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Did I mention I hate you;

This is NOT a Justin Bieber story.

((Pt. 12))

Justin's P.O.V.

The bell rang.
I grabbed my things as fast as I could, and headed to
the back of school.
Sure enough, there was Jessica, with a gun right next to
her head.
"Here's the deal, we give her back if you give us some money."
Jessica tilted her head up.
Some guy cocked the gun.
"I thought you were going to keep me?"
"Shut up."
He slapped her.
"Get off her!!!!"
I was about to punch the guy when Jayden walked into the scene.
"I got the cops. I knew something was up, man.
Tell me next time!!!"
"Sorry, dude. Next time."
He high-fived me.
 "Give me some money, or I kill the girl."
I stood up.
I kicked the guy in the face, and Jayden elbowed the guy with the gun.
"Run, Jessica, run!!!"

Jessica's P.O.V.
I ran. I listened to Justin and ran.
I ran all the way to the principle's office, that is.
"Sir!! There's some trouble at the back of the school!!!"
He bolted up.
"Some drug dealers or something. They abducted me and
my friend and ten other girls then
tried to force us to do something illegal."
The principal raised an eyebrow.
"Drug trading. They have the girls."

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Did I mention I hate you; This is NOT a Justin Bieber story.

1 faves · Aug 28, 2011 11:15am






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