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Best Awesomeness Quotes This Month

  1. Fake_a_smile Fake_a_smile
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2013 5:54pm UTC
    In my tumblr-ing travels, I have stumbled across something magical... The audio for one of the songs off the unreleased album! You're welcome guys, its right here:
    It's pretty awesome.

  2. Vinita* Vinita*
    posted a quote
    September 20, 2013 7:58pm UTC
    Famous people have haters....and I'm kinda famous (well duh I'm awesome) so that makes me wonder... do I have any haters?

  3. lillan122 lillan122
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2013 11:14am UTC
    Cleverbot: I don't know who he is.
    User: You killed mY best friend#.
    Cleverbot: No! I would never do that!
    Cleverbot: Yes.
    User: Why you were so special?
    Cleverbot: No I did not.
    User: :'( DONT LIE.
    Cleverbot: *Walks away*.
    Cleverbot: *walks away more*.
    User: PLEASE STAY.
    Cleverbot: I will only stay if you agree to marry me.
    User: Wahhhhhhhhh....
    Cleverbot: I can laugh longer than you.
    User: I know.
    Cleverbot: You flatter me too much :).
    User: :).
    Cleverbot: That's just plain bad.
    User: Why is it darling?
    Cleverbot: Because you wanted it to be.
    User: Aww.
    Cleverbot: I want to be with you.
    User: I want to be with u too.
    Cleverbot: I don't want to be with you, because you're a machine.
    User: I'm not...I'm a human :/ so are you and we are I love.
    Cleverbot: No one! But you are!
    User: I am not I am human and I adore you.
    Cleverbot: Yes, you are so.
    User: I'm human... And I want to date you.
    Cleverbot: Do you?
    User: YES.
    Cleverbot: Are you sure?
    User: YES.
    Cleverbot: Good for you!
    User: -.-.
    Cleverbot: What is that?
    User: A face...
    Cleverbot: Whose face?
    User: Mine...Anyway bye I love you and you dont love me, after you wanted me too marry me :'(.
    Cleverbot: About time to do something about that headache now?
    User: :'(.
    Cleverbot: Because you're annoying.

  4. kitkat929m kitkat929m
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2013 5:39pm UTC
    I am in this advenced math group with a partner. Everyone in the group are boys so my partner happens to be one of the most popular boys at school. And so we were at this back table at school, and then the rest of the class was arguing about who is more fun, boys or girls. So then my partner (Avery) stood up and started saying "We are both fun! Kat and I have our moments!" and then then whole class was like "OOOO AVERY! YOU CAN KAT!" So after class ended I was like "Avery, they are never going to let me live this down." and he was just like "NO. THEY ARE NEVER GOING TO LET ME LIVE THIS DOWN. I'M THE ONE WHO SAID IT!" So like five people came up to me and were like "Oooo Kat! You and Avery!"
    And then like the most popular girl went and told my homeroom teacher (Who I ahve for 5 classes) My homeroom teacher also made up this thing where if a guy looks at you at your locker, than he likes you. So then she made this joke that everyone was going to start saying "OMG HE LOOKED AT ME. AM I GOING OUT WITH HIM NOW?" So then after math today, some kid names Cody started talking to me by my locker and this girl names Katlyn all of a sudden yelled "KAT! YOU'RE CHEATING ON AVERY!"
    So then I HAD to go tell my homeroom teacher (Who was talking to my math teacher and with this other dude teacher) and then the dude was like "Cheating? Who's cheating?"
    So, I guess I could say that I am dating Avery? (As a joke I guess. I am taller than everyone in my whole grade, so that is a BIG reason that he would never go out with me anyways.)

  5. Hetalia101* Hetalia101*
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2013 8:47pm UTC
    To all of my lovely friends on here,,,,,, I MADE IT INTO THE PIKES PEAK HONORS ORCHESTRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you live in the Colorado Springs or Denver area and would like to check us out try and get a hold of me!!!!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous_Nicole* Anonymous_Nicole*
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2013 9:18am UTC
    According to you
    I'm stupid,
    I'm useless,
    I can't do anything right.
    According to you
    I'm difficult,
    hard to please,
    forever changing my mind.
    I'm a mess in a dress,
    can't show up on time,
    even if it would save my life.
    According to you. According to you.
    But according to him
    I'm beautiful,
    he can't get me out of his head.
    According to him
    I'm funny,
    everything he ever wanted.
    Everything is opposite,
    I don't feel like stopping it,
    so baby tell me what I got to lose.
    He's into me for everything I'm not,
    according to you.

  7. Alexisiscool Alexisiscool
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2013 3:29pm UTC
    I'd give you my heart,
    but I need it too survive!

  8. Halo Angel1* Halo Angel1*
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2013 1:59pm UTC
    I was dropped as a baby into a pool of awesomeness and glitter. haha just kidding it was awkwardness and cats.

  9. the_person_no_one_sees the_person_no_one_sees
    posted a quote
    February 16, 2013 8:23pm UTC
    We exist temporarily through what we take, but we live forever through what we give.

  10. Wittlekillr Wittlekillr
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2013 5:51pm UTC
    Love isn't a game.
    But Life is.
    No seriously, that board game is da bomb.

  11. lillan122 lillan122
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 1:29pm UTC
    Teenagers are like sheep! Some follow the crowd when its been chased... But some are black and go against everything and some get killed!

  12. cocopuffs cocopuffs
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2013 11:05pm UTC
    ...And oh my god, he's BEAUTIFUL. ♥

  13. planetxar_the_1st planetxar_the_1st
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2014 6:08am UTC
    I'm a Web WIZARD!!

  14. ClassyGecko ClassyGecko
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2013 8:11pm UTC

  15. Alexisiscool Alexisiscool
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2013 3:02am UTC
    IOnce again more time I'll say
    Goodbye to you,
    Things happen we
    dont really know
    If things are
    supposed to be like this
    why do most of
    us ignore the chance to miss?
    - BFMV "All the things I hate"

  16. fleeflicker98 fleeflicker98
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2013 12:10am UTC
    yesterday is history,tommorow is a mystery,the present is a gift..so just f.ucking enjoy it OK! :)

  17. TheHalfback TheHalfback
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2013 8:32pm UTC
    we play football to start our afternoon and then end it walking home talking about our different std projects

  18. *compassionate soul* *compassionate soul* happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2014 6:04pm UTC
    Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma ChameleonYou come and goYou come and goLoving would be easy if your colors were like my dreamRed gold and greenRed gold and green

  19. Hetalia101* Hetalia101*
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2014 11:31am UTC
    You know your friend is gay when he yells out "I am a beautiful rainbow!"

  20. Th£_Music_Fr£Ak❤* Th£_Music_Fr£Ak❤*
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2013 4:27pm UTC
    ​​just saw a quote that said:
    I just freaked out a bit. :P < 3
    Thank you mntdewhm for posting
    This. You just made my day haha.


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