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Did I mention I hate you;

This is NOT a Justin Bieber story.

((Pt. 10))

Jessica's P.O.V.

"Hey girlie, wake up."
I rubbed my eyes and remembered the party last night.
"W-Where am I....?"
"You're with a bunch of other pretty girls, and uh, I gotcha friend too."
He pointed to Morgan.
Luckily she was right beside me.
A huge man entered the room.
"Hello, ladies. This is called a drug trade."
All of the girls looked around in confusion.
The man carried on anyway.
"There's 12 of you pretty ladies here.
This is your objective. We will equip you with the drugs.
You will then seduce the man trading you the money.
BUT-shoot him while he's still wooed.
Don't try to run away, my men will be looking at
you from 10 metres away,
One step and you're gone.
The drug dealer might shoot you too.
Do this mission right, we will serve you with
good food and clothes.
Get my men impressed and you'll be allowed to
sleep warm and get even better food.
Get ME impressed and you'll be allowed
to go outside for one day.
My men will be watching you, of course.
The girls weakly cowered.
I wasn't going to give up.
Morgan had the same look on her face.

Justin's P.O.V.
After the party had finished,
I went to look for Jessica.
She was no where to be found.
She probably went home, but she could have told me, oh well.

Jessica had missed one day of school.
I was getting worried now.
"Dude, why don't you just go to her house?"
I jumped.
It was Jayden.
"Man, don't scare me!"
"Yeah, yeah, just go see her."
I nodded.

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Did I mention I hate you; This is NOT a Justin Bieber story.

3 faves · Aug 27, 2011 6:39am






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