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Member Since: 10 Aug 2011 01:40pm

Last Seen: 14 Apr 2013 11:42am

user id: 206115

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Please Favourite and Follow!! BEAST.
Hey there! My name's Jessica and I'm 14. I love singing, drawing, reading Manga, hanging out with my friends, my absolutely amazing boyfriend, and, of course, Witty!! I'm friendly, and I don't bite...well, sometimes. ;) I honestly think that every girl is beautiful, and they have to embrace it. Oh, and if you didn't already know, I'm obsessed with pandas! >.< That is all! xoxo

P.S. I made an account called "LipglossFormats" where you can use pretty formats that I found FOR FREE!! I can also take Page Graphic Requests. Hope you enjoy. :]

(c) Credit for the Page Graphic goes to LipglossDoll

  Check out my dancing Panda Poofle! :]

  1. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2011 7:51am UTC
    Did I mention I hate you;
    This is NOT a Justin Bieber story.
    ((Pt. 16))
    "Odelia's" P.O.V.
    I slammed my hands on the table.
    "It's true. You're an only child. You don't have a brother called Blake,
    or Nathan."
    I could feel tears plopping from my eyes.
    "How do you know?!?!"
    I felt like dying.
    "Well, your blood doesn't match anyone in the family,
    they're all O's and you're an AB."
    "My mom told me she was an AB."
    "She lied. Furthermore, everyone in your family is Brown-haired.
    It has been that way in the Carter family for 5 generations.
    Your hair is honey-blonde."
    "So? That's still not enough evidence."
    I was getting angry now.
    "Miss Louise, I assure you, we have hundreds more reasons.
    For example, your birth certificate says you were born by the name Odelia Louise."
    "Carry on....."
    "Your parents abandoned you and the Carters adopted
    you from an orphange."
    Sergeant Coleman remained calm.
    This couldn't be
    happening to me.

  2. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2011 7:44am UTC
    Did I mention I hate you;
    This is NOT a Justin Bieber story.
    ((Pt. 15))
    Jessica's P.O.V.
    I went home, and put my feet up.
    I couldn't stop smiling.
    Suddenly, the phone rang.
    "Hi. This is the police. Is Jessica Carter here?"
    I felt a tinge go up my spine.
    I stuttered weakly.
    "Please don't be scared. We won't do anything to you.
    We just need to tell you something."
    I put on a dress, and headed down to the Police
    I asked again.
    "Yes, this is Sergeant Coleman."
    A tall woman with hazel hair wrapped in a tight bun came out
    from the dim-lighted room.
    "Pleased to meet you."
    I shook her hand nervously.
    "Now, we want to discuss about your family."
    "Did they do something wrong?"
    Sergeant Coleman could obviously sense my nerves.
    "No. Nothing like that."
    I breathed a sigh of relief.
    "Then what's wrong?"
    "Jessica, you're adopted. Your real name is Odelia Louise."

  3. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 9:43am UTC
    Just this once,
    Hold me in your arms
    And let me pretend
    That you were actually mine.

  4. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2011 2:44pm UTC
    Did I mention I hate you;
    This is NOT a Justin Bieber story.
    ((Pt. 14))
    Jessica's P.O.V.
    It was Saturday, and I was at Justin's house.
    We were watching a movie.
    "You do know that the house is empty, right?"
    He smirked.
    He grabbed me, and kissed me.
    He put his hands on my waist, and pulled me closer.
    His lips were soft and gentle, and he slow and passionate.
    He smelled good, but after a few minutes I broke free.
    I hugged him.
    "I love you."
    He kissed me on the head.
    "I know. I love you too."
    We jumped back on the couch, and I fell asleep in his arms.
    Justin's phone was ringing
    I woke up.
    I yawned.
    "Here. I was taking a bath."
    Justin had his shirt off.
    He looked so sexy.
    He came up to me and kissed me.
    "Wanna start last night all over again?"
    I gave him a quick kiss.
    "Sorry, I gotta go home."
    I kissed him some more then broke free. again.
    "Bye Jess."

  5. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2011 1:41pm UTC
    Do you even KNOW what love is?
    All the heartbreaks, the drama, the backstabbing,
    the cheating, the hook-ups, the waiting, the crying,
    the fights, the heart-beating moments, those fake
    lovey-dovey texts at night, those happy dates,
    breaking up over Facebook, saying "I love you"
    when he never did, the fake "I miss you" calls,
    the dates we had planned together, watching the
    sunset together, passionate kissing, staying at
    each other's house watching movies, buying gifts
    for eachother on Valentine's day,long walks down
    the beach at exactly 10:00pm, hugging for ages,
    and that's
    Not even the half of it.♥

  6. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2011 11:29am UTC
    Did I mention I hate you;
    This is NOT a Justin Bieber story.
    ((Pt. 13))
    Jessica's P.O.V.
    "My god!!! Let's go!!"
    We ran outside, to find that the men were all surrounded
    by cops.
    I ran up to Justin and hugged him.
    "You always do what you want, don't you?"
    I smiled, and kissed him on his head.
    "I love you."
    I blushed.
    After everything had been sorted,
    me, Morgan, Justin, and Jayden went to the park.
    "Funny how thing work out, huh?"
    Morgan said.
    "Yeah. Guess it is."
    I replied.
    We all laughed.
    I spotted Morgan holding hands with Jayden.
    "Come here!!!"
    I laughed.
    "You never told me you were with Jayden!!!
    And after you told me to spill. Gosh."
    "It, ya know, just kinda happened, and he's sweet."
    I laughed.
    "Well, I guess both of them are."

  7. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2011 11:15am UTC
    Did I mention I hate you;
    This is NOT a Justin Bieber story.
    ((Pt. 12))
    Justin's P.O.V.
    The bell rang.
    I grabbed my things as fast as I could, and headed to
    the back of school.
    Sure enough, there was Jessica, with a gun right next to
    her head.
    "Here's the deal, we give her back if you give us some money."
    Jessica tilted her head up.
    Some guy cocked the gun.
    "I thought you were going to keep me?"
    "Shut up."
    He slapped her.
    "Get off her!!!!"
    I was about to punch the guy when Jayden walked into the scene.
    "I got the cops. I knew something was up, man.
    Tell me next time!!!"
    "Sorry, dude. Next time."
    He high-fived me.
    "Give me some money, or I kill the girl."
    I stood up.
    I kicked the guy in the face, and Jayden elbowed the guy with the gun.
    "Run, Jessica, run!!!"
    Jessica's P.O.V.
    I ran. I listened to Justin and ran.
    I ran all the way to the principle's office, that is.
    "Sir!! There's some trouble at the back of the school!!!"
    He bolted up.
    "Some drug dealers or something. They abducted me and
    my friend and ten other girls then
    tried to force us to do something illegal."
    The principal raised an eyebrow.
    "Drug trading. They have the girls."

  8. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2011 10:53am UTC
    Did I mention I hate you;
    This is NOT a Justin Bieber story.
    ((Pt. 11))
    Justin's P.O.V.
    Okay, I was officially worried now.
    She hadn't been to school for 3 days AND her family
    hadn't seen her.
    Neither was she at the hospital.
    I walked to school, searching for Jessica.
    Still missing.
    I walked up to my locker, and opened it.
    A note fell out.
    It read,
    "If you want to get Jessica, come to the back of the school
    What the hell?
    "Hey man, whatcha reading?"
    I jumped.
    "Jayden, you scared the living crap outta me!"
    "Sorry. What're you reading?"
    "Nothing. Let's go to class."
    I slipped the note into my back pocket......
    Jessica's P.O.V.
    I figured out where I was.
    We were at the back of the school, trapped
    in the storage room.
    Nobdy came here anymore, ever since the
    new gym hall's storage room was built.
    It had more room.
    Anyway, I did not wanna live in here for the rest of my life.

  9. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2011 2:32pm UTC
    I can honestly say,
    love almost kills me♥

  10. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2011 7:11am UTC
    What's the opposite of 2?
    A lonely me and a lonely you.

  11. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2011 6:39am UTC
    Did I mention I hate you;
    This is NOT a Justin Bieber story.
    ((Pt. 10))
    Jessica's P.O.V.
    "Hey girlie, wake up."
    I rubbed my eyes and remembered the party last night.
    "W-Where am I....?"
    "You're with a bunch of other pretty girls, and uh, I gotcha friend too."
    He pointed to Morgan.
    Luckily she was right beside me.
    A huge man entered the room.
    "Hello, ladies. This is called a drug trade."
    All of the girls looked around in confusion.
    The man carried on anyway.
    "There's 12 of you pretty ladies here.
    This is your objective. We will equip you with the drugs.
    You will then seduce the man trading you the money.
    BUT-shoot him while he's still wooed.
    Don't try to run away, my men will be looking at
    you from 10 metres away,
    One step and you're gone.
    The drug dealer might shoot you too.
    Do this mission right, we will serve you with
    good food and clothes.
    Get my men impressed and you'll be allowed to
    sleep warm and get even better food.
    Get ME impressed and you'll be allowed
    to go outside for one day.
    My men will be watching you, of course.
    The girls weakly cowered.
    I wasn't going to give up.
    Morgan had the same look on her face.
    Justin's P.O.V.
    After the party had finished,
    I went to look for Jessica.
    She was no where to be found.
    She probably went home, but she could have told me, oh well.
    Jessica had missed one day of school.
    I was getting worried now.
    "Dude, why don't you just go to her house?"
    I jumped.
    It was Jayden.
    "Man, don't scare me!"
    "Yeah, yeah, just go see her."
    I nodded.

  12. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2011 6:00am UTC
    Did I mention I hate you;
    This is NOT a Justin Bieber story.
    ((Pt. 9))
    Jessica's P.O.V.
    "Erm, let's see, we met at the hospital, and I slept with him-"
    I covered Morgan's mouth shut.
    "No, not that way. I fell asleep on his shoulder."
    "How many times did you guys kiss?!"
    She was really getting into this.
    "Twice...Well, three if it counts the cheek."
    "Wow, you're really low! The average couples would
    have kissed at least 5 times!!"
    I blushed.
    "Yeah, yeah."
    Morgan smirked.
    After our little "girl talk", Morgan went to the toilet.
    I was walking around, looking for Justin.
    "Have you seen Justin?"
    I asked, I think think his name was Aiden.
    "Yeah, he's there...."
    He pointed to a blonde figure.
    "Oh, thanks."
    I ran up to him.
    "Hey Justin."
    The person turned around, not really Justin at all.
    "Hey princess, sleep tight."
    He hit me with something hard.
    Then it went all black.

  13. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2011 5:39am UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2011 5:21am UTC
    Did I mention I hate you;
    This is NOT a Justin Bieber story.
    ((Pt. 7))
    Justin's P.O.V.
    I could see tears dripping down her face.
    I hugged her.
    "Hey, you'll be alright."
    She looked so adorable, even while crying.
    "Why're you here?"
    "My Grandmother died."
    "Sorry, you know, I shouldn't even be complaining-"
    I grabbed Jessica and kissed her.
    "Don't say that, you're everything anyone would want."
    She smiled.
    "Oh, well, I'd better get going. See you later, Justin."
    "See ya."
    She ran off in a different direction, and I went to find the doctor.
    For the second time while running, I bumped into someone else.
    I had finally found the doctor.
    "Uh, Mr, uh,"
    I leaned in closer to see his name on the card.
    "Mr. Benjamin White."
    "Oh, right, could you see my grandmother?"
    "Yes, of course, now would she be Mrs. Kingsley?"
    I led him to the room.
    "Son, why don't you leave the chat to us?"
    I nodded, and closed the door quietly.
    Jessica's P.O.V.
    Someone was coming.
    I turned around.
    "Hi Jessica."
    It was Justin. Again.
    "Why're you here?"
    I pointed to the room number.
    "Yours is 308, mine's 311."
    He gave a little up-nod.
    "Whatever happens, we'll be together."
    He kissed me on the cheek, and it went black.

  15. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2011 5:00am UTC
    Did I mention I hate you;
    ((Pt. 6))
    I arrived home to be greeted by Blake.
    Blake's my older brother, by 3 years, so he's 18.
    We barely ever see him at home, since's he's getting ready for college and all.
    "Who was that guy that took you home?!"
    I cringed.
    "Seriously?!?! I never thought you could get anyone."
    He broke into laughter.
    "Blake!! Stop being so annoying!!"
    "Yeah, yeah, whoo, that busted my ribs."
    I ran inside, up the stairs, and into my bedroom.
    I jumped onto the bed.
    What was this feeling?
    Angst? Excitement? Love?
    I don't know.
    I sighed, and went for a little nap before going to
    check on my little brother.
    Justin's P.O.V.
    I ran home, which was only a few blocks away from Jessica's house.
    To admit, this girl was really interesting.
    I slipped off my shoes, and ran into the dining room.
    "Yo! Mom! Why're you coverin-Why are you crying?"
    I rushed to her side.
    "Justin, the hospital called. Your grandmother died.
    I wasn't especially close to my Gran, but my Mom definetly was.
    "Sorry Mom. Let's go to the hospital."
    She gave a little nod.
    We rushed to the hospital.
    I told my Mom to stay with Grandma while I found a doctor.
    I rushed around the never-ending halls when I bumped into someone.
    I knew that voice.
    "Jessica, what're you doing here?"
    "Oh, well, my little brother's got Lung Cancer."
    Here's an extra long part for you guys! ^^

  16. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 1:03pm UTC
    Did I mention I hate you;
    ((Pt. 5))
    "So, erm, I was wondering if you'd like to go to Brittany Snow's
    birthday party with me. I've kinda got no friends."
    She chuckled nervously.
    "Sure, why not?"
    I smiled.
    I looked up.
    "Can I bring a, uh, friend?"
    "Sure, who is it?"
    "Justin Kingsley."
    "That new student? Are you with him or something?!"
    Morgan seemed a lot friendlier.
    "Yeah, yeah. Keep quiet."
    I laughed.
    "Well, let's go to class. We soo need to discuss the details later.
    It was the end of the day, finally.
    Justin was waiting for me.
    "What're you doing? You can go home."
    "Actually, I live near your house."
    He covered my mouth.
    "Looks like you're not the only loudmouth."
    "Shut up."
    I nudged him teasingly.
    "Fine, walk me home. Let's go. But you're carrying my bag!!"
    I threw it at him, and started running back home.
    Justin was catching up. Damn he's fast.
    "Come back!!!"
    I laughed.
    Maybe this wasn't so bad after all.

  17. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 12:54pm UTC
    Did I mention I hate you;
    ((Pt. 4))
    "Jessica, don't be mad at me. Please."
    He smiled.
    "So....does this mean, like, we're together, or something?"
    "Sure, whatever."
    I smiled a small smile.
    We walked back to class.
    This period we had to split up to go to different classes.
    "See ya."
    I waved lazily.
    He slammed the door in my face.
    Honestly, I didn't get guys.
    One minute they're all nice and the next they're all rude.
    As I was lost in thought, I crashed into a girl.
    "Sorry, I didn't see where I was going."
    "Oh, that's okay."
    We were both lying on the floor.
    The girl picked herself up.
    I did the same.
    "Morgan. Morgan Dellman."
    "Jessica. Jessica Courtney."
    We smiled at each other.
    "Well, see you later."
    I waved.
    As I walked to Physics, I noticed she was following me.
    "I think we're going to the same class."
    I nodded.
    I was trapped in this awkward situation.

  18. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 12:43pm UTC
    Did I mention I hate you;
    ((Pt. 3))
    "So, what's up?"
    "Leave me alone."
    "Shut up, then."
    He raised his eyebrow.
    "Shut up."
    I laughed, a little bit.
    He stood up on the bench.
    "Hallelujah!!! Jessica Courtney finally laughed!!"
    Everyone stared at him like he was crazy.
    "Justin Kingsley, sit down!!!!"
    Mrs. Rhodes screamed, you could clearly see
    smoke coming out of her ears.
    He sat down quietly.
    "Next time, don't be so obnoxious, but as it's
    your first time,I will try to forget it."
    She stormed out.
    Everyone started laughing and cheering and hip-hip-hooraying.
    "Right?! Am I right?!"
    He shouted.
    I dumped my trash in the bin and stormed out.
    He chased me.
    "Hey, Jess, what did I do wrong?"
    "Don't call me that, you friggin' jerk!"
    "What did I do wrong?"
    "You acted like a stupid idiot, why the hell did
    I even put up with you?!?!"
    "Look, I'm sorry."
    "Whatever. I'm tired of dealing with this."
    "I'm sorry."
    He grabbed me, and kissed me.
    His lips were soothing, not at all what I'd thought they'd be.
    I broke free.
    He stared at me.
    I stared at him.

  19. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 12:34pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  20. LipglossDoll LipglossDoll
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 12:29pm UTC
    Did I mention I hate you;
    ((Pt. 1))
    "Mom! I'm going now!"
    "Okay, take care!"
    I waved goodbye, and left.
    Today was my first day at Allin-Baker High.
    Jessica Courtney, 15.
    It wasn't gonna be new or anything.
    Same classmates, same teachers, same food.
    That reminded me.
    Classmates...there was something about a new person?
    This was going to be the same as every other day.
    Or so I thought.....
    I rushed into my new class.
    "I'm so sorry I'm late, my alarm clock was broken,
    and I had to have my breakfast, and-and I just grabbed
    some textbooks so I didn't know if they were-"
    "That's quite all right, Miss.....Courtney. You can sit."
    The spectacled teacher, Mrs. Rhodes, didn't seem to be too friendly.
    That's when I noticed the incredibly gorgeous guy
    standing next to her.
    "Everyone, this is Justin Kingsley."
    I stared at Grey-eyed beast.


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