of me. So just like before, I only had one friend.
    5th Grade:
    Bridget still hasn't been in my class since Kindergarten, as if God meant for us not to be friends. I start hanging out with a new girl, who luckily was in my class. Let's call her Skylar. Skylar and I become really close. Best friends, I could say. We became so close, and then Bridget made up LIES AND RUMORS about Skylar, who is basically my life now. Anyways,
    *flash back*
    "Don't hang out with Skylar."
    "Why? She's so nice and funny, and she has no other friends!"
    "She's mean and is telling the whole school this and that about you, and it's either ME, or HER. "
    Why should this even surprise me?
    --Later that day at recess--
    "Hey Skylar. I don't want to be friends with you anymore."
    "What? WHY?" I could sense the tears about to come, so I ran away with Bridget to the playground, and she had a smug grin on her face. Then Bridget leaves me to go play on the 1 swing available with one of her other friends.
    Me and Skylar don't talk 'till 6th grade.
    6th Grade:
    I start to sit with Jackie, my Kindergarten friend, Jessie, a friend she made after I left, and Skylar, my 5th grade friend. (Also 2 other girls used to be friends with them, and they liked to cause drama, so Jackie booted them out of the group)
    Bridget tries to tell me lies about my new friends, but I've had enough of the poo coming out of her mouth. I start talking less and less to Bridget. She starts talking less and less to me. It's like she didn't even care how good of friends we were. So I just don't talk to her. So it's me, Jackie, Jessie, and Skylar. For the past 3 years, we've been best friends. And I'm so glad I have them as friends rather than Bridget.
    I'm sorry, I had to get my life out, otherwise I don't know what I'd do. None of their names are real. (Well, the names are real, but those aren't their actual names) Sorry for such a long story. Had to get this off my chest.


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