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Willgraysonwillgrayson Quotes

  1. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2013 7:03pm UTC
    “he’s become the one the songs are about.”
    -David Levithan

  2. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2013 8:29pm UTC
    “In the ensuing silence, I have time to comtemplate the word cute--how dismissive it is, how it's the equivalent of calling someone little, how it makes a person into a baby, how the word is a neon sign burning through the dark reading, ‘Feel Bad About Yourself.’”
    -John Green

  3. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2013 4:42pm UTC
    “Compromise is when you do what I tell you and I do what I want.”
    -John Green

  4. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2013 8:54pm UTC
    “Which is entirely true and entirely not. The stupid, all-encompassing truth.”
    -John Green

  5. .* .*
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2013 2:36pm UTC
    Some people have lives;
    some people have music.
    will grayson, will grayson.

  6. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2013 7:31pm UTC
    “You know how people are always saying your parents are always right? 'Follow your parents' advice; they know what's good for you.' And you know how no one ever listens to this advice, because even if it's true it's so annoying and condescending that it just makes you want to go, like, develop a mieth addiction and have unprotected siex with eighty-seven thousand anonymous partners? Well, I listen to my parents. They know what's good for me. I'll listen to anyone, frankly. Almost everyone knows better than I do.”
    -John Green

  7. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2013 8:09pm UTC
    “i can't imagine us saying these things to each other out loud. but i even if i can't imagine hearing these words, i can imagine living them. i don't even picture it. instead i'm in it. how i would feel with him here. that peace. it would be so happy, and it makes me sad because it only exists in words.”
    -David Levithan

  8. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2013 8:05pm UTC
    “and it would be so peaceful. completely peaceful. like the feeling of sleep, but being awake in it together.”
    -David Levithan

  9. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 6:27pm UTC
    “The part I enjoy most is not the doing, but the noticing. Noticing the way she smells like oversugared coffee, and the difference between her smile and her photographed smile, and the way she bites her lower lip, and the pale skin of her back. I just want the pleasure of noticing these things at a safe distance—I don't want to talk about it or do stuff about it.”
    -John Green

  10. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2013 6:29pm UTC
    “You like someone who can’t like you back because unrequited love can be survived in a way that once-requited love cannot.”
    -John Green

  11. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2013 7:44pm UTC
    “Why would you like someone who can’t like you back?”
    -John Green

  12. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2013 9:31pm UTC
    “Some people have lives; some people have music.”
    -John Green

  13. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2013 8:50pm UTC
    “i feel like my life is so scattered right now. like it's all these small pieces of paper and someone's turned on the fan. but talking to you makes me feel like the fan's been turned off for a little bit. like things could actually make sense. you completely unscatter me, and i appreciate that so much.”
    -David Levithan

  14. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2013 7:12pm UTC
    “'cause friendship should not be as easy as that. it's like people believe all you need to do is like the same bands in order to be soulmates. or books. omg... U like the outsiders 2...it's like we're the same person! no we're not. it's like we have the same english teacher. there's a difference.”
    -David Levithan

  15. *Caraphernelia* *Caraphernelia*
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2013 10:39am UTC
    Not that smart.
    Not that hot.
    Not that nice.
    Not that funny.
    That’s me: I’m not that.

  16. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2013 9:32pm UTC
    “i have no idea why anyone would want to become a teacher. i mean, you have to spend the day with a group of kids who either hate your guts or are kissing up to you to get a good grade. that has to get to you after a while, being surrounded by people who will never like you for any real reason. i'd feel bad for them if they weren't such sadists and losers. with the sadists, it's all about the power and the control. they teach so they can have an official reason to dominate other people. and the losers make up pretty much all the other teachers, from the ones who are too incompetent to do anything else to the ones who want to be their students' best friends because they never had friends when they were in high school. and there are the ones who honestly think we're going to remember a thing they say to us after final exams are over. right.”
    -David Levithan

  17. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2013 6:34pm UTC
    “i am constantly torn between killing myself and killing everyone around me.”
    -David Levithan

  18. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2013 6:49pm UTC
    “Caring doesn’t sometimes lead to misery. It always does.”
    -John Green

  19. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2013 6:55pm UTC
    “So I shut up, and I don’t care, and I keep walking, and soon it’s over. ”
    -John Green

  20. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2013 8:13pm UTC
    “I know love is real because I feel it.”
    -John Green


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