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Best Thelonelies Quotes Ever

  1. tantalizingtori tantalizingtori
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2013 7:59pm UTC
    The Lonelies
    chapter 3
    Being lonely wasn't a good feeling. In fact, it felt like nothing at all. You see, when you're lonely you're missing something. Most of the time that something is a person. When you don't have this something it leaves you empty. It's like you haven't eaten anything for months but you're not even hungry. I have this feeling all the time and no matter how many times I'd been left I still have this small sliver of hope that haunts me. It was like falling into a pitch black hole and being okay with it. Not because everything would finally be over, because that small sliver of hope made me feel like at the end I'll find that something that would make the pitch black hole full of color.
    Occasionally I'd find myself laughing and smiling and I'd get this foolish thought. "Maybe I'm not lonely anymore." but then after the laughter ended and there were no more smiles it'd come creeping back and lay there waiting. Waiting for me to self destruct and leave myself emptier than I was before. I couldn't though, I was always searching for that something that would creep inside me and fill every hole with out me knowing. Then one day I'd laugh and I'd smile and there wouldn't be that lonely after feeling and I'd feel whole.
    1.in an unbroken or undamaged state; in one piece.
    1.a thing that is complete in itself.
    I was not whole. I was not complete. I was shattered in many pieces. I had cracks. I was broken and damaged and in many more than one piece. Being whole was a craving; a desire. We're all searching, I think. Searching for that someone or something that takes all our broken and damaged pieces and slowly and carefully helps you put them back together without caring if it's perfect. To be whole. How wonderful would it be to feel whole.

  2. tantalizingtori tantalizingtori
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2013 6:42pm UTC
    The Lonelies
    chapter 2
    "Your room smells like freshly brewed coffee." Seth wrote, his messy handwriting filling the small page.
    "I know, isn't it wonderful." Freshly brewed coffee was a heavenly scent. It was soothing and wonderful. It reminded me of sleepless summer nights. Staying up with warm coffee in my hands as the sun rose adding little warmth to the chilly Washington mornings.
    Seth sat on my bed, messing up the sheets that were once perfectly laid across my bed. 'So messy' I thought while I searched through my rack of movies. I placed Sleeping Beauty in the vcr and flattened the sheets next to Seth and laid down, not watching but listening to the sounds of the movie. I don't think Seth ever really watched the movie but instead made one of his own movies in his head. Seth was a thinker. A quiet one who never seemed to share his thoughts, but he was a thinker. Every once in a while he'd wake me from my regular nap to make me read some idea or theory that had popped into his head and I'd say a few words of what I thought and he'd go back to thinking and I go back to sleeping.
    Another routine, another thing in our life that Seth would say was "normal". Normal wasn't a word I liked. Though, the way Seth had put it "normal" was comforting. Our lives were hectic and loud. Unlike our voices but very much like our thoughts.
    Seth laid down next to me and I could tell he'd thought too much. He did that a lot. It tired him out and no matter how many times I tell him he shouldn't overthink he can't help himself. Another con added to always listening to others and never saying anything. You keep all of what you want to say and think to yourself letting it consume your brain tiring you out mentally and physically.
    Life was a game. The only way to win was to not play. We're cheated out of that option, though. So we're stuck in a game with no rules and no directions expecting us to figure out all the kinks and quirks; we always end up losing not matter what we find or who we meet or how far we get into the game. Once you enter, the only way to leave is to lose.


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