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Did I mention I hate you;

((Pt. 1))

"Mom! I'm going now!"
"Okay, take care!"
I waved goodbye, and left.
Today was my first day at Allin-Baker High.
Jessica Courtney, 15.
It wasn't gonna be new or anything.
Same classmates, same teachers, same food.
That reminded me.
Classmates...there was something about a new person?
This was going to be the same as every other day.

Or so I thought.....

I rushed into my new class.
"I'm so sorry I'm late, my alarm clock was broken,
and I had to have my breakfast, and-and I just grabbed
some textbooks so I didn't know if they were-"
"That's quite all right, Miss.....Courtney. You can sit."
The spectacled teacher, Mrs. Rhodes, didn't seem to be too friendly.
That's when I noticed the incredibly gorgeous guy
standing next to her.
"Everyone, this is Justin Kingsley."
I stared at Grey-eyed beast.
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Did I mention I hate you; ((Pt. 1)) "Mom! I'm going

6 faves · Aug 26, 2011 12:29pm






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