Witty Profiles

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  1. pigglywiggly pigglywiggly
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2012 4:14pm UTC
    Doctor: Are you s.exually active
    Me: Does it look like anything would want to have s.ex with this

  2. nevercutyourbeautiful nevercutyourbeautiful
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2012 6:44pm UTC
    All that anyone should care about is my music, So if my arms are fat who gives a F***.
    -Demi Lovato.(and this is why i love her. Lmao.)

  3. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2012 9:32pm UTC
    hauntingly beautiful
    Chapter 27
    There was a light knocking on my door.
    I groaned, flipping a pillow over my head.
    The knocking became louder, as a soft voice called my name out.
    "Hayden, I'm coming in." Ruth said, pushing my bedroom door open.
    The lights turned on, as I squinted through my tired eyes.
    "What Ruth?" I asked, irritation clear in my voice.
    She frowned with hurt. "Hayden, I'm doing what I have to do for your own good."
    I turned my body away from her, as she sat on the edge of my bed.
    "I know I'm not your mother." I cringed at the mention.
    "But, I am your guardian." she finished.
    My small hands wrapped around the corner of my blanket tightly.
    I felt her warm hands running through my hair gently.
    I flinched at her touch, before she pulled away.
    "I've already signed you up for a private boarding school." she confessed.
    I jolted up from my bed, staring at her with wide eyes.
    How could she?
    We haven't even discussed it properly yet, and she was already signed me up to another school?
    "What?" I asked with disbelief.
    She put her hand on my shoulder, as I shook it off.
    "I did it for your own good." Ruth said sternly.
    "For my own good?" I cried. "You didn't even bother talking to me about it yet!"
    Ruth clenched her jaw. "I'm sorry, Hayden. But, I've already signed you up and paid for your tuition. They don't give back refunds."
    I swallowed the lump in my throat, as tears welled up in my eyes.
    Ruth's features softened, as she placed her hand on top of mine.
    "I know I'm not your mother in your eyes, but you're my daughter in mine." she soothed. "I love you, Hayden, and what loving mother would I be if I let your students bully you to such a bad point?"
    A single tear fell out of my eye.
    "Where is it? I croaked.
    "Where's what?" she asked.
    "The school."
    Ruth bit her lip nervously, as scractched the back of her neck.
    She stayed quiet, as my eyes became hard and angered.
    "Where is it?!" I repeated with aggravation.
    She sighed. "California."
    I felt myself stop breathing.
    California was all the way across the country!
    How could Ruth send me from Pennsylvania to California?
    "I know it's a long distance, but the school is great. It's ranked one of the best private boarding schools in the nation." Ruth quickly added.
    "What about Hunter?" I asked desperately.
    Ruth's mouth fell, as she stared at me with regret.
    "You have... you fell in love?" she asked softly.
    Did I?
    Did I fall in love with Hunter?
    I nodded. "Yes." I whispered.
    Ruth closed her eyes tightly, wrapped a arm around my shoulder.
    "I'm sorry, Hayden. If I knew, I wouldn't have signed you up."
    I breathed, muffling in her shoulder.
    "Please let me stay." I choked.
    Ruth hesitated, but shook her head.
    "I paid thousands. They have a fine policy of no returns."
    I stayed quiet, as tears rolled down my cheeks.
    Ruth got off my bed, as she proceeded to leave my room.
    "You're leaving tomorrow night." she said before closing my door.

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2012 11:26pm UTC
    hauntingly beautiful
    Chapter 26
    I began to panic as a firm hand clamped over my mouth.
    My first instinct was to kick, so I started to squirm under their tight grip.
    I tried to scream, but under the person's hand, it sounded like a bunch of muffles.
    Suddenly, I heard chuckling behind me.
    My body was loosened, as the person removed his hands from my body.
    I turned around, fists in the air, readying to punch.
    As soon as I saw Hunter, my fists dropped to my sides.
    I was confused, yet I growled with anger when he continued to laugh.
    "You think this was funny?! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I snapped, slapping his shoulder.
    Hunter bit his lower lip, trying to stop his endless laughter.
    "S-sorry, you're reaction was just priceless!" he grinned.
    I rolled my eyes, turning my back from him, as I started to walk.
    He caught up with me, placing his warm hand on my wrist.
    "Where are you going?" he held me.
    I pulled my arm away from him, crossing my them as I avoided eye contact with him.
    "You can't ignore me forever, Hayden." he sighed, yanking my arm forcefully as I stopped in my tracks.
    "Why did you even come after me?" I whispered.
    Hunter let out a bitter laugh. "Why wouldn't I?"
    I narrowed my eyes away from him, as I nervously played with the ends of my hair.
    "Because you know the truth now..." I trailed off.
    Hunter let out a groan, placing his hands at my waist.
    Immediately, I blushed as Hunter smirked.
    "That doesn't change me prespective of you." he pulled me closer.
    My cheek came in contact with his chest, as he held me with protection.
    "Is doesn't?" I asked.
    Hunter rested his chin on the top of my head.
    "Of course not, silly." he paused. "What your dad did to you and your brother wasn't your fault. You were the victim."
    I bit my lip. "Cameron was the victim, too."
    Hunter played with my hair, running his finger through it.
    He pulled my head back slowly, as he pressed his lips on my forehead.
    I closed my eyes at his gentle touch, as he wrapped his fingers through mine.
    "Let's get you home now, it's getting late." he muttered.
    We went back into his car, where he parked about a block away.
    He began to drive me back home, and it seemed as if I ran far away, because it took us a while.
    By the time Hunter dropped me back at home, Ruth was waiting for me in the kitchen.
    She seemed stressed, and her face was tight and serious.
    "Ruth, what's wrong?" I asked.
    Ruth sighed, shaking her head as messy loose strands of hair fell onto her barely aged face.
    "I got a call from your principal earlier today." she sighed. "Why didn't you tell me you were getting bullied at school?"
    I bit my tongue nervously. "It was no big deal, I didn't want you to worry."
    Ruth rubbed the back of her neck. "It was no big deal? The principal told me everyone found out about your father, and they're putting up nasty posters and pictures everywhere in the school!"
    I don't think Ruth's ever raised her voice at me before.
    I sulked back into the wall, obviously scared by her harsh tone.
    Her face softened. "Hayden, I can't send you back to that school."
    "I'm in the middle of my junior year!" I cried.
    Ruth shook her head. "It's not good parenting if I do."
    I clenched my fists by my sides. "You aren't even my real mom!" I spat, tears streaming down my face.
    I stromed up the stairs, slamming my door shut.
    No, I couldn't loose Hunter, right when I just got him.

  6. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    February 29, 2012 6:06pm UTC
    hauntingly beautiful
    Chapter 25
    Hayden's Point of View
    When I arrived at school the next morning, all eyes landed on me.
    I shuddered, obviously not liking all of the individual attention I was recieving.
    "Do you think it's true?" I heard a girl ask.
    "That's her!" one boy pointed.
    I swallowed, as I kept my head down.
    I approached my locker, twisting the lock combination until it clicked open.
    The next thing I knew, a hundred copies of papers came flying out of my locker, all landing in a messy pile around my feet.
    "Is it true that your dad is a psycho?" Maddi snarled from me behind, holding an article.
    My heart sank, as my eyes widened.
    My hands trembled, as I bent down to retrieve a copy.
    My eyes scanned over the familiar words, as tears welled up in my eyes.
    I glared at Maddi, as she smirked at me.
    "If you aren't going to answer, I'm going to assume these articles are true." she said in a sugar coated voice, eyes sparkling with a glint of evilness.
    I clenched my fists my my sides, unable to speak.
    How is it possible for a human to be so evil?
    "Hey, what's up with the crowd?" a voice suddenly asked.
    My head whipped over to the side, as Hunter entered the scene.
    He was smiling happily, but his grin dropped once he saw Maddi and I in the center.
    He frowned, as his eyes trailed down to the piles of papers on the floor.
    "What's going on?" he asked with confusion.
    Maddi strutted her way over to Hunter, as her hips moved from side to side.
    Her arms suddenly wrapped around his biceps, as she rested her head on his shoulder.
    "Read for yourself, babe." she said innocently.
    I watched as her manicured fingers waved the article in Hunter's face.
    Hunter looked hesitant, as he stared at me.
    I cursed under my breath once Hunter got a hold of the papers.
    His eyes ran over the paper.
    I sucked in a deep breath, unable to read his expression.
    Once he stared back up at me, his face paled.
    Hunter probably thought I was insane now.
    Insane, just like my father was.
    He probably wanted to stop hanging around me now, it would ruin his reputation... even more.
    "She's crazy, babe, I'm telling you." Maddi warned, staring at me like an unknown creature.
    I tore my gaze from Hunter, as I stared at the ground.
    My legs suddenly picked up, as I began to run.
    I pushed through the thick crowd, not caring if I hurt someone.
    I sprinted down the hallways, escaping the evil school.
    I ran and ran, until I was breathless.
    I finally came to a stop where I bent over, pressing my palms agaisnt my knee caps.
    My breathing was fast and heavy, as I saw my breath come out from my mouth.
    When my heart rate slowed down, I took the time to look at my surroundings.
    My hands shook as I realized that I was at the bad side of the town.
    There was garbage scattered across the street, and drug dealers walking around.
    I've heard stories about murders from this side of town.
    The people here did things worse than my father could ever do.
    There was once a story about a woman, who was held hostage for months.
    She was promised by her kidnapper that she would be released, but she never was.
    She was found dead, and completely burnt on the roof of a run down apartment building.
    There was also another story where-
    "Be quiet little girl. you're coming with us." someone suddenly hissed in my ears.

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  8. DomoWorld DomoWorld
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2012 12:24pm UTC
    F*ck It, I'm Just Gonna Say It.
    I might get haters, I don't care
    ______________________________________________________________ -
    What is up with witty? It's changed so much. This used to be a website where people would go and write awesome quotes. I'm not saying there still isn't any good quotes on witty. But all you see on top quotes are people saying sappy sh*t.
    For Example:
    My friend is going to commit suicide, fav this for her.
    My grandmother has cancer, fav this for her.
    Don't get me wrong, these people might be telling the truth, but to be honest, they also just want favs. Let me tell you right now, some guys on witty are only getting top quotes, favs, etc., because chicks think they're hot and nice guys. But some girls/guys out there want to get favs for their quotes, not their looks or their life/family/depression/etc. problems. If you look at top quotes it's always the same people. I fav people on the Newest categories and many other categories because I know how it FEELS not to get more then 20 favs. Maybe once or twice have I gotten more then 20 favs. But people shouldn't be famous on witty because they say they're gay/lesbian/In Deep Depression/ etc. So I don't give a f*ck if you comment on this quote saying for me to shut up or to get lost. I'm speaking my mind, so maybe you should f*ck off if you don't like what I have to say.

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. Meany23 Meany23
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2012 6:30pm UTC
    Gay.? Sir, I am straighter than the pole that your mother dances on.

  11. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2012 9:49pm UTC
    if you give a girl a marker,
    she will draw a heart.
    format by jimmy365

  12. Kalliefornia Kalliefornia
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2012 3:39pm UTC
    When you’re struggling with something,
    look at all the people around you and
    realize that every single person you see
    is struggling with something,
    and to them, it’s just as hard as what
    you’re going through.
    - Nicholas Sparks

  13. goodbye_my_haters goodbye_my_haters
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2012 4:19pm UTC
    Its been 4 days since the last time I cut.
    I'm actually proud.

  14. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2012 3:44pm UTC
    Friend: How far have you gone with a guy?
    Me: One time, we went to McDonald's, it was pretty far.

  15. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2012 7:32pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. emilxo emilxo
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2012 3:46pm UTC
    While you're busy looking for the
    perfect person,
    you'll probably miss the imperfect person who
    could make you perfectly happy.

  17. xoalicecullenxo xoalicecullenxo
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2012 1:51pm UTC
    I Only Have
    a few people that I actually consider to be my friends.
    t h e r e s t a r e j u s t p e o p l e I t a l k t o

  18. hayxhay hayxhay
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2012 4:34pm UTC
    god answers in 3 ways:
    1. He says yes and gives you what you want.
    2. He says no and gives you something better.
    3. He says wait and gives you the best.

  19. xxneonzebraxx xxneonzebraxx
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2012 4:25pm UTC
    Who else didn't know that ...
    Lady Gaga's real name was Stephani Joanne Angelina Germanotta

  20. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2012 3:14pm UTC
    My wallet is like an onion.
    when I open it, I cry.


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