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Did I mention I hate you;

This is NOT a Justin Bieber story.

((Pt. 11))

Justin's P.O.V.

Okay, I was officially worried now.
She hadn't been to school for 3 days AND her family
hadn't seen her.
Neither was she at the hospital.

I walked to school, searching for Jessica.
Still missing.
I walked up to my locker, and opened it.
A note fell out.
It read,
"If you want to get Jessica, come to the back of the school

What the hell?
"Hey man, whatcha reading?"
I jumped.
"Jayden, you scared the living crap outta me!"
"Sorry. What're you reading?"
"Nothing. Let's go to class."
I slipped the note into my back pocket......

Jessica's P.O.V.
I figured out where I was.
We were at the back of the school, trapped
in the storage room.
Nobdy came here anymore, ever since the
new gym hall's storage room was built.
It had more room.
Anyway, I did not wanna live in here for the rest of my life.

Next Quote >

Did I mention I hate you; This is NOT a Justin Bieber story.

0 faves · Aug 28, 2011 10:53am




